6,068 research outputs found

    A Vector-Integration-to-Endpoint Model for Performance of Viapoint Movements

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    Viapoint (VP) movements are movements to a desired point that are constrained to pass through an intermediate point. Studies have shown that VP movements possess properties, such as smooth curvature around the VP, that are not explicable by treating VP movements as strict concatenations of simpler point-to-point (PTP) movements. Such properties have led some theorists to propose whole-trajectory optimization models, which imply that the entire trajectory is pre-computed before movement initiation. This paper reports new experiments conducted to systematically compare VP with PTP trajectories. Analyses revealed a statistically significant early directional deviation in VP movements but no associated curvature change. An explanation of this effect is offered by extending the Vector-Integration-To-Endpoint (VITE) model (Bullock and Grossberg, 1988), which postulates that voluntary movement trajectories emerge as internal gating signals control the integration of continuously computed vector commands based on the evolving, perceptible difference between desired and actual position variables. The model explains the observed trajectories of VP and PTP movements as emergent properties of a dynamical system that does not precompute entire trajectories before movement initiation. The new model includes a working memory and a stage sensitive to time-to-contact information. These cooperate to control serial performance. The structural and functional relationships proposed in the model are consistent with available data on forebrain physiology and anatomy.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-93-1-1364, N0014-95-1-0409

    The Implications of Galaxy Formation Models for the TeV Observations of Current Detectors

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    This paper represents a step toward constraining galaxy formation models via TeV gamm a ray observations. We use semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to predict a spectral distribution for the intergalactic infrared photon field, which in turn yields information about the absorption of TeV gamma rays from extra-galactic sources. By making predictions for integral flux observations at >200 GeV for several known EGRE T sources, we directly compare our models with current observational upper limits obtained by Whipple. In addition, our predictions may offer a guide to the observing programs for the current population of TeV gamma ray observatories.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 6th TeV Workshop at Snowbird, U

    3D stellar kinematics at the Galactic center: measuring the nuclear star cluster spatial density profile, black hole mass, and distance

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    We present 3D kinematic observations of stars within the central 0.5 pc of the Milky Way nuclear star cluster using adaptive optics imaging and spectroscopy from the Keck telescopes. Recent observations have shown that the cluster has a shallower surface density profile than expected for a dynamically relaxed cusp, leading to important implications for its formation and evolution. However, the true three dimensional profile of the cluster is unknown due to the difficulty in de-projecting the stellar number counts. Here, we use spherical Jeans modeling of individual proper motions and radial velocities to constrain for the first time, the de-projected spatial density profile, cluster velocity anisotropy, black hole mass (MBHM_\mathrm{BH}), and distance to the Galactic center (R0R_0) simultaneously. We find that the inner stellar density profile of the late-type stars, ρ(r)rγ\rho(r)\propto r^{-\gamma} to have a power law slope γ=0.050.60+0.29\gamma=0.05_{-0.60}^{+0.29}, much more shallow than the frequently assumed Bahcall &\& Wolf slope of γ=7/4\gamma=7/4. The measured slope will significantly affect dynamical predictions involving the cluster, such as the dynamical friction time scale. The cluster core must be larger than 0.5 pc, which disfavors some scenarios for its origin. Our measurement of MBH=5.761.26+1.76×106M_\mathrm{BH}=5.76_{-1.26}^{+1.76}\times10^6 MM_\odot and R0=8.920.55+0.58R_0=8.92_{-0.55}^{+0.58} kpc is consistent with that derived from stellar orbits within 1^{\prime\prime} of Sgr A*. When combined with the orbit of S0-2, the uncertainty on R0R_0 is reduced by 30% (8.460.38+0.428.46_{-0.38}^{+0.42} kpc). We suggest that the MW NSC can be used in the future in combination with stellar orbits to significantly improve constraints on R0R_0.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, ApJL accepte

    Triton's surface age and impactor population revisited in light of Kuiper Belt fluxes: Evidence for small Kuiper Belt objects and recent geological activity

