33 research outputs found

    Quantifying fat replacement of muscle by quantitative MRI in muscular dystrophy

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    Imaging- and therapeutic targets in neoplastic and musculoskeletal inflammatory diseas

    Preserved thenar muscles in non-ambulant Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients

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    Background Clinical trials in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) focus primarily on ambulant patients. Results cannot be extrapolated to later disease stages due to a decline in targeted muscle tissue. In non-ambulant DMD patients, hand function is relatively preserved and crucial for daily-life activities. We used quantitative MRI (qMRI) to establish whether the thenar muscles could be valuable to monitor treatment effects in non-ambulant DMD patients.Methods Seventeen non-ambulant DMD patients (range 10.2-24.1 years) and 13 healthy controls (range 9.5-25.4 years) underwent qMRI of the right hand at 3 T at baseline. Thenar fat fraction (FF), total volume (TV), and contractile volume (CV) were determined using 4-point Dixon, and T2(water) was determined using multiecho spin-echo. Clinical assessments at baseline (n = 17) and 12 months (n = 13) included pinch strength (kg), performance of the upper limb (PUL) 2.0, DMD upper limb patient reported outcome measure (PROM), and playing a video game for 10 min using a game controller. Group differences and correlations were assessed with non-parametric tests.Results Total volume was lower in patients compared with healthy controls (6.9 cm(3), 5.3-9.0 cm(3) vs. 13.0 cm(3), 7.6-15.8 cm(3), P = 0.010). CV was also lower in patients (6.3 cm(3), 4.6-8.3 cm(3) vs. 11.9 cm(3), 6.9-14.6 cm(3), P = 0.010). FF was slightly elevated (9.7%, 7.3-11.4% vs. 7.7%, 6.6-8.4%, P = 0.043), while T2(water) was higher (31.5 ms, 30.0-32.6 ms vs. 28.1 ms, 27.8-29.4 ms, P < 0.001). Pinch strength and PUL decreased over 12 months (2.857 kg, 2.137-4.010 to 2.243 kg, 1.930-3.339 kg, and 29 points, 20-36 to 23 points, 17-30, both P < 0.001), while PROM did not (49 points, 36-57 to 44 points, 30-54, P = 0.041). All patients were able to play for 10 min at baseline or follow-up, but some did not comply with the study procedures regarding this endpoint. Pinch strength correlated with TV and CV in patients (rho = 0.72 and rho = 0.68) and controls (both rho = 0.89). PUL correlated with TV, CV, and T2(water) (rho = 0.57, rho = 0.51, and rho = -0.59).Conclusions Low thenar FF, increased T2(water), correlation of muscle size with strength and function, and the decrease in strength and function over 1 year indicate that the thenar muscles are a valuable and quantifiable target for therapy in later stages of DMD. Further studies are needed to relate these data to the loss of a clinically meaningful milestone.Neuro Imaging Researc

    The effect of mirabegron on energy expenditure and brown adipose tissue in healthy lean South Asian and Europid men

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    Aim: To compare the effects of cold exposure and the 尾3-adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron on plasma lipids, energy expenditure and brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity in South Asians versus Europids. Materials and Methods: Ten lean Dutch South Asian (aged 18-30 years; body mass index [BMI] 18-25 kg/m2 ) and 10 age- and BMI-matched Europid men participated in a randomized, double-blinded, cross-over study consisting of three interventions: short-term (~ 2 hours) cold exposure, mirabegron (200 mg one dose p.o.) and placebo. Before and after each intervention, we performed lipidomic analysis in serum, assessed resting energy expenditure (REE) and skin temperature, and measured BAT fat fraction by magnetic resonance imaging. Results: In both ethnicities, cold exposure increased the levels of several serum lipid species, whereas mirabegron only increased free fatty acids. Cold exposure increased lipid oxidation in both ethnicities, while mirabegron increased lipid oxidation in Europids only. Cold exposure and mirabegron enhanced supraclavicular skin temperature in both ethnicities. Cold exposure decreased BAT fat fraction in both ethnicities. After the combination of data from both ethnicities, mirabegron decreased BAT fat fraction compared with placebo. Conclusions: In South Asians and Europids, cold exposure and mirabegron induced beneficial metabolic effects. When combining both ethnicities, cold exposure and mirabegron increased REE and lipid oxidation, coinciding with a higher supraclavicular skin temperature and lower BAT fat fraction.Diabetes Research Foundation Fellowship 2015.81.1808Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative: 'the Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences' CVON2014-02 ENERGISE CVON2017-20 GENIUS-IIEuropean Union (EU) 602485European Research Council (NOMA-MRI) PCNR is an Established Investigator of the Netherlands Heart Foundation 2009T03

