27 research outputs found

    The evaluation of Artvin regional directorate of forestry in terms of criteria & indicators in sustainable forest management

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    Depending on increasing population and developing industry, the demand for natural sources has gained variations increasingly. Structural degeneration of forests, fragmentation of forests, formation of isolated areas, and decrease in biological diversity have guided the countries towards agreeing in a common point. After biological diversity agreement, the concept of sustainable forest management (SFM), which is defined in international process, appeared. SFM is monitoring the conditions of forest sources numerically by introducing new standards to the world forestry with six or seven criteria and over thirty contingent indicators. Our country, due to its geographical location, has been involved in Pan Europe and Near East processes and it has been following its forests with 6 criteria and 28 indicators which appeared in this processes. In the new process, Turkey aims to take place in the world scale by increasing the quality standards as a result of increasing certified forests and developing economy in all fields with 150 years of knowledge about forestry. In this paper, SFM criteria and indicators set in Turkey (C&I) is discussed and international processes and the concept of SFM have been summarized. Correspondingly, the status of Artvin Regional Forest Directorate was evaluated according to the current set of C&I on the bases of last five years. Sustainability of Artvin Regional Directorate of Forestry has been introduced with scoring system by accepting the whole country values as a threshold

    Extraordinary cuts and its effects on Artvin forests

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    Extraordinary Cuts are due to natural and man-made cuts in unusual events which, replaces the normal course of forestry activities, changes the structural status of forest areas and interrupts the goals. In forests of the Eastern Black Sea Region, especially in the 1990s and early 2000s, Extraordinary Cuts were obtained because of damages of bark beetles (Ips typographus and Dendroctonus micans). Bark Beetles ,which are caused serious damage in spruce forests, economically reduced quality of wood and caused structural changes in forest areas .In some Chief of forest management, spruce which is the main tree species, lost its dominant place in the mixture and gave way to hardwood, especially beech. In this paper which is about extraordinary cuts and its effects on forests, primarily conceptual issue is discussed in. And then extraordinary cuts were obtained in forest enterprises which are neighboor with Georgia and ıts situation have been introduced as quantitatively. Extraordinary revenue ethane uses instead of agreed ETAs in forest management plan, because of this also not taken an eta. For this reason, regular maintenance and rejuvenation of forest areas are which will be changing the course of the work

    Evaluation according to criteria and ındicators of sustainable forest management: Saçinka Forest Planning Unit

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    Orman alanlarının azalması, yapısal bozulmalar, parçalı yapıların oluşması, su kaynaklarının azalması, çevre kirliliği, havadaki karbon miktarının artması gibi nedenler küresel ısınma/küresel iklim değişikliği gibi sorunların ana nedenleri olarak görülmektedir. Dünya ülkeleri 20. yüzyılın ortalarından bu yana bu sorunlara ortak çözümler geliştirmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik sözleşmesi ve sonrasında oluşturulan süreçlerin bir çıktısı olan sürdürülebilir orman yönetimi ölçüt ve göstergeleri Pan-Avrupa Süreci göstergeleri baz alınarak ülkemizde de belirlenmiştir. Oluşturulan ölçüt gösterge setine göre Orman İşletme Müdürlükleri ölçeğinde veriler toplanmakta, Orman Bölge Müdürlüklerinde yapılan katılımcı toplantılarla gelinen nokta değerlendirilmektedir. Değerlendirmeye esas verilerin büyük bir kısmı orman işletme şefliği ölçeğinde orman amenajman planlarından elde edilirken, birçok ekonomik gösterge ise orman işletme müdürlüğü ölçeğinde ele alınmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkılarak hazırlanan bu çalışmada; Artvin Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı Saçinka Orman İşletme Şefliği’nin (OİŞ) SOY Ölçüt ve Gösterge seti(Ö&G) seti verileri ilgili birimlerden elde edilerek veri kaynakları ve veri kaliteleri incelenmiş, sonuçta; orman ekosisteminin sürdürülebilir şekilde yönetilip yönetilmediği irdelenmiştir.The reasons such as; decrease in forest areas, deterioration in the structure, fragmented structures, decrease in water sources, environmental pollution and increase in carbon level in air are considered as the main sources of problems like global warming and global climate change. Countries have been trying to develop cooperative solutions for these problems since the mid-20th century. Sustainable forest management criteria and indicators, which were outcomes of Biological Diversity Agreement and the processes afterwards, have also been specified in Turkey based on Pan-European process indicators. According to this set of criteria and indicators, data are collected in the scale of Forest Enterprises and the current situation is evaluated in the meetings held by Regional Directorates of Forestry. Most of the data to be evaluated are obtained from forest management plans in the scale of Forest Planning Units and a great deal of economic indicators are dealt in the scale of Forestry Enterprises. Starting from this point of view; this study analyzes the SFM criteria and indicators set data of Saçinka Forest Planning Unit. Accordingly, it examines whether forest ecosystem is conducted in a sustainable way or not