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    Neptune's largest satellite, Triton, is one of the most fascinating and enigmatic bodies in the solar system. Among its numerous interesting traits, Triton appears to have far fewer craters than would be expected if its surface was primordial. Here we combine the best available crater count data for Triton with improved estimates of impact rates by including the Kuiper Belt as a source of impactors. We find that the population of impactors creating the smallest observed craters on Triton must be sub-km in scale, and that this small-impactor population can be best fit by a differential power-law size index near -3. Such results provide interesting, indirect probes of the unseen small body population of the Kuiper Belt. Based on the modern, Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud impactor flux estimates, we also recalculate estimated ages for several regions of Triton's surface imaged by Voyager 2, and find that Triton was probably active on a time scale no greater than 0.1-0.3 Gyr ago (indicating Triton was still active after some 90% to 98% of the age of the solar system), and perhaps even more recently. The time-averaged volumetric resurfacing rate on Triton implied by these results, 0.01 km3^3 yr1^{-1} or more, is likely second only to Io and Europa in the outer solar system, and is within an order of magnitude of estimates for Venus and for the Earth's intraplate zones. This finding indicates that Triton likely remains a highly geologically active world at present, some 4.5 Gyr after its formation. We briefly speculate on how such a situation might obtain.Comment: 14 pages (TeX), plus 2 postscript figures Stern & McKinnon, 2000, AJ, in pres

    Quantum circuits with uniformly controlled one-qubit gates

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    Uniformly controlled one-qubit gates are quantum gates which can be represented as direct sums of two-dimensional unitary operators acting on a single qubit. We present a quantum gate array which implements any n-qubit gate of this type using at most 2^{n-1} - 1 controlled-NOT gates, 2^{n-1} one-qubit gates and a single diagonal n-qubit gate. The circuit is based on the so-called quantum multiplexor, for which we provide a modified construction. We illustrate the versatility of these gates by applying them to the decomposition of a general n-qubit gate and a local state preparation procedure. Moreover, we study their implementation using only nearest-neighbor gates. We give upper bounds for the one-qubit and controlled-NOT gate counts for all the aforementioned applications. In all four cases, the proposed circuit topologies either improve on or achieve the previously reported upper bounds for the gate counts. Thus, they provide the most efficient method for general gate decompositions currently known.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. v2 has simpler notation and sharpens some result

    Quantifying farm sustainability through the lens of ecological theory

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    The achievements of the Green Revolution in meeting the nutritional needs of a growing global population have been won at the expense of unintended consequences for the environment. Some of these negative impacts are now threatening the sustainability of food production through the loss of pollinators and natural enemies of crop pests, the evolution of pesticide resistance, declining soil health and vulnerability to climate change. In the search for farming systems that are sustainable both agronomically and environmentally, alternative approaches have been proposed variously called ‘agroecological’, ‘conservation agriculture’, ‘regenerative’ and ‘sustainable intensification’. While the widespread recognition of the need for more sustainable farming is to be welcomed, this has created etymological confusion that has the potential to become a barrier to transformation. There is a need, therefore, for objective criteria to evaluate alternative farming systems and to quantify farm sustainability against multiple outcomes. To help meet this challenge, we reviewed the ecological theories that explain variance in regulating and supporting ecosystem services delivered by biological communities in farmland to identify guiding principles for management change. For each theory, we identified associated system metrics that could be used as proxies for agroecosystem function. We identified five principles derived from ecological theory: (i) provide key habitats for ecosystem service providers; (ii) increase crop and non-crop habitat diversity; (iii) increase edge density: (iv) increase nutrient-use efficiency; and (v) avoid extremes of disturbance. By making published knowledge the foundation of the choice of associated metrics, our aim was to establish a broad consensus for their use in sustainability assessment frameworks. Further analysis of their association with farm-scale data on biological communities and/or ecosystem service delivery would provide additional validation for their selection and support for the underpinning theories