    Riparian and adler forests as the foundation of rare and endangered macromycetes

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    W artykule scharakteryzowano 11 wybranych gatunk贸w macromycetes rzadkich i zagro偶onych w Polsce, zanotowanych podczas bada艅 mikocenologicznych przeprowadzonych na terenie Pojezierza Kraje艅skiego. Podano uwagi dotycz膮ce ekologii, rozmieszczenia, stopnia rzadko艣ci i zagro偶enia w Polsce nast臋puj膮cych gatunk贸w: Acrospermum compressum Tode: Fr., Bisporella confluens (Sacc.) Korf & Bujakiewicz, Camarops polysperma (Mont.) J. H. Miller, Cordyceps bifusispora O. E. Erikss., Entoloma dysthaloides Noordel., Entoloma jahnii W枚lfel & Winterh., Inocybe calospora Qu茅l., Mycena pterigena (Fr.) Kummer, Rimbachia arachnoidea (Peck) Redhead, Russula alnetorum Romagn. i Tremella hypogymniae Diederich & M. S. Christ.In the article there are characterized chosen 11 species of macromycetes that are rare and endangered in Poland and were catalogued during the mikocenologic research held on Pojezierze Kraje艅skie. The observations were made regarding ecology, situating and level of being rare and endangered in Poland of the following species: Acrospermum compressum Tode: Fr., Bisporella confluens (Sacc.) Korf & Bujakiewicz, Camarops polysperma (Mont.) J. H. Miller, Cordyceps bifusispora O. E. Erikss., Entoloma dysthaloides Noordel., Entoloma jahnii W枚lfel & Winterh., Inocybe calospora Qu茅l., Mycena pterigena (Fr.) Kummer, Rimbachia arachnoidea (Peck) Redhead, Russula alnetorum Romagn. i Tremella hypogymniae Diederich & M. S. Christ

    Studies of oxidized carbonaceous adsorbents by IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetry

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    Carbonaceous adsorbents (active carbons and carbon blacks) were oxidized in aqueous solutions of hydrogen peroxide, perchloric acid and nitric acid at room temperature and additionally at boiling temperature in the case of nitric acid. Changes occurring on the carbon surface during oxidation were monitored by IR spectroscopy and high-resolution thermogravimetry. Various oxygen groups (carboxylic, phenolic, carbonyl, ether) of differentiated thermal stability were found to form on the carbon surface.This effect was most distinct on active carbons and carbon blacks oxidized with HNO3 at boiling temperature. Carbons oxidized under these conditions were more hydrophilic than those of corresponding unoxidized samples

    Synthesis and characterization of ordered mesoporous materials MCM-41 with vinyl groups