    Estimation of carbon sequestration based on two different methods: A case study of Artvin Forest Sub-District Directorate

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    Artan nüfus, sanayileşme ve doğal kaynakların tahribi neticesinde karbon salınımının kritik seviyeye gelmesiyle küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği gibi küresel sorunlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sorunların baş sorumlusu olarak havadaki zararlı gazlar ve özellikle de karbondioksit gösterilmektedir. Karbondioksitin başlıca bileşeni olan karbon toprakta, suda ve ormanlarda depolanmaktadır. Küresel iklim değişikliği ile mücadele sözleşmesi gereği imza atan pek çok ülke orman alanlarında depoladığı ve havaya saldığı kirletici gazların miktarının hesaplamak durumundadır. Konu gündeme geldiğinden bu yana ormanlarda tutulan karbon miktarı; biyokütle hesabına dayanılarak hesaplanmaktadır. Ülke çapında hesaplanan ilk veriler ASAN tarafından ülkemizin de yer aldığı küresel konuma bağlı olarak iğne yapraklı ve geniş yapraklı ormanlar için ayrı ayrı geliştirilen katsayılardan yararlanılarak hesaplanırken, son dönemde ise bu veriler FRA-2010 kılavuzuna göre benzer yaklaşımla bozuk alanların ayrı bir kalem olarak hesaba dahil edilmesiyle hesaplanarak ilgili mercilere sunulmuştur. Ülkemizde orman alanlarının artması, yapısal anlamda iyileşmesi bir yana orman alanlarında tutulan karbon miktarında da çok ciddi bir artış olduğu görülmektedir. Her iki yöntem arasındaki farklılıkları göstermek isteyen bu çalışmada Artvin Orman İşletme Şefliğinde, farklı formüllerin ve katsayıların toplam karbon birikim miktarı üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, her iki yönteme dayalı olarak araştırma alanı karbon birikimi hesaplanmış önemli farklılar oluştuğu ortaya konulmuştur. Verimli ve bozuk ormanlar için farklı katsayılar kullandığında, toplam biyokütledeki karbon miktarı yaklaşık %54 daha fazla iken, orman toprağındaki karbon yaklaşık % 65 azalmaktadırGrowing population, industrialization and destruction of natural sources have caused carbon emission to reach critical threshold, which accordingly resulted in global problems such as; global warming and climate change. Main sources of these problems are hazardous gases on the air, particularly; carbon dioxide. The main component of carbon dioxide, carbon is stored in the soil, water and forests. According to the agreement against global climate change, most of the countries that signed the agreement are expected to measure gas amounts that they save in their forest areas and the amount of contaminating gases that are exhausted to the atmosphere. Since the subject was under debate, carbon amounts kept in the forest areas are measured by biomass calculations. The first data measured all across the country were calculated by ASAN using indices that were developed for coniferous and broad-leaved forests separately; recently, these data are measured by including damaged areas as a separate item, similar to the approach in FRA-2010 guide. It can be seen that there is a significant increase in the carbon amounts kept in the forest areas in Turkey along with increasing number of forest areas and recovery in structure. This study, which aims to show the differences between the two methods, seeks to identify the effects of different formulas and indices on total amount of carbon stocks in Artvin Forest Sub-district Directorate. As a result, carbon amounts in the study area were calculated with each method and there were significant differences found between the two methods. When different indices are used for productive and damaged areas, the approximate increase in carbon amount is 54% with an approximate 65% decrease in carbon amount in forest soil

