7 research outputs found

    The role of let-7 microRNAs as signaling molecules in microglial function and glioma

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    Microglia express Toll-like receptors (TLRs) that sense pathogen- and host-derived factors, including single-stranded RNA molecule. In the brain, let-7 microRNA (miRNA) family members are abundantly expressed, where some have recently been shown to serve as TLR7 ligands. Here, we investigated whether let-7 miRNA family members differentially control microglia, the immune cells of the brain, biology in health and disease. We found that a subset of let-7 miRNA family members function as signaling molecules to induce microglial release of inflammatory cytokines, modulate antigen presentation, and regulate cell migration in a TLR7-dependent manner. The capability of the let-7 miRNAs to control microglial function is sequence-specific, mapping to a let-7 UUGU motif. In human and murine glioma, let-7 miRNAs are differentially expressed and reduce murine GL261 glioma growth in the same sequence-specific fashion through microglial TLR7. Taken together, these data establish let-7 miRNAs as key TLR7 signaling activators that serve to regulate the diverse functions of microglia in health and glioma.Mikroglia exprimieren Toll-like-Rezeptoren (TLRs), welche exogene und endogene Faktoren, einschließlich einzelsträngige RNA, binden. Im Gehirn werden Mitglieder der let-7 microRNA (miRNA)-Familie, von denen kürzlich gezeigt wurde, dass einige als Liganden für TLR7 dienen, stark exprimiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersuchte ich, ob Mitglieder der let-7 miRNA-Familie die Funktion der Mikroglia, der Immunzelle des Gehirns unter physiologischen und pathologischen Bedingungen unterschiedlich beeinflussen. Ich wies nach, dass einige, spezifische Mitglieder der let-7 -miRNA-Familie als Signalmoleküle wirken können, und dabei verschiedene Funktionen der Mikroglia wie die Freisetzung entzündlicher Zytokine, Antigenpräsentation und Zellmigration abhängig von TLR7 modulieren. Die Fähigkeit der ausgewählter let-7 -miRNAs, die mikrogliale Funktion zu regulieren, ist sequenzspezifisch und erfordert mindestens das Sequenzmotiv UUGU. In humanem und murinem Glioblastom/ Gliom werden let-7 -miRNAs unterschiedlich stark exprimiert Als extrazelluläre Signalmoleküle inhibieren sie das Wachstum des Tumors im murinen GL261 Modell abhängig von der miRNA Sequenz und Mikroglia TLR7 exprimieren. Zusammengefasst etablieren die vorliegenden Daten let-7 -miRNAs als TLR7 -Signalaktivatoren, die verschiedene Funktionen von Mikroglia sowohl unter physiologischen Bedingungen als auch beim Gliom regulieren

    let-7 microRNAs regulate microglial function and suppress glioma growth through Toll-like receptor 7

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    Microglia express Toll-like receptors (TLRs) that sense pathogen- and host-derived factors, including single-stranded RNA. In the brain, let-7 microRNA (miRNA) family members are abundantly expressed, and some have recently been shown to serve as TLR7 ligands. We investigated whether let-7 miRNA family members differentially control microglia biology in health and disease. We found that a subset of let-7 miRNA family members function as signaling molecules to induce microglial release of inflammatory cytokines, modulate antigen presentation, and attenuate cell migration in a TLR7-dependent manner. The capability of the let-7 miRNAs to control microglial function is sequence specific, mapping to a let-7 UUGU motif. In human and murine glioblastoma/glioma, let-7 miRNAs are differentially expressed and reduce murine GL261 glioma growth in the same sequence-specific fashion through microglial TLR7. Taken together, these data establish let-7 miRNAs as key TLR7 signaling activators that serve to regulate the diverse functions of microglia in health and glioma

    Identification of CNS Injury-Related microRNAs as Novel Toll-Like Receptor 7/8 Signaling Activators by Small RNA Sequencing

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) belong to pattern recognition receptors, which respond to danger signals such as pathogen-associated molecular patterns or damage-associated molecular patterns. Upon TLR activation in microglia, the major immune cells in the brain, distinct signaling cascades trigger the production of inflammatory molecules, being a critical feature in neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative processes. Recently, individual microRNAs (miRNAs) were shown to act as endogenous TLR ligands. Here, we conducted systematic screening for miRNAs as potential TLR7/8 ligands by small RNA sequencing of apoptotic neurons and their corresponding supernatants. Several miRNA species were identified in both supernatants and injured neurons, and 83.3% of the media-enriched miRNAs activated murine and/or human TLR7/8 expressed in HEK293-derived TLR reporter cells. Among the detected extracellular miRNAs, distinct miRNAs such as miR-340-3p and miR-132-5p induced cytokine and chemokine release from microglia and triggered neurotoxicity in vitro. Taken together, our systematic study establishes miRNAs released from injured neurons as new TLR7/8 activators, which contribute to inflammatory and neurodegenerative responses in the central nervous system (CNS)

