557 research outputs found

    A systematic study of Lyman-Alpha transfer through outflowing shells: Model parameter estimation

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    Outflows promote the escape of Lyman-α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) photons from dusty interstellar media. The process of radiative transfer through interstellar outflows is often modelled by a spherically symmetric, geometrically thin shell of gas that scatters photons emitted by a central Lyα\alpha source. Despite its simplified geometry, this `shell model' has been surprisingly successful at reproducing observed Lyα\alpha line shapes. In this paper we perform automated line fitting on a set of noisy simulated shell model spectra, in order to determine whether degeneracies exist between the different shell model parameters. While there are some significant degeneracies, we find that most parameters are accurately recovered, especially the HI column density (NHIN_{\rm HI}) and outflow velocity (vexpv_{\rm exp}). This work represents an important first step in determining how the shell model parameters relate to the actual physical properties of Lyα\alpha sources. To aid further exploration of the parameter space, we have made our simulated model spectra available through an interactive online tool.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Matches version published in ApJ. Our grid of Lyman alpha spectra can be accessed at http://bit.ly/man-alpha through an interactive online too

    Spatial curvature endgame: Reaching the limit of curvature determination

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    Current constraints on spatial curvature show that it is dynamically negligible: ΩK5×103|\Omega_{\rm K}| \lesssim 5 \times 10^{-3} (95% CL). Neglecting it as a cosmological parameter would be premature however, as more stringent constraints on ΩK\Omega_{\rm K} at around the 10410^{-4} level would offer valuable tests of eternal inflation models and probe novel large-scale structure phenomena. This precision also represents the "curvature floor", beyond which constraints cannot be meaningfully improved due to the cosmic variance of horizon-scale perturbations. In this paper, we discuss what future experiments will need to do in order to measure spatial curvature to this maximum accuracy. Our conservative forecasts show that the curvature floor is unreachable - by an order of magnitude - even with Stage IV experiments, unless strong assumptions are made about dark energy evolution and the Λ\LambdaCDM parameter values. We also discuss some of the novel problems that arise when attempting to constrain a global cosmological parameter like ΩK\Omega_{\rm K} with such high precision. Measuring curvature down to this level would be an important validation of systematics characterisation in high-precision cosmological analyses.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Updated to match version published in Phys. Rev.

    Hypernatraemic stimulation of oxytocin secretion : effects of opioids and pregnancy

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    Reconstructing cosmic growth with kSZ observations in the era of Stage IV experiments

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    Future ground-based CMB experiments will generate competitive large-scale structure datasets by precisely characterizing CMB secondary anisotropies over a large fraction of the sky. We describe a method for constraining the growth rate of structure to sub-1% precision out to z1z\approx 1, using a combination of galaxy cluster peculiar velocities measured using the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect, and the velocity field reconstructed from galaxy redshift surveys. We consider only thermal SZ-selected cluster samples, which will consist of O(104105)\mathcal{O}(10^4-10^5) sources for Stage 3 and 4 CMB experiments respectively. Three different methods for separating the kSZ effect from the primary CMB are compared, including a novel blind "constrained realization" method that improves signal-to-noise by a factor of 2\sim 2 over a commonly-used aperture photometry technique. Measurements of the integrated tSZ yy-parameter are used to break the kSZ velocity-optical depth degeneracy, and the effects of including CMB polarization and SZ profile uncertainties are also considered. A combination of future Stage 4 experiments should be able to measure the product of the growth and expansion rates, αfH\alpha\equiv f H, to better than 1% in bins of Δz=0.1\Delta z = 0.1 out to z1z \approx 1 -- competitive with contemporary redshift-space distortion constraints from galaxy surveys.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Statistical recovery of the BAO scale from multipoles of the beam-convolved 21cm correlation function