    The evaluation of Artvin Forestry Enterprise in certification process

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    Rio'da imzalanan Biyolojik Çeşitlilik (BÇ) sözleşmesi sonrası yeniden ele alınan sürdürülebilirlik kavramı ?Sürdürülebilir Orman Yönetimi (SOY)? adı altında ölçüt ve göstergeler ile şekillenmiştir. Rio sonrası kıtalararası süreçlerle dünya ormancılığı şekillenirken, her süreç içerisinde bölgesel ormancılık sektörü ve ülkelerin ormancılık yapılanması ve geleneksel yaşam biçimlerine uygun olarak sürdürülebilir orman yönetimi ölçüt ve gösterge (Ö&G) setleri oluşturulmuştur. Ülkemiz de, coğrafi konumu gereği, içinde yer aldığı, Pan-Avrupa ve Yakın Doğu Süreçleri Ö&G setlerini harmanlayarak, geleneksel ormancılık yapılanmasına uygun olarak kendine özgü bir set oluşturmuştur. Küresel ölçekte ormancılık faaliyetlerinin denetimi için SOY Ö&G setleri kullanılırken, bakanlar düzeyinde birçok toplantı düzenlenmişi ülkelerin geldiği noktalar ve ilerlemeler; yerel, bölgesel ve kıtasal ölçekte hazırlanan raporlarla ortaya konulmuştur. SOY'un yanı sıra benzer ölçüt ve göstergeleri kullanan, ormana ve ormancılığa önemli prestij kazandıran, gönüllü bir süreç ve bir başka özdenetim mekanizması olan yeşil sertifikalandırma sistemi neredeyse BÇ sözleşmesiyle aynı dönemde ortaya çıkmıştır. Ormancılık faaliyetlerinin kalite ve kantite olarak değerlendirilmesini sağlayan bu önemli iki mekanizma bu tezin ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Uygulama ayağında; iki ölçekte çalışmalar yapılmış, birinci ölçekte; Saçinka Orman İşletme Şefliği son iki plan dönemi verileri meşcere parametrelerine göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Orman işletme şefliği kayıtları incelenerek, son üç yıllık döneme ait veriler SOY Ö&G'ye göre değerlendirilmiştir. İkinci ölçekte; Artvin Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü için son beş yıllık dönemde toplanan veriler, SOY Ö&G setine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Forest Steawardship Council (FSC) sertifikalandırma kurumunun ölçütleri baz alınarak, SOY Ö&G setine göre elde edilen veriler yeniden ele alınarak, Artvin Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü (OİM)'nün sertifikalandırma sürecinde geldiği nokta ortaya konulmuştur. Artvin OİM'nün sertifika alabilmesi için ormancılık faaliyetlerinin SOY Ö&G setine veri sağlayacak, dolayısıyla da ilgili sertifikalandırma kurumu standartlarına uygun olacak yapı ve nitelikte kayıt altına alınması gerekmektedir.The concept of ?sustainability?, which was re-dealt after the Biological Diversity (BD) Agreement signed in Rio, has been shaped by criteria and indicators (C&I) under the name of ?Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)?. As the world forestry was being re-shaped after Rio, each process produced regional forestry sector and SFM, C&I sets, which are convenient with traditional lifestyles and the forestry settlement of the countries. Turkey, due to its geographical location, has formed a unique set, which is convenient to the traditional forestry settlement, by blending the criteria and indicator sets of Pan-European and Near East processes. While SFM and C&I sets are used for the control of forestry actions in universal measures, the states of the countries which organized many meetings with the presidents and their improvement are presented in the reports that are prepared in local, regional and continental scales. Besides SFM, the Certification System, which uses similar criteria and indicators as the SFM, brings prestige to the forestry and has a volunteer process and self-control device, emerged almost in the period with BD. These two important devices that ensure to evaluate forestry activities in quantity and quality are the main subjects of this paper. In the application process, studies were conducted in two different scales. In the first, Saçinka Forestry Department (SFD) has been compared with regards to the last two-year plan period data and stand parameters. By analyzing the records of the SFD, the data that belong to the last three years were evaluated according to SFM and C&I. In the second, the data that belong to Artvin Forestry Department (AFD) were evaluated according to the SFM and C&I set. By considering some criteria of Forest Steawardship Council (FSC), the data acquired according to SFM and C&I were re-considered and the place of AFD in certification process was introduced. AFD has to be chained according to the standards of the related certification institution, which provides data for SFM and C&I sets, in order to receive a certificate