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    Zsyntezowano seri臋 uporz膮dkowanych mezoporowatych materia艂贸w krzemionkowych MCM-41 ze wzrastaj膮c膮 ilo艣ci膮 grup winylowych. W procesie syntezy z obr贸bk膮 hydrotermiczn膮 stosowano trietoksywinylosilan (TEVSi) w ilo艣ci 0, 10, 20, 30 i 50% w stosunku do tetraetoksysilanu (TEOS) wykorzystanego jako 藕r贸d艂o krzemionki oraz w obecno艣ci bromku cetylotrimetyloamoniowego (surfaktantu), kt贸rego cz膮steczki stanowi艂y matryc臋 dla tworz膮cego si臋 materia艂u krzemionkowego. Substancj臋 powierzchniowo czynn膮 (surfaktant) usuwano z wn臋trza por贸w materia艂贸w z grupami winylowymi za pomoc膮 ekstrakcji alkoholowej z dodatkiem kwasu solnego, natomiast w przypadku materia艂u bez tych grup zastosowano wysokotemperaturow膮 kalcynacj臋. Przestrzenne, heksagonalne uporz膮dkowanie mezopor贸w w pr贸bkach charakteryzowano za pomoc膮 dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego (XRD). Natomiast struktur臋 porowat膮 tych materia艂贸w charakteryzowano na podstawie niskotemperaturowej (77 K) adsorpcji azotu, kt贸r膮 wykorzystano do wyznaczania powierzchni w艂a艣ciwej, obj臋to艣ci mezopor贸w i funkcji rozk艂adu obj臋to艣ci por贸w. Stwierdzono, 偶e pr贸bka MCM-41 bez grup winylowych, jak i pr贸bki MCM-41 z grupami winylowymi s膮 dobrze uporz膮dkowanymi mezoporowatymi materia艂ami ze znacz膮cym udzia艂em pierwotnych mezopor贸w. Ponadto stwierdzono, 偶e wraz ze wzrastaj膮cym udzia艂em ilo艣ci u偶ytego w syntezie TEVSi (10, 20, 30, 50%) pogarszaj膮 si臋 nieco w艂a艣ciwo艣ci adsorpcyjne materia艂贸w z grupami winylowymi. Staj膮 si臋 one nieco gorzej uporz膮dkowane, a ich funkcje rozk艂adu obj臋to艣ci por贸w maj膮 wi臋ksz膮 dyspersj臋 oraz ich maksima przesuwaj膮 si臋 w kierunku mniejszych warto艣ci wymiaru por贸w. Uporz膮dkowane materia艂y krzemionkowe z rodziny MCM-41 z grupami winylowymi s膮 bardzo obiecuj膮cymi materia艂ami do wykorzystania w adsorpcji i katalizie.A series of ordered mesoporous materials MCM-41 was synthesized with increasing amount of vinyl groups. 10, 20, 30 and 50% of triethoxyvinylsilane (TEVSi) in relation to tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) was used in this synthesis in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide surfactant. The latter was removed from as-synthesized materials by acidic alcohol extraction. In the case of MCM-41 material without vinyl groups the aforementioned surfactant was removed by calcination. It is shown by powder X-ray diffraction that the resulting materials with vinyl groups possess ordered mesoporosity as in MCM-41. The porous structure of these materials was characterized by nitrogen adsorption at 77 K, which was used to evaluate their surface areas, mesopore volumes and pore size distributions. Adsorption analysis shows that the samples with and without vinyl groups are structurally ordered with a high fraction of primary mesopores. Their adsorption properties gradually decline with increasing amount of TEVSi (10, 20, 30 and 50%) used in the synthesis. This is reflected by deterioration of the structural ordering as well as by reduction of the pore width and increasing dispersion of the pore size distribution. Ordered MCM-41 silicas with vinyl groups are promising materials for adsorption and catalysis applications

    Physicochemical properties of unmodified and modified nanoporous siliceous materials

