795 research outputs found

    Rationality and Subjective Bond Risk Premia

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    This paper documents large micro-heterogeneity and forecasting skill in the cross-section of survey based bond risk premia. We reject informationally constrained rational expectations but show a learning model distorted by sentiment is consistent with the data. Aggregating, we propose a belief measure for the marginal agent that is consistent with Friedman's market selection hypothesis. This measure is available in real-time and compares favourably to popular statistical models. Moreover, forecast errors from this measure, while predictable, are not easily corrected in real-time. Finally, we re-assess structural models and and support for both sentiment and time-varying quantity of risk channels

    Educating social workers without boundaries through the Intercultural Social Intervention Model (ISIM)

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    Some innovative and replicable aspects about the main contents of one educational program for social workers in Spanish are presented. The program is based on the critical analysis of implicit models and the development of intercultural competences. Our Intercultural Social Intervention Model (ISIM) is the central axis (theoretical and practical) of the educational program, which is used and inspired by other practice theoretical models and perspectives from the south and the north: concientización or consciousness raising model, anti-oppressive model, empowerment and advocacy model, and the transformative mediation model; though adapted to multicultural realities with more complexity and diversity than those in which the mentioned models developed. It is an international postgraduate program which is open to final-year bachelor students of social work. The program combines remote instruction (off-line and online activities) and on-campus activities (face-to-face online classes and workshops, practices in the field, collaborative groups, etc.)

    Gobernanza de la sustentabilidad: upgrading económico, social y ambiental en la cadena de valor del biodiésel argentino

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    Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas. Mención en Ciencias Empresariales)Este trabajo de investigación corresponde a la tesis requerida para aspirar al grado de Doctor en Ciencias Económicas con Orientación en Administración, Mención en Ciencias Empresariales, de la Escuela de Graduados de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. El título elegido, “Gobernanza de la sustentabilidad: upgrading económico, social y ambiental en la cadena de valor del biodiésel argentino”, da cuenta del objeto de estudio del trabajo, que es la relación existente entre un mecanismo de regulación (gobernanza) y sus efectos (upgrading), en el ámbito general de la sustentabilidad y en el caso específico del biodiésel producido en Argentina. En este capítulo comienzo presentando el problema que motiva la investigación; posteriormente, elaboro las preguntas de investigación específicas; a continuación, detallo los objetivos y proposiciones, y finalmente, destaco la relevancia de la investigación.Fil: Buraschi, Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    The Price of a Smile: Hedging and Spanning in Option Markets

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    Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation in Argentina.

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    The purpose of this paper is, on the one hand, to disclose the legislative actions that Argentine Government its different jurisdictions has undertaken about Corporate Social Responsibility in; and, on the other hand, to set the authors\' point of view as regards its future development. Considering the fact that there is no a comprehensive national legislation about this subject, some local laws and initiatives are taken as example. One of them is Act No. 2594 by Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, which demands companies to publish entrepreneurial social reports. Another source is national Act No. 25877 and its modification proposals, which deals with Working Regime Order in relation to Social Report publications. Besides, another regulatory project about the topic from Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche is taken into account.Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Report, Stakeholders, Argentina


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    Opinion crimes are receptive manifestations of critical thought, which consist in merely communicative actions and offend feelings or collective and high-level moral values. The nature of these crimes causes several problems of compatibility with the Constitution and in particularly with article 21, which recognizes to everyone the fundamental freedom of thought. In the same time, opinion crimes violate the main principles of criminal law: because of the abstractness of the values that they hurt, these crimes are not really offensive and their provisions risk to be indefinite; moreover, the mere manifestation of thought is often punished with very strict sanctions, which create a big disproportion between offence and penalty. Focusing on propaganda, apology and instigation, which are a subgroup of opinion crimes, and studying the controversial theme of negationism in a comparative law prospective, this thesis questions itself about the opportunity of conserving this kind of offences in our legal system and tries to find that narrow border line that divides freedom of thought from criminal liability. By the way, our analysis will try to distinguish between words that consist in simple verbal articulations communicative of an idea and words that have an additional factual essence, which can influence someone’s will and can product concrete effects in the surrounding world. After some reflections about the social, political and ethical implications of these offences, our research comes to the conclusion by which the abrogation of opinion crimes is the only way to follow to guarantee the complete respect of the fundamental principles that permeate constitutional and criminal law. On the contrary, the persistence of these provisions in our legal system would prohibit the interchange of opinions, which is the real essence of democracy, and would impose a dominant idea, putting down all the others. The only exception is made for instigation, which is not a real opinion crime because of its peculiar nature. In fact, this specific offence marks the transformation of words in actions and represents a good compromise between the need to guarantee freedom of thought and the necessity to protect other fundamental rights