    A critical review of energy generation from biomass to limit climate change

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    Industrial and technological development have been brought some environmental problems such as global warming which has a direct correlation with climate change. The main reason for these problems is created by human activities such as fossil fuel demand and agricultural activities which are mainly producing greenhouse gases. One approach is that substituting fossil fuel demand with green energy production such as wind, solar, bioenergy might be sustainable and renewable so it might limit global climate change. At this point, one of the green energy production is converting biomass to bioenergy such as biochar, bio-oil, and biogas. Beside that there are some challenges that might cause food crises and increase hunger because of the agricultural land usage will be switched to energy crops instead of food. However, converting agricultural and food wastes to bioenergy might be more sustainable and reduces crisis risk. Biomass feedstock is feasible to provide a limitation for climate change issue if it is carefully planned and administrated

    Certification process in forestry and the State of Artvin Forestry enterprise in certification process

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    Son kırk yıllık süreçteki endüstrileşme ve çevre kirliliği ile artan nüfusa bağlı olarak ihtiyaçların çeşitlenmesi doğal kaynaklardan özelHk_le de orman kaynaklarmdançok amaçlı yararlanmayı . gerektirirken, orman ekosistemlerinin canlılığı ve. ..hayatiyetinin• yanında Biyolojik Çeşitliliğin (BÇ) sürekliHğini degündeme getirmiştir. Rio BÇsözleşmesinde ele alınan sorunlar;çözüm sürecini bu bağlamda oluşturulan uluslararası kıtasal süreçlerde bulmuş ve devam ettirmiştir. Bu süreçlerde yeniden tanımı.anan Sürdürülebilir. Orman Yönetimi (SOY) kavramı ul usal, kıtasal ve uluslar rası ölçekte _ölçüt ve göstergelerle sayısal olarak da ortaya konulmuştur. SOY kriterleri aslında ülkelerin orman kaynaklarmı nasıl kullandığını ortaya koymasının yanında ormancılık faaliyetlerine bazı standartlar da. getirmiştir. Temel amacı ormancılıkta kaliteyi, reka beti artırmak, ormancıhk faaliyeti gösteren kurum ve _kuruluşlara itibar kazandırmak ve en önemlisi ormancılıkta .denetimi ve orman k.aynaklarının izlenmesini sağlamak ol.an sertifikalandırma kavrarnı SOY krit_erlerini_n ortaya konulmasıyla anlam ve önem kazanmıştır. Dünya genelinde orman sertifikalandırması yapan birçok ul usal ve ul uslararası kurum olmakl.a birlikte Forest Stewardshi p Council (FSC) ve Programme fcır the End_orsemen_t of ForestCertification (PEFC) en çoktanınan vedünya genelindeki birçok orman alanına sertifika veren ku rumlardır. Ülkemizde ormancılık alanında faaliyet gösteren ul usal bir sertifika kurumu bulunmamakla birlikte FSC tarafından akredite edilmiş özel kurul uşlar sistem içinde yer almakta ve FSC adın_a sertifika vermektedirler. Ülkemizdeki ormancılık faaliyetlerine ilişkin sertifikalandırma sürecinin ele alındığı bu bildiride; öncelikle ormanc_ılıkta sertifikalandırma süreci kavramsal olarak ortaya konulmuştur, Dünyada .gelinen• nokta ve ül_kemizdeki durum karşılaştırılmış, özellikle ülkemizde Ornıarı işletme. Müd ürlükleri'ne sertifika veren FSC sertifikalandırma kurumu prensi p, ölçüt ve göstergeleri tanıtılmış, bu sete göre Artvin Orman işletme Müd ürlüğü'nün sertifikalandırma sürecindeki durumu değerlendirilmiştir.in the !ast 40 years proc:ess, diverse need( as a .result of irid ustrialization and environmental pollutionand increasing populatioıueq uire utilizing from natura! resources, especially theforest . resources rnmprehensively; however,. it . alsa brings forward the sustaina bility of Biological Diversity (BD) togetherwith the saturation and vitality offorest ecosystems. The problems in Rio BD agreement finds and maintains the solution process in international contin.ental