30 research outputs found

    Absence of Middle Hepatic Vein Combined with Retro-Aortic Left Renal Vein: a Very Rare Case Report

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    The hepatic and renal veins drain into the inferior vena cava. The upper group of hepatic veins consists of three veins which extend to the posterior face of the liver to join the inferior cava. The left renal vein passes anterior to the aorta just below the origin of the superior mesenteric artery. We detected a variation in the hepatic and renal veins in a multislice CT angiogram of a nine-year-old male patient in the Radiology Department of Afyon Kocatepe University Medical School. The upper group hepatic veins normally drains into the inferior vena cava as three separate trunks, namely the right, left and middle. In our case, we found that only the right and left hepatic veins existed and the middle hepatic vein was absent. Furthermore, the left renal vein, which normally passes anterior to the abdominal aorta, was retro-aortic. Left renal vein variations are of great importance in planning retroperitoneal surgery and vascular interventions. Knowledge of a patient's hepatic vein and renovascular anatomy and determining their variations and anomalies are of critical importance to abdominal operations, transplantations and preoperative evaluation of endovascular interventions

    The Mediating Effect of Blockchain Technology on the Cryptocurrency Purchase Intention

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    Cryptocurrencies, enabling secure digital asset transfers without a central authority, are experiencing increasing interest. With the increasing number of global and Turkish investors, it is evident that interest in digital assets will continue to rise sustainably, even in the face of financial fluctuations. However, it remains uncertain whether consumers perceive blockchain technology's ease of use and usefulness when purchasing cryptocurrencies. This study aims to explain blockchain technology's perceived ease of use and usefulness in cryptocurrency purchases by considering factors such as quality customer service, reduced costs, efficiency, and reliability. To achieve this goal, data were obtained from 463 participants interested in cryptocurrencies in different regions of Turkey. The data were analyzed using SPSS Process Macro programs. The analysis results indicate that perceived ease of use and usefulness mediate the effects of customer service and reduced costs, efficiency, and security on purchase intention

    CT-guided transthoracic biopsy: histopathologic results and complication rates

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to investigate the effectiveness and complications of transthoracic CT-guided biopsy techniques.METHODSA total of 94 CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic biopsy procedures performed in 85 patients were retrospectively evaluated. Core biopsy technique was used in 87 procedures and transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy was used in seven procedures.RESULTSDiagnostic results were achieved in 79 of 94 biopsy procedures. Pathology results were malignant in 54 patients, suspicious for malignancy in three patients, benign in five patients, and benign nonspecific in 17 patients. Specific diagnoses were obtained in 59 patients (62.8%) using core biopsy, but no specific diagnosis could be reached with transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Complications included pneumothorax in 27 patients (28.7%) and parenchymal hemorrhage during and after the procedure in eight patients (8.5%). CONCLUSIONSCT-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy is a highly accurate procedure for histopathological diagnosis of thoracic masses. In addition, percutaneous transthoracic biopsy has an acceptably low complication rate and it reduces the need for more invasive surgical procedures

    Peters anomaly

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    Peters anomalisi, korneal opasite, iris ve/veya lensten korneaya uzanan adezyonlar, endotel ve dessement membranının yokluğu ile karakterize bir hastalıktır. Sistemik anomaliler eşlik edebilir. Bu yazıda izole Peters anomalisi olan 8 yaşında bir kız çocuğunun ultrasonografi ve bilgisayarlı tomografi bulgularını sunuyoruz. Ulaşabildiğimiz literatüre göre Peters anomalisinin radyolojik bulguları daha önce rapor edilmemiştir.Peters anomaly, which includes corneal clouding, iris and/or lens adhesions to the cornea, and the absence of endotelium and descemet’s membrane, is often associated with systemic abnormalities. We report a case of eight years-old girl with Peters anomaly and diagnostic features of ultrasonography and computed tomography. To our knowledge, the radiological findings of Peters anomaly have not been reported previously

    Peters anomaly

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    Peters anomalisi, korneal opasite, iris ve/veya lensten korneaya uzanan adezyonlar, endotel ve dessement membranının yokluğu ile karakterize bir hastalıktır. Sistemik anomaliler eşlik edebilir. Bu yazıda izole Peters anomalisi olan 8 yaşında bir kız çocuğunun ultrasonografi ve bilgisayarlı tomografi bulgularını sunuyoruz. Ulaşabildiğimiz literatüre göre Peters anomalisinin radyolojik bulguları daha önce rapor edilmemiştir.Peters anomaly, which includes corneal clouding, iris and/or lens adhesions to the cornea, and the absence of endotelium and descemet’s membrane, is often associated with systemic abnormalities. We report a case of eight years-old girl with Peters anomaly and diagnostic features of ultrasonography and computed tomography. To our knowledge, the radiological findings of Peters anomaly have not been reported previously