    Activation of Toll-like receptor 5 in microglia modulates their function and triggers neuronal injury

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    Microglia are the primary immune-competent cells of the central nervous system (CNS) and sense both pathogen- and host-derived factors through several receptor systems including the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family. Although TLR5 has previously been implicated in different CNS disorders including neurodegenerative diseases, its mode of action in the brain remained largely unexplored. We sought to determine the expression and functional consequences of TLR5 activation in the CNS. Quantitative real-time PCR and immunocytochemical analysis revealed that microglia is the major CNS cell type that constitutively expresses TLR5. UsingTlr5(-/-)mice and inhibitory TLR5 antibody we found that activation of TLR5 in microglial cells by its agonist flagellin, a principal protein component of bacterial flagella, triggers their release of distinct inflammatory molecules, regulates chemotaxis, and increases their phagocytic activity. Furthermore, while TLR5 activation does not affect tumor growth in an ex vivo GL261 glioma mouse model, it triggers microglial accumulation and neuronal apoptosis in the cerebral cortex in vivo. TLR5-mediated microglial function involves the PI3K/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway, as specific inhibitors of this signaling pathway abolish microglial activation. Taken together, our findings establish TLR5 as a modulator of microglial function and indicate its contribution to inflammatory and injurious processes in the CNS

    Neurofibromatosis 1 - Mutant microglia exhibit sexually-dimorphic cyclic AMP-dependent purinergic defects

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    As critical regulators of brain homeostasis, microglia are influenced by numerous factors, including sex and genetic mutations. To study the impact of these factors on microglia biology, we employed genetically engineered mice that model Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a disorder characterized by clinically relevant sexually dimorphic differences. While microglia phagocytic activity was reduced in both male and female heterozygous Nf1 mutant (Nf1+/-) mice, purinergic control of phagocytosis was only affected in male Nf1+/- mice. ATP-induced P2Y-mediated membrane currents and P2RY12-dependent laser lesion-induced accumulation of microglial processes were also only impaired in male, but not female Nf1+/-, microglia. These defects resulted from Nf1+/- male-specific defects in cyclic AMP regulation, rather than from changes in purinergic receptor expression. Cyclic AMP elevation by phosphodiesterase blockade restored the male Nf1+/- microglia defects in P2Y-dependent membrane currents and process motility. Taken together, these data establish a sex-by-genotype interaction important to microglia function in the adult mouse brain

    UNC93B1 Is Widely Expressed in the Murine CNS and Is Required for Neuroinflammation and Neuronal Injury Induced by MicroRNA .

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    The chaperone protein Unc-93 homolog B1 (UNC93B1) regulates internalization, trafficking, and stabilization of nucleic acid-sensing Toll-like receptors (TLR) in peripheral immune cells. We sought to determine UNC93B1 expression and its functional relevance in inflammatory and injurious processes in the central nervous system (CNS). We found that UNC93B1 is expressed in various CNS cells including microglia, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons, as assessed by PCR, immunocyto-/histochemistry, and flow cytometry. UNC93B1 expression in the murine brain increased during development. Exposure to the microRNA let-7b, a recently discovered endogenous TLR7 activator, but also to TLR3 and TLR4 agonists, led to increased UNC93B1 expression in microglia and neurons. Microglial activation by extracellular let-7b required functional UNC93B1, as assessed by TNF ELISA. Neuronal injury induced by extracellular let-7b was dependent on UNC93B1, as UNC93B1-deficient neurons were unaffected by the microRNA's neurotoxicity in vitro. Intrathecal application of let-7b triggered neurodegeneration in wild-type mice, whereas mice deficient for UNC93B1 were protected against injurious effects on neurons and axons. In summary, our data demonstrate broad UNC93B1 expression in the murine brain and establish this chaperone as a modulator of neuroinflammation and neuronal injury triggered by extracellular microRNA and subsequent induction of TLR signaling

    Transcriptional and Translational Differences of Microglia from Male and Female Brains

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    Summary: Sex differences in brain structure and function are of substantial scientific interest because of sex-related susceptibility to psychiatric and neurological disorders. Neuroinflammation is a common denominator of many of these diseases, and thus microglia, as the brain’s immunocompetent cells, have come into focus in sex-specific studies. Here, we show differences in the structure, function, and transcriptomic and proteomic profiles in microglia freshly isolated from male and female mouse brains. We show that male microglia are more frequent in specific brain areas, have a higher antigen-presenting capacity, and appear to have a higher potential to respond to stimuli such as ATP, reflected in higher baseline outward and inward currents and higher protein expression of purinergic receptors. Altogether, we provide a comprehensive resource to generate and validate hypotheses regarding brain sex differences. : Guneykaya et al. provide transcriptomic, proteomic, and functional data from male and female microglia, providing a resource for further investigation of sex-based differences in microglia. Keywords: microglia, sex differences, transcriptomics, proteomic