2 research outputs found
Domestic mountain horse is a transpoundary breed present in many Balkan countries. According to the Low of Animal Production of R. of Macedonia from 2008, for every breed of domestic animal in our state is nessesery to create a separate breeding program. In 2013 in low of animal production the autohtonous breeds of equidaes are added two new varietes - domestic mountain horse and domestic donkey. Facing the obtained results from estimating the main morphological, reproductive and functional traits in 220 domestic mountain horses in central mountain part of Macedonia during 2015 and 2016, the current standards and breeding goals were defined for the next national breeding program of this breed. According to the fact that the domestic mountain horse is a metapopulation and transboundary breed of horse in almost all Balkan countries, it is a good recommendation to create a regional breeding program with flexible standards and breeding goals for this breed of horses for all Balkan countries together
Kreiranje banke gena za goveda rase buša u Republici Makedoniji
Busha cattle are autohtonous breed on the Balkan Peninsula. This breed is a part of the National Biodiversity Program for conservation of the indigenous breeds of animals in the R. of Macedonia. Because of the economic, cultural and scientific reasons it is very important to protect biological diversity of autochthonous breeds like busha cattle. The aim of the research was to establish a gene bank for different strains of adult busha cattle in the R. of Macedonia. For that purpose, 998 samples of blood, 1100 coat hair samples and 958 doses of semen were collected from Busha adult cattle. Also, a phenotupic characterization was done on the adult Busha cattle, for the basic productive and morphological traits in adult Busha cattle. During the last few years, there are certain negative trends in population size of busha cattle, according to the decreasing of rural population in hill-mountain regions and small interest of young people to rear indigenous breeds like Busha cattle.Goveda rase Buša su autohtona rasa goveda na Balkanskom poluostrvu. Ova rasa je deo Nacionalnog Programa biodiverziteta za očuvanje domaćih rasa životinja u Republici Makedoniji. Zbog ekonomskih, kulturoloških i naučnih razloga veoma je značajno zaštititi biološki diverzitet autohtonih rasa kao što su Buša goveda. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se osnuje banka gena za različite sojeve odraslih Buša goveda u Republici Makedoniji. Iz tog razloga, prikupljeno je 998 uzoraka krvi, 1100 uzoraka sa dlačnog pokrivača i 958 doza semena od odraslih goveda rase Buša. Takođe, izvršena je fenotipska karakterizacija odraslih goveda rase Buša, na osnovne proizvodne i morfološke osobine. Tokom poslednjih par godina, postoji jasan negativan trend u veličini populacije goveda rase Buša, u skladu sa opadanjem ruralne populacije u brdsko-planinskim područjima i malog interesovanja mladih ljudi da zadrže domaće rase kao što su goveda rase Buša