114 research outputs found

    The Glycolytic Pathway as a Target for Novel Onco-Immunology Therapies in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is one of the most lethal forms of human cancer, characterized by unrestrained progression, invasiveness and treatment resistance. To date, there are limited curative options, with surgical resection as the only effective strategy, hence the urgent need to discover novel therapies. A platform of onco-immunology targets is represented by molecules that play a role in the reprogrammed cellular metabolism as one hallmark of cancer. Due to the hypoxic tumor microenvironment (TME), PDA cells display an altered glucose metabolism—resulting in its increased uptake—and a higher glycolytic rate, which leads to lactate accumulation and them acting as fuel for cancer cells. The consequent acidification of the TME results in immunosuppression, which impairs the antitumor immunity. This review analyzes the genetic background and the emerging glycolytic enzymes that are involved in tumor progression, development and metastasis, and how this represents feasible therapeutic targets to counteract PDA. In particular, as the overexpressed or mutated glycolytic enzymes stimulate both humoral and cellular immune responses, we will discuss their possible exploitation as immunological targets in anti-PDA therapeutic strategies

    Mini-invasive approach to preneoplastic and neoplastic endometrial lesions. Comparative study among histological, cytological and immunohistochemical diagnosis

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    Objective: To compare the accuracy of cytology plus immunoistochemistry vs histology in the preoperative diagnosis of endometrial malignancy. Methods: We prospectively analyzed 142 women with a proliferative endometrial lesion undergoing operative hysteroscopy (ISC): at the time of ISC, the fluid used for saline contrast sonohysterography (SCSH) was collected for cytological analysis and compared to histology. In 9 women a markers board (Notch-1+ER-\u3b1+PR-\u3b2) expression was analyzed semiquantitatively in term of presence and intensity, on both glandular and stromal samples. Results: Table 1 shows the comparison between cytological and histological diagnosis. ISC histological results Benign Lesions n=134 Malignant Lesions n=8 Endometrial Polyps n=124 Hypertrophy n=3 Typical hyperplasia n=7 Atypical hyperplasia n=4 Cancer n=4 CTM - 0 0 0 0 0 CTM + 0 0 0 0 3 SCSH cytological results Atypia - 116 3 6 1 0 Atypia + 2 0 0 3 3 Inadequate (5%) 5 (4 cervical cells) (1 scant sample) 0 1 (1 cervical cells) 0 1 (hypocellulated) Cytological sampling was inadequate in 7 cases (5%). The K value between cytology and histology was 98.4% for benign and 85.7% for malignant lesions. Notch-1 revealed a changing expression pattern: absent in benign lesions, focal and marked in atypical hyperplasia and widespread and marked in cancers. Moreover Notch-1 expression was mild and focal in originally cyto-hystologycal benign lesions which turned into atypical hyperplasia during follow up. In cancer cases, ER-\u3b1 and PR-\u3b2 were widespread and markedly expressed either in the glandular or stromal layer. Conclusions: Cytological analysis could be used as a screening test, at least for women at high surgical risk. Notch-1+ER-\u3b1+PR-\u3b2 expression could be predictive for the risk of endometrial malignancy even at an earlier stadium than hyperplasia and could be used to identify the glandular or stromal origin of cancer thus helping in identifying women at increased risk of malignancy

    DMBT1 expression is down-regulated in breast cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: We studied the expression of DMBT1 (deleted in malignant brain tumor 1), a putative tumor suppressor gene, in normal, proliferative, and malignant breast epithelium and its possible relation to cell cycle. METHODS: Sections from 17 benign lesions and 55 carcinomas were immunostained with anti DMBT1 antibody (DMBTh12) and sections from 36 samples, were double-stained also with anti MCM5, one of the 6 pre-replicative complex proteins with cell proliferation-licensing functions. DMBT1 gene expression at mRNA level was assessed by RT-PCR in frozen tissues samples from 39 patients. RESULTS: Normal glands and hyperplastic epithelium in benign lesions displayed a luminal polarized DMBTh12 immunoreactivity. Normal and hyperplastic epithelium adjacent to carcinomas showed a loss of polarization, with immunostaining present in basal and perinuclear cytoplasmic compartments. DMBT1 protein expression was down-regulated in the cancerous lesions compared to the normal and/or hyperplastic epithelium adjacent to carcinomas (3/55 positive carcinomas versus 33/42 positive normal/hyperplastic epithelia; p = 0.0001). In 72% of cases RT-PCR confirmed immunohistochemical results. Most of normal and hyperplastic mammary cells positive with DMBTh12 were also MCM5-positive. CONCLUSIONS: The redistribution and up-regulation of DMBT1 in normal and hyperplastic tissues flanking malignant tumours and its down-regulation in carcinomas suggests a potential role in breast cancer. Moreover, the concomitant expression of DMTB1 and MCM5 suggests its possible association with the cell-cycle regulation

