1,528 research outputs found

    The Decomposition of the Optically Active Diazo Ester from Aminolauronic Acid

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    In 1921 Levene and Mikeska, and in 1922 Noyes and Chiles prepared optically active esters in which the only asymetric carbon was that doubly bound to diazo nitrogen. The theoretical explanation being: that of the five valences of the nitrogen, four are covalences while the fifth is a Polar or ionizing valence. This may be illustrated by ammonium chloride

    Uniqueness and non-uniqueness of static vacuum black holes in higher dimensions

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    We prove the uniqueness theorem for asymptotically flat static vacuum black hole solutions in higher dimensional space-times. We also construct infinitely many non-asymptotically flat regular static black holes on the same spacetime manifold with the same spherical topology.Comment: to appear in Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No. 14

    Uniqueness properties of the Kerr metric

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    We obtain a geometrical condition on vacuum, stationary, asymptotically flat spacetimes which is necessary and sufficient for the spacetime to be locally isometric to Kerr. Namely, we prove a theorem stating that an asymptotically flat, stationary, vacuum spacetime such that the so-called Killing form is an eigenvector of the self-dual Weyl tensor must be locally isometric to Kerr. Asymptotic flatness is a fundamental hypothesis of the theorem, as we demonstrate by writing down the family of metrics obtained when this requirement is dropped. This result indicates why the Kerr metric plays such an important role in general relativity. It may also be of interest in order to extend the uniqueness theorems of black holes to the non-connected and to the non-analytic case.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    A Mass Bound for Spherically Symmetric Black Hole Spacetimes

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    Requiring that the matter fields are subject to the dominant energy condition, we establish the lower bound (4π)1κA(4\pi)^{-1} \kappa {\cal A} for the total mass MM of a static, spherically symmetric black hole spacetime. (A{\cal A} and κ\kappa denote the area and the surface gravity of the horizon, respectively.) Together with the fact that the Komar integral provides a simple relation between M(4π)1κAM - (4\pi)^{-1} \kappa A and the strong energy condition, this enables us to prove that the Schwarzschild metric represents the only static, spherically symmetric black hole solution of a selfgravitating matter model satisfying the dominant, but violating the strong energy condition for the timelike Killing field KK at every point, that is, R(K,K)0R(K,K) \leq 0. Applying this result to scalar fields, we recover the fact that the only black hole configuration of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Higgs model with arbitrary non-negative potential is the Schwarzschild spacetime with constant Higgs field. In the presence of electromagnetic fields, we also derive a stronger bound for the total mass, involving the electromagnetic potentials and charges. Again, this estimate provides a simple tool to prove a ``no-hair'' theorem for matter fields violating the strong energy condition.Comment: 16 pages, LATEX, no figure

    Uniqueness Theorem for Static Black Hole Solutions of sigma-models in Higher Dimensions

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    We prove the uniqueness theorem for self-gravitating non-linear sigma-models in higher dimensional spacetime. Applying the positive mass theorem we show that Schwarzschild-Tagherlini spacetime is the only maximally extended, static asymptotically flat solution with non-rotating regular event horizon with a constant mapping.Comment: 5 peges, Revtex, to be published in Class.Quantum Gra


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    We consider rotating black hole configurations of self-gravitating maps from spacetime into arbitrary Riemannian manifolds. We first establish the integrability conditions for the Killing fields generating the stationary and the axisymmetric isometry (circularity theorem). Restricting ourselves to mappings with harmonic action, we subsequently prove that the only stationary and axisymmetric, asymptotically flat black hole solution with regular event horizon is the Kerr metric. Together with the uniqueness result for non-rotating configurations and the strong rigidity theorem, this establishes the uniqueness of the Kerr family amongst all stationary black hole solutions of self-gravitating harmonic mappings.Comment: 18 pages, latex, no figure

    Towards the classification of static vacuum spacetimes with negative cosmological constant

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    We present a systematic study of static solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations with negative cosmological constant which asymptotically approach the generalized Kottler (``Schwarzschild--anti-de Sitter'') solution, within (mainly) a conformal framework. We show connectedness of conformal infinity for appropriately regular such space-times. We give an explicit expression for the Hamiltonian mass of the (not necessarily static) metrics within the class considered; in the static case we show that they have a finite and well defined Hawking mass. We prove inequalities relating the mass and the horizon area of the (static) metrics considered to those of appropriate reference generalized Kottler metrics. Those inequalities yield an inequality which is opposite to the conjectured generalized Penrose inequality. They can thus be used to prove a uniqueness theorem for the generalized Kottler black holes if the generalized Penrose inequality can be established.Comment: the discussion of our results includes now some solutions of Horowitz and Myers; typos corrected here and there; a shortened version of this version will appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    The classification of static vacuum space-times containing an asymptotically flat spacelike hypersurface with compact interior

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    We prove non-existence of static, vacuum, appropriately regular, asymptotically flat black hole space-times with degenerate (not necessarily connected) components of the event horizon. This finishes the classification of static, vacuum, asymptotically flat domains of outer communication in an appropriate class of space-times, showing that the domains of outer communication of the Schwarzschild black holes exhaust the space of appropriately regular black hole exteriors.Comment: This version includes an addendum with a corrected proof of non-existence of zeros of the Killing vector at degenerate horizons. A problem with yet another Lemma is pointed out; this problem does not arise if one assumes analyticity of the metric. An alternative solution, that does not require analyticity, has been given in arXiv:1004.0513 [gr-qc] under appropriate global condition