    Biofuels and economic policy in Argentina

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    Este trabajo tiene como propósito analizar la postura que ha asumido Argentina en relación con los biocombustibles, y en particular con el biodiésel. La metodología utilizada es la revisión cronológica de la política fiscal, exterior, energética y comercial reciente desde la perspectiva de las relaciones internacionales con respecto a dicha industria. El objetivo es animar a la reflexión sobre la conveniencia de planificar adecuadamente la matriz energética que se desea para el país y coordinar las diferentes políticas estatales de manera coherente. This work aims to analyze the position that Argentina has taken regarding biofuels, particularly biodiesel. The methodology used is the chronological review of recent tax, exterior, energy and trade policy from the perspective of international relations regarding biodiesel industry. The aim is to encourage reflection on the convenience of properly plan the optimal energy mix for the country and coordinate the various state policies consistently

    The biology of decorin in the tumor microenvironment

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    Decorin is a ubiquitous secreted small-leucine rich proteoglycan associated with all major collagen-rich matrices. Initially described for its roles in maintaining the structural integrity of various organs and in collagen fibrillogenesis, decorin has gained notoriety for its involvement in regulating physiological and pathological processes such as wound healing, inflammation, cell adhesion, and carcinogenesis. Decorin exerts these functions through its ability to bind with high affinity to multiple receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). In cancer, decorin has been described as a paracrine tumor repressor and anti-angiogenic molecule. However, a detailed description of its mechanism of action in the tumor microenvironment was unknown. Understanding the role of the tumor stroma in modulating the signaling of cancer cells, tumor angiogenesis, and metastatic spreading is critical and of clinical relevance. This thesis unscrambles the biology of decorin in the tumor microenvironment and describes a new double mechanism of action where decorin alters signaling cascades of both cancer cells and surrounding stromal cells via selective binding to different RTKs, ultimately elucidating its tumor suppressor activity. The key observations of my studies are: [1] the discovery that physical interaction of decorin with the Met receptor on cancer cells causes a protracted downregulation of β-catenin and its downstream effector Myc both at the transcriptional and post-translational levels (chapter 3); [2] the discovery that systemic delivery of soluble decorin in-vivo causes genotypic changes in the stroma of orthotopic breast carcinoma xenografts and the identification of Peg3 as a novel decorin-induced tumor suppressor in the tumor microenvironment (chapter 5); [3] the observation that decorin evokes autophagy in endothelial cells via binding to VEGFR2 and induction of Peg3 (chapter 6). Thus, here I define how decorin dually affects the tumor proper by suppressing Met activity and the tumor vasculature by inducing unrestrained autophagy. Decorin could tie the interplay between extracellular signaling and intracellular catabolic pathways that leads to angiostasis and tumor growth suppression and could be an innovative therapeutic alternative against cancer

    ¿Cómo percibe la sociedad tinerfeña la inmigración?

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    Las percepciones sociales de la inmigración y las actitudes que la sociedad tinerfeña tiene de las personas inmigrantes son aspectos esenciales de las dinámicas de convivencia intercultural. El Observatorio de la Inmigración de Tenerife ha desarrollo una investigación que evidencia que, en términos generales, la sociedad tinerfeña tiene una percepción positiva de la inmigración, aunque existe una percepción generalizada de agravio comparativo, basada en la idea de que las personas migrantes reciben un trato de favor por parte de las instituciones públicas

    How does Tenerife society perceive immigration?

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    The social perceptions of immigration and the attitudes that Tenerife society has towards immigrants are essential aspects of the dynamics of intercultural coexistence. The Tenerife Immigration Observatory has conducted research that has shows that in general terms the society in Tenerife has a positive perception of immigration, although there is a generalized perception of comparative grievance, based on the idea that migrants are treated more favourably by public institutions