111 research outputs found

    Thermal entanglement in a triple quantum dot system

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    We present studies of thermal entanglement of a three-spin system in triangular symmetry. Spin correlations are described within an effective Heisenberg Hamiltonian, derived from the Hubbard Hamiltonian, with super-exchange couplings modulated by an effective electric field. Additionally a homogenous magnetic field is applied to completely break the degeneracy of the system. We show that entanglement is generated in the subspace of doublet states with different pairwise spin correlations for the ground and excited states. At low temperatures thermal mixing between the doublets with the same spin destroys entanglement, however one can observe its restoration at higher temperatures due to the mixing of the states with an opposite spin orientation or with quadruplets (unentangled states) always destroys entanglement. Pairwise entanglement is quantified using concurrence for which analytical formulae are derived in various thermal mixing scenarios. The electric field plays a specific role -- it breaks the symmetry of the system and changes spin correlations. Rotating the electric field can create maximally entangled qubit pairs together with a separate spin (monogamy) that survives in a relatively wide temperature range providing robust pairwise entanglement generation at elevated temperatures.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Eur. Phys. J.

    Semiclassical theory of spin-polarized shot noise in mesoscopic diffusive conductors

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    We study fluctuations of spin-polarized currents in a three-terminal spin-valve system consisting of a diffusive normal metal wire connected by tunnel junctions to three ferromagnetic terminals. Based on a spin-dependent Boltzmann-Langevin equation, we develop a semiclassical theory of charge and spin currents and the correlations of the currents fluctuations. In the three terminal system, we show that current fluctuations are strongly affected by the spin-flip scattering in the normal metal and the spin polarizations of the terminals, which may point in different directions. We analyze the dependence of the shot noise and the cross-correlations on the spin-flip scattering rate in the full range of the spin polarizations and for different magnetic configurations. Our result demonstrate that noise measurements in multi-terminal devices allow to determine the spin-flip scattering rate by changing the polarizations of ferromagnetic terminals.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Numerical Studies of Fano Resonance in Quantum dots Embedded in AB Rings

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    The Fano resonance in quantum dots embedded in Aharonov-Bohm rings is examined theoretically, using two models of non-interacting electrons. The first model yields an analytical expression for the conductance G. G is written in an extended Fano form with a complex parameter. The shape of the resonance can be asymmetric or symmetric, depending on the magnetic flux enclosed in the ring. The "phase" of the resonance is changed continuously with increasing the flux in two-terminal situations. These are in accordance with recent experimental results. In the second model, we consider the dephasing effect on the Fano resonance by numerical calculations.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., proceedings of International Conference on Quantum Transport and Quantum Coherence (Localisation 2002, Tokyo

    Quantum effects in linear and non-linear transport of T-shaped ballistic junction

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    We report low-temperature transport measurements of three-terminal T-shaped device patterned from GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. We demonstrate the mode branching and bend resistance effects predicted by numerical modeling for linear conductance data. We show also that the backscattering at the junction area depends on the wave function parity. We find evidence that in a non-linear transport regime the voltage of floating electrode always increases as a function of push-pull polarization. Such anomalous effect occurs for the symmetric device, provided the applied voltage is less than the Fermi energy in equilibrium