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    Despite being designed as an interferometer, the MeerKAT radio array (an SKA pathfinder) can also be used in autocorrelation (`single-dish') mode, where each dish scans the sky independently. Operating in this mode allows extremely high survey speeds to be achieved, albeit at significantly lower angular resolution. We investigate the recovery of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale from multipoles of the redshift-space correlation function as measured by a low angular resolution 21cm intensity mapping survey of this kind. Our approach is to construct an analytic model of the multipoles of the correlation function and their covariance matrix that includes foreground contamination and beam resolution effects, which we then use to generate an ensemble of mock data vectors from which we attempt to recover the BAO scale. In line with previous studies, we find that recovery of the transverse BAO scale α\alpha_{\perp} is hampered by the strong smoothing effect of the instrumental beam with increasing redshift, while the radial scale α\alpha_\parallel is much more robust. The multipole formalism naturally incorporates transverse information when it is available however, and so there is no need to perform a radial-only analysis. In particular, the quadrupole of the correlation function preserves a distinctive BAO `bump' feature even for large smoothing scales. We also investigate the robustness of BAO scale recovery to beam model accuracy, severity of the foreground removal cuts, and accuracy of the covariance matrix model, finding in all cases that the radial BAO scale can be recovered in an accurate, unbiased manner.Comment: Updated to MNRAS accepted version. 20 pages, 14 figures. For the busy reader: see Figs. 4, 5, and

    Quintessence in a quandary: prior dependence in dark energy models

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    The archetypal theory of dark energy is quintessence: a minimally coupled scalar field with a canonical kinetic energy and potential. By studying random potentials we show that quintessence imposes a restricted set of priors on the equation of state of dark energy. Focusing on the commonly-used parametrisation, w(a)w0+wa(1a)w(a)\approx w_0+w_a(1-a), we show that there is a natural scale and direction in the (w0,wa)(w_0, w_a) plane that distinguishes quintessence as a general framework. We calculate the expected information gain for a given survey and show that, because of the non-trivial prior information, it is a function of more than just the figure of merit. This allows us to make a quantitative case for novel survey strategies. We show that the scale of the prior sets target observational requirements for gaining significant information. This corresponds to a figure of merit FOM200\gtrsim 200, a requirement that future galaxy redshift surveys will meet.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. For the busy reader, Fig. 1 is the money plot. v2: Minor changes, matches published version. Code open source at gitorious.org/random-quintessenc

    Cross correlation surveys with the Square Kilometre Array

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    By the time that the first phase of the Square Kilometre Array is deployed it will be able to perform state of the art Large Scale Structure (LSS) as well as Weak Gravitational Lensing (WGL) measurements of the distribution of matter in the Universe. In this chapter we concentrate on the synergies that result from cross-correlating these different SKA data products as well as external correlation with the weak lensing measurements available from CMB missions. We show that the Dark Energy figures of merit obtained individually from WGL/LSS measurements and their independent combination is significantly increased when their full cross-correlations are taken into account. This is due to the increased knowledge of galaxy bias as a function of redshift as well as the extra information from the different cosmological dependences of the cross-correlations. We show that the cross-correlation between a spectroscopic LSS sample and a weak lensing sample with photometric redshifts can calibrate these same photometric redshifts, and their scatter, to high accuracy by modelling them as nuisance parameters and fitting them simultaneously cosmology. Finally we show that Modified Gravity parameters are greatly constrained by this cross-correlations because weak lensing and redshift space distortions (from the LSS survey) break strong degeneracies in common parameterisations of modified gravity.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. This article is part of the 'Cosmology Chapter, Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14) Conference, Giardini Naxos (Italy), June 9th-13th 2014

    Weak gravitational lensing with CO galaxies

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    Optical weak lensing surveys have become a powerful tool for precision cosmology, but remain subject to systematic effects that can severely bias cosmological parameter estimates if not carefully removed. We discuss the possibility of performing complementary weak lensing surveys at radio/microwave frequencies, using detections of CO-emitting galaxies with resolved continuum images from ngVLA. This method has completely different systematic uncertainties to optical weak lensing shear measurements (e.g. in terms of blending, PSF, and redshift uncertainties), and can provide additional information to help disentangle intrinsic alignments from the cosmological shear signal. A combined analysis of optical and CO galaxy lensing surveys would therefore provide an extremely stringent validation of highly-sensitive future surveys with Euclid, LSST, and WFIRST, definitively rejecting biases due to residual systematic effects. A lensing survey on ngVLA would also provide valuable spectral (kinematic) and polarimetric information, which can be used to develop novel cosmological analyses that are not currently possible in the optical.Comment: Contribution to 2018, ASP Conference Series Monograph 7, "Science with a Next-Generation Very Large Array," Eric Murphy, ed., in preparatio