processesformed within thls context.The concept of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), which was redefined.in these processes has beenput forward numericaHy wi.th national, continental and international criteria and indicators. SFM criteria proveshow the countries use forestresources together with bringing seme standards tç forestry activities'. Certification process, who.se.main objectives are.to enhance the quality and rival ry in forestry,giving reputation of agency and institutes that are active inforestry andthe mest importantly, providing supervision inforestry and monitoringforest resources, has gained significance and importance after the conservation of SFM criteria. . Although there are many national and international institutions that executes forest certification, Forest Stewardshlp Cou.ncil (FSC) and ProgramrrıeJor the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) are the mest recognized in.stitutions that give certificates to many forestareas worldwide. There are. not any national certification institutions inJurkey that are active in forestry field but there areprlvate foundations that are accreditedby FSC an.d that give certificate in the name of FSC. This paper, which studies certification process based on forestry activities in Turkey, presents the çertification process in forestry as aconcept. The study evaluates.the state of Turkey within the wodd, introd uces the principles, criteriaand indicators of especially FSCCertification lnstitution thatcertificates two Forestry Enterprises in Turkey and evaluates .the state of Artvin Forestry Enterprlse in certification process according to this set.

    Public opinion about effects of energy investments in Artvin, Turkey

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    The energy which has been one of the basic needs of mankind since the early ages. Demand for energy is continuously increasing in parallel with the developing technology and increasing population. Energy demand's being that high especially in the last two centuries increased the demand for fossil fuels. However, these fuels we had excessively used without considering their harm as a non-consumable source to the environment and human health. So, the interest in renewable energy resources such as hydraulic, wind, geothermal, solar, biomass, wave, hydrogen has increased. The industrialization process of Turkey, which is a developing country, continues and the energy demand increases with every passing day. 35.36% of this increasing energy need is obtained from hydroelectric power plants (HEPPs), 29.01% from natural gas, 20.63% from coal and 15% from other energy resources (wind, geothermal, liquid fuels, solar energy, renewable waste). In Turkey, as being one of these energy resources, hydroelectric power plants are established in many valleys and every day projects are developed to add new ones to these. The most important one of the rivers on which HEPPs were and are being intensively built in our country is the Coruh River. Many HEPP investments have been made in the is not an element of oruh River since 1998. In this study, it has been aimed to determine the opinions of people on the socio-cultural, economic, ecological and environmental effects of dam-type and run-of-the-river HEPPs which were built and are being built in Artvinprovince in which a big part of the eoruh River is located. For this purpose, a survey has been conducted by 142 people living in Artvin. Based on the results of the survey, participants stated that HEPPs have many negative effects on ecological characteristics such as climate, forest structure, agricultural lands, flora and fauna; on environmental characteristics such as erosion, pollution and visual quality and social characteristics such as migration and cultural heritage. On the other hand, HEPPs positively affects economic characteristics such as employment, tourism and fishing