48 research outputs found

    Preclinical validation of the advection diffusion flow estimation method using computational patient specific coronary tree phantoms

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    Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) does not allow the quantification of reduced blood flow due to coronary artery disease (CAD). In response, numerical methods based on the CCTA image have been developed to compute coronary blood flow and assess the impact of disease. However to compute blood flow in the coronary arteries, numerical methods require specification of boundary conditions that are difficult to estimate accurately in a patient-specific manner. We describe herein a new noninvasive flow estimation method, called Advection Diffusion Flow Estimation (ADFE), to compute coronary artery flow from CCTA to use as boundary conditions for numerical models of coronary blood flow. ADFE uses image contrast variation along the tree-like structure to estimate flow in each vessel. For validating this method we used patient specific software phantoms on which the transport of contrast was simulated. This controlled validation setting enables a direct comparison between estimated flow and actual flow and a detailed investigation of factors affecting accuracy. A total of 10 CCTA image data sets were processed to extract all necessary information for simulating contrast transport. A spectral element method solver was used for computing the ground truth simulations with high accuracy. On this data set, the ADFE method showed a high correlation coefficient of 0.998 between estimated flow and the ground truth flow together with an average relative error of only 1 % . Comparing the ADFE method with the best method currently available (TAFE) for image-based blood flow estimation, which showed a correlation coefficient of 0.752 and average error of 20 % , it can be concluded that the ADFE method has the potential to significantly improve the quantification of coronary artery blood flow derived from contrast gradients in CCTA images. </p

    Automated motion analysis of bony joint structures from dynamic computer tomography images: A multi-atlas approach

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    Dynamic computer tomography (CT) is an emerging modality to analyze in-vivo joint kinematics at the bone level, but it requires manual bone segmentation and, in some instances, landmark identification. The objective of this study is to present an automated workflow for the assessment of three-dimensional in vivo joint kinematics from dynamic musculoskeletal CT images. The proposed method relies on a multi-atlas, multi-label segmentation and landmark propagation framework to extract bony structures and detect anatomical landmarks on the CT dataset. The segmented structures serve as regions of interest for the subsequent motion estimation across the dynamic sequence. The landmarks are propagated across the dynamic sequence for the construction of bone embedded reference frames from which kinematic parameters are estimated. We applied our workflow on dynamic CT images obtained from 15 healthy subjects on two different joints: thumb base (n = 5) and knee (n = 10). The proposed method resulted in segmentation accuracies of 0.90 ± 0.01 for the thumb dataset and 0.94 ± 0.02 for the knee as measured by the Dice score coefficient. In terms of motion estimation, mean differences in cardan angles between the automated algorithm and manual segmentation, and landmark identification performed by an expert were below 1◦. Intraclass correlation (ICC) between cardan angles from the algorithm and results from expert manual landmarks ranged from 0.72 to 0.99 for all joints across all axes. The proposed automated method resulted in reproducible and reliable measurements, enabling the assessment of joint kinematics using 4DCT in clinical routine


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    Binocular rivalry refers to the perceptual alternation that occurs while viewing incompatible images, in which one monocular image is dominant and the other is suppressed. Rivalry has been closely studied but the neural site at which it is initiated is still controversial. The central claim of this thesis is that primary visual cortex is responsible for its initiation. This claim is supported by evidence from four experimental studies. The first study (described in Chapter 4) introduces the methodology for measuring visual sensitivity during dominance and suppression and compares several methods to see which yields the greatest difference between these two sensitivities. Suppression depth was measured by comparing the discrimination thresholds to a brief test stimulus delivered during dominance and suppression phases. The deepest suppression was achieved after a learning period, with the test stimulus presented for 100 ms and with post-test masking. The second study (Chapter 5) compares two hypotheses for the mechanism of binocular rivalry. Under eye suppression, visibility decreases when the tested eye is being suppressed, regardless of the test stimulus’s features. Feature suppression, however, predicts that reduction of visibility is caused by suppression of a stimulus feature, no matter which eye is suppressed. Eye suppression claims that monocular channels in the visual system alternate between dominance and suppression, while Feature suppression assumes that the features of stimuli inhibit each other perceptually in the high-level cortex. The experiment used a test stimulus similar in features to one, but not the other, rivalry-inducing stimulus. Test sensitivity was found to be lowered when the test stimulus was presented to the eye whose rivalry-inducing stimulus was suppressed. Sensitivity was not lowered when the test stimulus was presented to the other eye, even when the test shared features with the suppressed stimulus. The conclusion is that feature suppression is weak or does not exist without eye suppression, and that rivalry therefore originates in the primary visual cortex. If binocular rivalry is initiated in the primary visual cortex, stimuli producing no coherent activity in that area should produce no rivalry. In the third study (Chapter 6) this idea was tested with rotating arrays of short-lifetime dots. The dots with the shortest lifetime produced an image with no rotation signal, and an infinite lifetime produced rigid rotation. Subjects could discriminate the rotation direction with high accuracy at all but the shortest lifetime. When the two eyes were presented with opposite directions of rotation, there was binocular rivalry only at the longest lifetimes. Stimuli with short lifetimes produce a coherent motion signal, since their direction can be discriminated, but do not produce rivalry. A simple interpretation of this observation is that binocular rivalry is initiated at a level in the visual hierarchy below that which supports the motion signal. The model supported by the results of previous chapters requires that binocular rivalry suppression be small in the primary visual cortex, and builds up as signals progress along the visual pathway. This model predicts that for judgements dependent on activity in high visual cortex: 1. Binocular rivalry suppression should be deep; 2. Responses should be contrast invariant. The fourth and last study (chapter 7) confirmed these predictions by measuring suppression depth in two ways. First, two similar forms were briefly presented to one eye: the difference in shapes required for their discrimination was substantially greater during suppression than during dominance. Second, the two forms were made sufficiently different in shape to allow easy discrimination at high contrast, and the contrast of these forms was lowered to find the discrimination threshold. The results in the second experiment showed that contrast sensitivity did not differ between the suppression and dominance states. This invariance in contrast sensitivity is interpreted in terms of steep contrast-response functions in cortex beyond the primary visual area. The work in this thesis supports the idea that binocular rivalry is a process distributed along the visual pathway. More importantly, the results provide several lines of evidence that binocular rivalry is initiated in primary visual cortex