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    Przewiduje si臋, 偶e uporz膮dkowane materia艂y krzemionkowe b臋d膮 odgrywa艂y w najbli偶szym czasie znacz膮c膮 rol臋 w procesach adsorpcji, separacji i katalizy. Dlatego badania zar贸wno niemodyfikowanych jak i modyfikowanych uporz膮dkowanych materia艂贸w krzemionkowych prowadzone s膮 w licznych laboratoriach. W pracy przedstawiono sposoby otrzymywania niemodyfikowanych i modyfikowanych nanoporowatych materia艂贸w krzemionkowych MCM-41, z zastosowaniem rzadko stosowanej metody hydrotermicznej, a tak偶e materia艂贸w MCM-48, syntezowanych w temperaturze pokojowej, oraz wyniki bada艅 tych materia艂贸w za pomoc膮 dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego (XRD), termograwimetrii (TG) oraz adsorpcji w warunkach statycznych takich adsorbat贸w, jak azot, argon i benzen. Szczeg贸ln膮 uwag臋 po艣wi臋cono badaniom dynamicznym za pomoc膮 inwersyjnej chromatografii gazowej z wykorzystaniem takich adsorbat贸w, jak n-pentan, n-heksan, n-heptan, n-oktan, metanol, etanol, benzen, cykloheksan, tetrahydrofuran, octan etylu, eter dietylowy i acetonitryl. Wykazano, 偶e otrzymane materia艂y charakteryzowa艂y si臋 dobrze uporz膮dkowan膮 struktur膮 mezoporowat膮 o du偶ej powierzchni w艂a艣ciwej i ca艂kowitej obj臋to艣ci por贸w. Proces modyfikacji tych materia艂贸w pozwoli艂 na istotne zwi臋kszenie zawarto艣ci grup merkaptopropylowych, aminopropylowych lub winylowych. Stwierdzono, 偶e inwersyjna chromatografia gazowa, w kt贸rej wykorzystuje si臋 adsorbaty o r贸偶nej budowie cz膮steczkowej, jest bardzo przydatna do charakterystyki niejednorodno艣ci powierzchniowej uporz膮dkowanych materia艂贸w krzemionkowych.It is expected that ordered siliceous materials will play a significant role in adsorption, separation and catalysis. Therefore, the study of both unmodified and modified ordered siliceous materials is carried out in many laboratories. The subject of the present paper covers the methods for the preparation of unmodified and modified nanoporous siliceous materials of MCM41 type (by applying a rarely used hydrothermal technique) and MCM48 type (synthesized at room temperature). The materials obtained were tested by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), thermogravimetry (TG) and static adsorption, using nitrogen, argon and benzene as adsorbates. Special attention was paid to dynamic testing, viz., inverse gas chromatography involving n-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, methanol, ethanol, benzene, cyclohexane, tetrahydrofurane, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether and acetonitrile. The synthesized materials were characterized by a well ordered mesoporous structure with a relatively high specific surface area and total micropore volume. The modification process applied accounted for a significant rise in the concentration of mercaptopropyl, aminopropyl and vinyl groups. Inverse gas chromatography was found to be a very useful method for the characterization of surface heterogeneity of ordered siliceous materials

    Oxidation-induced changes in the surface and structural properties of active carbons

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    The objective of the study was to investgate how liquid-phase oxidation with H2O2, HClO4 or HNO3 affects the surface and structural properties of active carbons. To evaluate structural prperties use was made of low-temperature-(-196oC)experimental adsorption isotherms of nitrogen measured on unimodified and oxidized carbons.Experimental adsorption isotherms of water vapor ( measured on unimodified and oxidized active carbons at 25o C )were used to determine surface properties.The oxidation process was fuond to influence the parameters the porous structure.This influence was particularly distinct when the samples were oxidized with HNO3at its boiling temperature.The oxidation process also changed the surface properties of the carbons,thus increasing the amount of adsorbed water vapor.In strongly oxidized active carbons samples a change in the adsorption mechanism was observed ( as compared to unmodified or weakly oxidized samples).This observation was confirmed quantitatively by the parameters of the adsorption equations which were used to describe the experimental isotherms.The oxygen groups that form in the course of the oxidation process were fund to alter the mechanism governing water phase formation on the carbon surface.This is reflected by the substantial changes in the adsorption potential distributions due to progressive oxidation of the carbon surface

    Improved olefinic fat suppression in skeletal muscle DTI using a magnitude-based dixon method

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    Imaging- and therapeutic targets in neoplastic and musculoskeletal inflammatory diseas