54 research outputs found

    Phalloplasty in biological men with penile insufficiency

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    The Summary Introduction Phalloplasty for penile insufficiency in biological men differs from trans-men by incorporating native tissue. The study objective was to report surgical and functional outcomes of phalloplasty in biological men. Patients & methods Phalloplasty was performed with a radial free forearm (RFFA) or pedicled anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap. The tube-within-tube technique was used for urethroplasty. Complications <30 d postoperative were categorized according to Clavien-Dindo. Results 30 patients, median (IQR) age of 21 (18-30)y, were included. 17 patients (57%) had penile insufficiency due to exstrophy or hypospadias surgeries, 7 patients (23%) due to sexual development disorders. In 16 patients RFFA was used. 19 patients needed urethroplasty, the rest catheterized through stoma. Median follow-up was 33 (14-80)mo. Within 30 d postoperative, 1 patients (3.3%) had Clavien-Dindo II and 6 patients (20%) Clavien-Dindo III complications. On long-term, 10 patients (33%) developed fistula, 6 needing urethroplasty. 7 patients (23%) had urethral strictures, all needing surgical intervention. All patients but one (98%) had erogenous sensitivity in the neo-phallus. All urethroplasty patients reported antegrade ejaculation. 16 patients (84%) voided through the urethra. 21 patients (70%) had an erectile device implanted. Conclusion RFFA and ALT result in good erogenous sensitivity but fistulas and strictures are frequent

    The aesthetic items scale: A tool for the evaluation of aesthetic outcome after breast reconstruction

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    __Background:__ Valid tools to assess aesthetic outcomes after breast reconstructive surgery are scarce. Previously a professional aesthetic assessment scale was introduced, the Aesthetic Items Scale (AIS). We aim to determine if this method is a valid and reliable tool to assess aesthetic outcome after breast reconstructive surgery. __Methods:__ The study population was consenting women who underwent prophylactic mastectomy with subsequent implant-based breast reconstruction. The aesthetic outcome with regard to breast volume, shape, symmetry, scars, and nipple areola complex was rated on a 5-point scale using standardized photographs to give a summed total score. Photographs were evaluated by the patient, 5 plastic surgeons, and 3 mammography nurses. An overall rating of aesthetic outcome on a 1-10 scale was given separately. We determined the intraclass correlation coefficient and assessed interobserver agreement. To assess validity, we calculated the correlation between total score and overall rating of aesthetic outcome. __Results:__ Interobserver reliability was highest between plastic surgeons for the subitem and overall scores and ranged between 0.56 and 0.82. The summed score of the AIS correlates strongly with the overall rating in professionals but not in patients. __Conclusions:__ The AIS is a valid and reliable method for evaluating aesthetic outcome of breast reconstruction by plastic surgeons. The results indicate that patients judge aesthetic outcome differently, taking into account factors that are not represented in the AIS. Professionals can use this method to evaluate surgical results, but other measurements are needed to map satisfaction of the patient with her breasts

    Ileal vaginoplasty as vaginal reconstruction in transgender women and patients with disorders of sex development: an international, multicentre, retrospective study on surgical characteristics and outcomes

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the surgical outcomes of ileal vaginoplasty in transgender women and patients with disorders of sex development (DSD). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Transgender women and patients with DSD, who underwent ileal vaginoplasty at the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, University Hospital Trieste, University Hospital Essen, and Belgrade University Hospital, were retrospectively identified. A chart review was performed, recording surgical technique, intraoperative characteristics, complications, and re-operations. RESULTS: We identified a total of 32 patients (27 transgender and five non-transgender), with a median (range) age of 35 (6-63) years. Ileal vaginoplasty was performed as the primary procedure in three and as a revision procedure in the remaining 29. The mean (sd) operative time was 288 (103) min. The procedure was performed laparoscopically (seven patients) or open (25). An ileal 'U-pouch' was created in five patients and a single lumen in 27. Intraoperative complications occurred in two patients (one iatrogenic bladder damage and one intraoperative blood loss necessitating transfusion). The median (range) hospitalisation was 12 (6-30) days. Successful neovaginal reconstruction was achieved in all. The mean (sd) achieved neovaginal depth was 13.2 (3.1) cm. The median (range) clinical follow-up was 35 (3-159) months. In one patient a recto-neovaginal fistula occurred, which lead to temporary ileostomy. Introital stenosis occurred in four patients (12.5%). CONCLUSION: Ileal vaginoplasty can be performed with few intra- and postoperative complications. It appears to have similar complication rates when compared to sigmoid vaginoplasty. It now seems to be used predominantly for revision procedures

    Geslachtsaanpassende chirurgie bij transmannen

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    Reversal surgery in regretful male-to-female transsexuals after sex reassignment surgery

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    Introduction: Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) has proved an effective intervention for patients with gender identity disorder. However, misdiagnosed patients sometimes regret their decision and request reversal surgery. This review is based on our experience with seven patients who regretted their decision to undergo male-to-female SRS. Aims: To analyze retrospectively seven patients who underwent reversal surgery after regretting their decision to undergo male-to-female SRS elsewhere. Methods: From November 2010 through November 2014, seven men 33 to 53 years old with previous male-to-female SRS underwent reversal phalloplasty. Preoperatively, they were examined by three independent psychiatrists. Surgery included three steps: removal of female genitalia with scrotoplasty and urethral lengthening, total phalloplasty with microvascular transfer of a musculocutaneous latissimus dorsi flap, and neophallus urethroplasty with penile prosthesis implantation. Main Outcome Measures: Self-reported esthetic and psychosexual status after reversion surgery and International Index of Erectile Function scores for sexual health after phalloplasty and penile prosthesis implantation. Results: Follow-up was 13 to 61 months (mean = 31 months). Good postoperative results were achieved in all patients. In four patients, all surgical steps were completed; two patients are currently waiting for penile implants; and one patient decided against the penile prosthesis. Complications were related to urethral lengthening: two fistulas and one stricture were observed. All complications were repaired by minor revision. According to patients' self-reports, all patients were pleased with the esthetic appearance of their genitalia and with their significantly improved psychological status. Conclusion: Reversal surgery in regretful male-to-female transsexuals after SRS represents a complex, multistage procedure with satisfactory outcomes. Further insight into the characteristics of persons who regret their decision postoperatively would facilitate better future selection of applicants eligible for SRS

    Herpes neolabialis: herpes simplex virus type 1 infection of the neolabia in a transgender woman

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    A 24-year-old transgender woman consulted our outpatient clinic with a painful, itchy and red left labia. She underwent a penile inversion vaginoplasty 18 months before presentation. At physical examination of the left labia, erythema, edema and herpetic vesicles with ulceration were observed. A vesicle fluid swab was obtained and the presence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) was detected by PCR assay. Treatment consisted of oral valaciclovir (500 mg twice daily) for a total of five days.Topically-applied lidocaine cream (3%) was used for pain management. Treatment gave symptom relief in five days. At physical examination 14 days after symptom onset, there were no signs of active infection. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of HSV-1 infection of the neolabia in a transgender woman
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