    Psödoanevrizmayı taklit eden bir malign fibröz histiositoma olgusu

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    Malign fibröz histiositoma, erişkinlerde görülen en sık yumuşak doku tümörüdür. Psödoanevrizma ise arter duvarı rüptürü sonucu gelişir. Her iki lezyon da ekstremitede bir kitle şeklinde kendini gösterir. Burada psödoanevrizmayı taklit eden bir malign fibröz histiositoma olgusunu sunarak, bu iki farklı lezyonun benzerlikleri ve farklılıklarını tartışıyoruz.Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is the most common soft tissue tumor encountered in adults. A pseudoaneurysm is defined as a contained rupture of the artery wall. Each lesion may be present as a mass in the extremities. We present a case with malignant fibrous histiocytoma mimicking pseudoaneurysm, and discuss similarities and differences of these different lesions

    Adnex torsiyonunun mrı bulgularınının reversible - irreversible iskemik özellikleri: Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    A 21-year- old virgin young woman who was admitted to emergency room with severe lower quadrant pain. Doppler ultrasound of the pelvis revealed nonhomogenous solid mass behind the bladder at the midline. The Doppler ultrasound did not show blood flow in the mass. MRI showed an ovoid mass measuring approximately 8 cm medially in the minor pelvis between the uterus and the rectum. In this report, the MRI findings of adnexal torsion is described and reversible – irreversible ischemic features of MRI are discussed.21 yaşında evlenmemiş genç bayan hasta şiddetli alt kadran ağrısı ile acil servise başvurdu. Yapılan pelvik Doppler ultrasound incelemede mesane posteriorunda orta hatta nonhomojen solid kitle izlendi. Kitlede kan akımı saptanmadı. MRI incelemede 8 cm boyutunda uterus ve rektum arasına oturan ovoid kitle saptandı. Bu vakada adnex torsiyonunun MRI bulguları tanımlanmış ve reversible–irreversible iskemik özellikler tartış- ılmıştır

    Adnex torsiyonunun mrı bulgularınının reversible - irreversible iskemik özellikleri: Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    A 21-year- old virgin young woman who was admitted to emergency room with severe lower quadrant pain. Doppler ultrasound of the pelvis revealed nonhomogenous solid mass behind the bladder at the midline. The Doppler ultrasound did not show blood flow in the mass. MRI showed an ovoid mass measuring approximately 8 cm medially in the minor pelvis between the uterus and the rectum. In this report, the MRI findings of adnexal torsion is described and reversible – irreversible ischemic features of MRI are discussed.21 yaşında evlenmemiş genç bayan hasta şiddetli alt kadran ağrısı ile acil servise başvurdu. Yapılan pelvik Doppler ultrasound incelemede mesane posteriorunda orta hatta nonhomojen solid kitle izlendi. Kitlede kan akımı saptanmadı. MRI incelemede 8 cm boyutunda uterus ve rektum arasına oturan ovoid kitle saptandı. Bu vakada adnex torsiyonunun MRI bulguları tanımlanmış ve reversible–irreversible iskemik özellikler tartış- ılmıştır


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    Osteoma is the most common benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses that is capable of extending to surrounding structures. Fibrous dysplasia is a benign developmental abnormality of the bone with unknown etiology. We describe a patient with osteoma of the frontal sinus who presented with right proptosis. And also fibrous dysplasia of skull adjacent the osteoma was found incidentally

    Doppler sonographic evaluation of hepatic blood flow change with age

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    Çalışmamızda karaciğer kan akımının ve karaci- ğer Doppler parametrelerinin yaşlanmayla değişimini de- ğerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Yaşları 26-67 arasında değişen 30 sağlıklı (16 erkek ve 14 kadın) gönüllüde renkli Doppler ultrasonografi ile noninvazif olarak hepatik arter ve portal ven kan akım hacimleri ile bunların aritmetik toplamı olarak karaciğer kan akım hacmi ölçüldü. Ölçümler sırasında hepatik arter rezistif ve pulsatilite indeksleri ile portal venin pulsatilite indeksleri ve maksimum hızları da ölçülerek elde edilen bütün değerlerin yaşla korelasyonu incelendi. Hepatik arter, portal ven ve toplam karaciğer kan akımları yaşla anlamlı negatif korelasyon gösterdiler. Sonuç olarak yaşla karaciğer kan akımının azaldığı bulundu ve karaciğer hastalıklarının Doppler ile tanı ve takiplerinde bu azalmanın göz önünde bulundurulması gerekliliği ifade edildi.In this study we aimed to evaluate age related changes in hepatic blood flow and hepatic Doppler parameters. Blood flow volumes of hepatic artery and portal vein with total hepatic blood flow which is the sum of both values were measured non-invasively in 30 healthy volunteers (16 men and 14 women, aged between 26 and 67) with color Doppler ultrasound. We also measured resistivity, pulsatility indices, and maximum flow velocities of hepatic artery and pulsatility index and maximum flow velocity of portal vein, and evaluated the correlation of all acquired values with age. Blood flows of hepatic artery, portal vein and total hepatic blood flow showed a significant negative correlation with age. In conclusion, hepatic blood flow decreases with age, and this must be kept in mind during the evaluation of liver diseases with Doppler ultrasound