    A cost effeciency approach to universal access for public transport for disabled people

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    Purpose To determine the intervendor variability of Agatston scoring determined with state-of-the-art computed tomographic (CT) systems from the four major vendors in an ex vivo setup and to simulate the subsequent effects on cardiovascular risk reclassification in a large population-based cohort. Materials and Methods Research ethics board approval was not necessary because cadaveric hearts from individuals who donated their bodies to science were used. Agatston scores obtained with CT scanners from four different vendors were compared. Fifteen ex vivo human hearts were placed in a phantom resembling an average human adult. Hearts were scanned at equal radiation dose settings for the systems of all four vendors. Agatston scores were quantified semiautomatically with software used clinically. The ex vivo Agatston scores were used to simulate the effects of different CT scanners on reclassification of 432 individuals aged 55 years or older from a population-based study who were at intermediate cardiovascular risk based on Framingham risk scores. The Friedman test was used to evaluate overall differences, and post hoc analyses were performed by using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test with Bonferroni correction. Results Agatston scores differed substantially when CT scanners from different vendors were used, with median Agatston scores ranging from 332 (interquartile range, 114-1135) to 469 (interquartile range, 183-1381; P < .05). Simulation showed that these differences resulted in a change in cardiovascular risk classification in 0.5\%-6.5\% of individuals at intermediate risk when a CT scanner from a different vendor was used. Conclusion Among individuals at intermediate cardiovascular risk, state-of the-art CT scanners made by different vendors produced substantially different Agatston scores, which can result in reclassification of patients to the high- or low-risk categories in up to 6.5\% of cases. © RSNA, 2014

    CT doses in children: a multicentre study

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    We evaluated examination protocols used for common CT procedures of paediatric patients at different hospitals in Belgium in order to determine whether adjustments related to patient size are made in scanning parameters, and to compare patient doses with proposed reference levels. Three paediatric hospitals and one non-paediatric hospital participated in the study. Weighted CT dose-index (CTDIw), dose-length product (DLP) and effective dose (E) were evaluated for three patient ages (1 year, 5 years and 10 years) and three common procedures (brain, thorax and abdomen). CTDIw and DLP values higher than the reference levels were found for all types of evaluated examination. E ranged from 0.4 mSv to 2.3 mSv, 1.1 mSv to 6.6 mSv, and 2.3 mSv to 19.9 mSv for brain, thorax and abdomen examinations, respectively. All centres but one adapted their protocols as a function of patient size. However, no common trend in the selection of protocols was observed. Some centres divided the whole range of patient size into only two/three groups by age, while others classified the patients into six groups by weight. It was also observed that some centres used the same mAs for the total range of patient sizes and decreased the pitch factor for small children, which resulted in higher doses. This indicates the importance of careful selection of technical scan parameters. If CT parameters used for paediatric patients are not adjusted on the basis of examination type, age and/or size of the child, then some patients will be exposed to an unnecessarily high radiation dose during CT examinations

    The use of extremity dosemeters in a hospital environment

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    Differentiation of Hemorrhage from Iodine Using Spectral Detector CT: A Phantom Study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Conventional CT often cannot distinguish hemorrhage from iodine extravasation following reperfusion therapy for acute ischemic stroke. We investigated the potential of spectral detector CT in differentiating these lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Centrifuged blood with increasing hematocrit (5%-85%) was used to model hemorrhage. Pure blood, blood-iodine mixtures (75/25, 50/50, and 25/75 ratios), and iodine solutions (0-14 mg I/mL) were scanned in a phantom with attenuation ranging from 12 to 75 HU on conventional imaging. Conventional and virtual noncontrast attenuation was compared and investigated for correlation with calculation of relative virtual noncontrast attenuation. Values for all investigated categories were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. Sensitivity and specificity of virtual noncontrast, relative virtual noncontrast, conventional CT attenuation, and iodine quantification for hemorrhage detection were determined with receiver operating characteristic analysis. RESULTS: Conventional image attenuation was not significantly different among all samples containing blood (P > .05), while virtual noncontrast attenuation showed a significant decrease with a decreasing blood component (P < .01) in all blood-iodine mixtures. Relative virtual noncontrast values were significantly different among all investigated categories (P < .01), with correct hemorrhagic component size estimation for all categories within a 95% confidence interval. Areas under the curve for hemorrhage detection were 0.97, 0.87, 0.29, and 0.16 for virtual noncontrast, relative virtual noncontrast, conventional CT attenuation, and iodine quantification, respectively. A 10-HU virtual noncontrast, 20-HU virtual noncontrast, 40% relative virtual noncontrast, and combined 10-HU virtual noncontrast and 40% relative virtual noncontrast attenuation threshold had a sensitivity/specificity for detecting hemorrhage of 100%/23%, 89%/95%, 100%/82%, and 100%/100%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Spectral detector CT can accurately differentiate blood from iodinated contrast in a phantom setting