7 research outputs found
Organizing vertical layout environments: a forward-looking development strategy for high-rise building projects
The article highlights issues surrounding development of high rise buildings. With the rapid increase of the global population there has been a trend for people to migrate into megacities and has caused the expansion of big city territories. This trend, coupled with the desire for a comfortable living environment, has resulted in numerous problems plaguing the megacity. This article proposes that a viable solution to the problems facing megacities is to create vertical layout environments. Potential options for creating vertical layout environments are set out below including the construction of buildings with atriums. Further, the article puts forth suggested spatial organization of the environment as well as optimal landscaping of high-rise buildings and constructions for the creation of vertical layout environments. Finally, the persuasive reasons for the adoption of vertical layout environments is that it will decrease the amount of developed urban areas, decrease traffic and increase environmental sustainability
Organizing vertical layout environments: a forward-looking development strategy for high-rise building projects
The article highlights issues surrounding development of high rise buildings. With the rapid increase of the global population there has been a trend for people to migrate into megacities and has caused the expansion of big city territories. This trend, coupled with the desire for a comfortable living environment, has resulted in numerous problems plaguing the megacity. This article proposes that a viable solution to the problems facing megacities is to create vertical layout environments. Potential options for creating vertical layout environments are set out below including the construction of buildings with atriums. Further, the article puts forth suggested spatial organization of the environment as well as optimal landscaping of high-rise buildings and constructions for the creation of vertical layout environments. Finally, the persuasive reasons for the adoption of vertical layout environments is that it will decrease the amount of developed urban areas, decrease traffic and increase environmental sustainability
Руководство написано ведущими иммунологами и врачами разных специализаций, применяющими иммунотерапию в своей практике. В книге рассмотрены принципы иммунотерапии, механизмы действия иммунотропных препаратов и их применение в клинической практике. Описаны иммуноглобулины, пептиды тимуса, цитокины, интерфероны и их индукторы, бактериальные иммуномодуляторы и другие группы препаратов иммунной направленности. Представлены схемы применения иммуномодуляторов и результаты лечения инфекционных заболеваний респираторного и желудочно-кишечного трактов, мочевыделительной и репродуктивной систем, кожи и ее придатков, гепатитов, герпесвирусных инфекций, эндокринных заболеваний, различных видов аллергии. Значительное место уделено иммунотерапии в онкологии. Издание предназначено для врачей различных специальностей: терапевтов, педиатров, хирургов, урологов, дерматологов, микологов, венерологов, онкологов, эндокринологов, инфекционистов, аллергологов-иммунологов