    Alpha-enolase (ENO1) controls alpha v/beta 3 integrin expression and regulates pancreatic cancer adhesion, invasion, and metastasis

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    Background: We have previously shown that in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) cells, the glycolytic enzyme alpha-enolase (ENO1) also acts as a plasminogen receptor and promotes invasion and metastasis formation. Moreover, ENO1 silencing in PDA cells induces oxidative stress, senescence and profoundly modifies PDA cell metabolism. Although anti-ENO1 antibody inhibits PDA cell migration and invasion, little is known about the role of ENO1 in regulating cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts. We therefore investigated the effect of ENO1 silencing on the modulation of cell morphology, adhesion to matrix substrates, cell invasiveness, and metastatic ability. Methods: The membrane and cytoskeleton modifications that occurred in ENO1-silenced (shENO1) PDA cells were investigated by a combination of confocal microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The effect of ENO1 silencing was then evaluated by phenotypic and functional experiments to identify the role of ENO1 in adhesion, migration, and invasion, as well as in senescence and apoptosis. The experimental results were then validated in a mouse model. Results: We observed a significant increase in the roughness of the cell membrane due to ENO1 silencing, a feature associated with an impaired ability to migrate and invade, along with a significant downregulation of proteins involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, including alpha v/beta 3 integrin in shENO1 PDA cells. These changes impaired the ability of shENO1 cells to adhere to Collagen I and IV and Fibronectin and caused an increase in RGD-independent adhesion to vitronectin (VN) via urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR). Binding of uPAR to VN triggers integrin-mediated signals, which result in ERK1-2 and RAC activation, accumulation of ROS, and senescence. In shENO1 cancer cells, the use of an anti-uPAR antibody caused significant reduction of ROS production and senescence. Overall, a decrease of in vitro and in vivo cell migration and invasion of shENO1 PDA cells was observed. Conclusion: These data demonstrate that ENO1 promotes PDA survival, migration, and metastasis through cooperation with integrins and uPAR

    Integrating molecular and structural findings: Wnt as a possible actor in shaping cognitive impairment in Cornelia de Lange syndrome

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    Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is a choesinopathy: a severe genetic disorder caused by mutations in the cohesin complex genes. The phenotype is characterized by typical facial dysmorphism, growth impairment and multiorgan abnormalities including brain alterations. Wnt pathway is known to play a fundamental role in central nervous system development and it has been shown that Wnt pathway is disrupted in CdLS animal models and patients cells. In this review we investigate the possible link between Wnt pathway disruption and brain abnormalities in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome as such molecular impairment could lead to an abnormal embryonic development resulting in brain abnormalities (i.e. microcephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia, abnormal cortical development) in patients with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome

    Therapeutic Effect of Iron Citrate in Blocking Calcium Deposition in High Pi-Calcified VSMC: Role of Autophagy and Apoptosis

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    In chronic kidney disease (CKD), the first cause of mortality is cardiovascular disease induced mainly by vascular calcification (VC). Recently, iron-based phosphate binders have been proposed in advanced CKD to treat hyperphosphatemia. We studied the effect of iron citrate (iron) on the progression of calcification in high-phosphate (Pi) calcified VSMC. Iron arrested further calcification when added on days 7\u201315 in the presence of high Pi (1.30 \ub1 0.03 vs 0.61 \ub1 0.02; OD/mg protein; day 15; Pi vs Pi + Fe, p < 0.01). We next investigated apoptosis and autophagy. Adding iron to high-Pi-treated VSMC, on days 7\u201311, decreased apoptotic cell number (17.3 \ub1 2.6 vs 11.6 \ub1 1.6; Annexin V; % positive cells; day 11; Pi vs Pi + Fe; p < 0.05). The result was confirmed thorough analysis of apoptotic nuclei both in VSMCs and aortic rings treated on days 7\u201315 (3.8 \ub1 0.2 vs 2.3 \ub1 0.3 and 4.0 \ub1 0.3 vs 2.2 \ub1 0.2; apoptotic nuclei; arbitrary score; day 15; Pi vs Pi + Fe; VSMCs and aortic rings; p < 0.05). Studying the prosurvival axis GAS6/AXL, we found that iron treatment on days 9\u201314 counteracted protein high-Pi-stimulated down-regulation and induced its de novo synthesis. Moreover, iron added on days 9\u201315 potentiated autophagy, as detected by an increased number of autophagosomes with damaged mitochondria and an increase in autophagic flux. Highlighting the effect of iron on apoptosis, we demonstrated its action in blocking the H2O2-induced increase in calcification added both before high Pi treatment and when the calcification was already exacerbated. In conclusion, we demonstrate that iron arrests further high Pi-induced calcium deposition through an anti-apoptotic action and the induction of autophagy on established calcified VSMC

