5,142 research outputs found

    STEMteach: Preparing the Next Generation of Mathematics and Science Teachers

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    With an increasing demand for individuals prepared in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), one university responded to this call by changing its teacher preparation program. Better-prepared mathematics and science teachers have the opportunity to engage and excite students, thereby preparing and promoting more of them to enter the STEM professions. The described program is a replication of the national UTeach model that recruits content majors in mathematics and science to explore the teaching profession during a first-semester course that includes an early field experience in the elementary grades. This field experience is designed to be engaging for both the teacher education candidates and the elementary students in an effort to demonstrate the joy of teaching and to retain the candidates in the program. The ultimate goal of the program is to increase the production of quality secondary mathematics and science teachers who can transfer their own deep understanding of their content to students so that these students will be career and college ready in the STEM disciplines

    Parenting Programmes for preventing tobacco, alcohol or drugs misuse in children under 18 : a systematic review

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    This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Health Education Research following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version [Petrie, J. ,Bunn, F. and Byrne, G. (2007) 'Parenting Programmes for preventing tobacco, alcohol or drug abuse in children under 18:a systematic review'. Health Education Research 22 (2) pp.177-191] is available online at: http://her.oxfordjournals.org/archive/index.dtl --Copyright Oxford University PressWe conducted a systematic review of controlled studies of parenting programmes to prevent tobacco, alcohol or drug abuse in children under 18. We searched Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, specialised Register of Cochrane Drugs and Alcohol Group, Pub Med, psych INFO, CINALH, and SIGLE. Two reviewers independently screened studies, extracted data and assessed study quality. Data were collected on actual or intended use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs by child, and associated risk or antecedent behaviours. Due to heterogeneity we did not pool studies in a meta-analysis and instead present a narrative summary of the findings. Twenty studies met our inclusion criteria. Statistically significant self-reported reductions of alcohol use were found in six of 14 studies, of drugs in five of nine studies and tobacco in nine out of 13 studies. Three interventions reported increases of tobacco, drug and alcohol use. We concluded that parenting programmes can be effective in reducing or preventing substance use. The most effective appeared to be those that shared an emphasis on active parental involvement and on developing skills in social competence, self-regulation and parenting. However, more work is needed to investigate further the change processes involved in such interventions and their long-term effectivenessPeer reviewe

    Gas and germ warfare: international legal history and present status.

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    Cosmic microwave background constraints on cosmological models with large-scale isotropy breaking

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    Several anomalies appear to be present in the large-angle cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy maps of WMAP, including the alignment of large-scale multipoles. Models in which isotropy is spontaneously broken (e.g., by a scalar field) have been proposed as explanations for these anomalies, as have models in which a preferred direction is imposed during inflation. We examine models inspired by these, in which isotropy is broken by a multiplicative factor with dipole and/or quadrupole terms. We evaluate the evidence provided by the multipole alignment using a Bayesian framework, finding that the evidence in favor of the model is generally weak. We also compute approximate changes in estimated cosmological parameters in the broken-isotropy models. Only the overall normalization of the power spectrum is modified significantly.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Wellbeing Toolkit Training Programme: A Useful Resource for Educational Psychology Services?

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    Background. Supporting pupils’ social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) development is a task that schools are expected to undertake in England, yet many staff members find it challenging due to their belief that they don’t possess the necessary skills. Objective. To evaluate a commercially available, training resource, The Emotional Wellbeing Toolkit, aimed at raising the skills of adults working with children in the SEMH area. Design. The Toolkit was adapted and used as training material by a professional team comprised of educational psychologists, clinical psychologists, and specialist teachers, for schools within an eastern region in England. A mixed methodology was employed to evaluate the usefulness of the Toolkit as a training resource, as well as its perceived effectiveness in raising the skills of school professionals working within the SEMH area. Qualitative as well as quantitative data was gathered from the two groups participating in training, as school staff delegates, and as facilitators of training delivery. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used for data analysis. Results. The findings suggest evidence of improved skills and knowledge in the area of SEMH, with some specific impact on delegates’ practice. Implications for practice are discussed

    Alien Registration- Bunn, Agnes G. (Anson, Somerset County)

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