27 research outputs found

    Biological studies of soils in paired old and new land sites growing sugarcane

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    The growth of sugarcane in soils from land monocultured with sugarcane, and from land which had either never been cropped with sugarcane, or just recently cropped, was compared under glasshouse conditions. In general, cane growth in new land soils was greater than in monocultured soil (shoot growth 7.4%, root growth 21.4%). Responses to soil pasteurisation were investigated in some soils and were greater in monocultured soils suggesting that root growth constraints were larger in the monocultured soil (210% response in monocultured soils v. 64% in new land soils). Assays for sugarcane root pathogens suggested that Pachymetra chaunorhiza was a major contributor to the old/new land growth responses, but it is unlikely that Pythium spp. were factors in the growth differences. Monitoring of other groups of organisms in soil from one site suggested that sugarcane monoculture may affect populations in the broader biological community

    Um simulador dinâmico do crescimento de uma cultura de cana-de-açúcar A dynamic simulator of the sugarcane crop growth

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    Este trabalho descreve a primeira versão de um simulador matemático-fisiológico do crescimento diário de uma cultura de cana-de-açúcar (SIMCANA) em resposta às condições do ambiente durante a estação de crescimento. SIMCANA resume a maior parte das informações disponíveis concernentes aos processos fisiológicos da cultura de cana-de-açúcar. Esta sua versão não incluí os processos degerminação e florescimento, havendo necessidade de especificar as condições da cultura no primeiro dia de simulação. Em função das condições diárias de radiação solar global, temperatura máxima e mínima, umidade relativa do ar, SIMCANA calcula as taxas de fotossíntese, respiração e crescimento da cultura, as taxas de senescência das folhas e raízes, a massa seca das folhas, colmos e raízes, e o índice de área foliar. Embora várias relações empíricas tenham sido usadas, SIMCANA parece ser capaz de simular o crescimento da cultura de cana-de-açúcar.<br>The first version of a mathematical-physiological simulator of the daily growth of a sugarcane crop (SIMCANA) as a function of the environmental conditions during the growing season is described. SIMCANA summarizes most of the available information regarding to the physiological processes of the sugarcane crop. This version does not include the germination and flowering processes, therefore it is necessary to specify the crop conditions at the first day of simulation. Given the daily conditions of global solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperature, and the relative humidity, SIMCANA computes the rates of crop photosynthesis, respiration, and growth, the senescence rates for leaves and roots, the dry mass of leaves, stems, and roots, and the leaf area index. Although several empirical relations have been used, SIMCANA seems to be able to simulate the sugarcane crop growth