    Dynamic acetylation profile during mammalian neurulation

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs) result from failure of neural tube closure during embryogenesis. These severe birth defects of the central nervous system include anencephaly and spina bifida, and affect 0.5-2 per 1,000 pregnancies worldwide in humans. It has been demonstrated that acetylation plays a pivotal role during neural tube closure, as animal models for defective histone acetyltransferase proteins display NTDs. Acetylation represents an important component of the complex network of posttranslational regulatory interactions, suggesting a possible fundamental role during primary neurulation events. This study aimed to assess protein acetylation contribution to early patterning of the central nervous system both in human and murine specimens

    Impact of Mutation Density and Heterogeneity on Papillary Thyroid Cancer Clinical Features and Remission Probability

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    BACKGROUND: The need to integrate the classification of cancer with information on the genetic pattern has emerged in recent years for several tumors. METHODS: The genomic background of a large series of 208 papillary thyroid cancers (PTC) followed at a single center was analyzed by a custom MassARRAY genotyping platform, which allows the simultaneous detection of 19 common genetic alterations, including point mutations and fusions. RESULTS: Of the PTCs investigated, 71% were found to have pathognomonic genetic findings, with BRAFV600E and TERT promoter mutations being the most frequent monoallelic alterations (42% and 23.5%, respectively), followed by RET/PTC fusions. In 19.2% of cases, two or more point mutations were found, and the co-occurrence of a fusion with one or more point mutation(s) was also observed. Coexisting BRAFV600E and TERT promoter mutations were detected in a subgroup of aggressive PTCs (12%). A correlation between several aggressive features and mutation density was found, regardless of the type of association (i.e., only point mutations, or point mutations and fusions). Importantly, Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrated that mutation density significantly correlated with a higher risk of persistent disease. In most cases, the evaluation of the allelic frequencies normalized for the cancer cell content indicated the presence of the monoallelic mutation in virtually all tumor cells. A minority of cases was found to harbor low allelic frequencies, consistent with the presence of the mutations in a small subset of cancer cells, thus indicating tumor heterogeneity. Consistently, the presence of coexisting genetic alterations with different allelic frequencies in some tumors suggests that PTC can be formed by clones/subclones with different mutational profiles. CONCLUSIONS: A large mono-institutional series of PTCs was fully genotyped by means of a cost- and time-effective customized panel, revealing a strong impact of mutation density and genetic heterogeneity on the clinical features and on disease outcomes, indicating that an accurate risk stratification of thyroid cancer cannot rely on the analysis of a single genetic event. Finally, the heterogeneity found in some tumors warrants attention, since the occurrence of this phenomenon is likely to affect response to targeted therapies

    Morphophenotypic changes in human multistep hepatocarcinogenesis with translational implications

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Human hepatocarcinogenesis in cirrhosis is thought to be multistep and characterized by a spectrum of nodular lesions, ranging from low to high grade dysplastic nodules (LGDN and HGDN) to early and progressed hepatocellular carcinoma (eHCC and pHCC). Aim of this study was to investigate the morpho-phenotypical changes of this sequence and their potential translational significance. METHODS: We scored the vascular profile, ductular reaction/stromal invasion and overexpression of 5 biomarkers (GPC3, HSP70, GS, CHC, and EZH2), in a series of 100 resected nodules (13 LGDN, 16 HGDN, 42 eHCC and 29 small pHCC). RESULTS: The score separated the 4 groups of nodules as individual entities (p<0.01). In the sequence, biomarkers overexpression progressively increased with parallel decrease of ductular reaction; the vascular remodeling started very early (LGDN) but did not further develop in a proportion of HCC. eHCC was the most heterogeneous entity, with marginal overlap with HGDN and pHCC. Liver environment (fibrosis, etiology) did not impact on the phenotype of the different nodules. A subclass of eHCC (16/42) without evidence of stromal invasion was identified, suggesting a "preinvasive stage" (p<0.05). For diagnosis, the application of 4 and 5 biomarkers (rather than the usual 3) improved the sensitivity of the assay for the detection of eHCC (76% and 93% vs. 52%); biomarkers in alternative combinations also increased the sensitivity of the assay (GS+CHC+EZH2: 76%; GS+CHC+EZH2+HSP70: 90%). CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the multistep nature of human hepatocarcinogenesis, suggests that eHCC is more heterogeneous than previously thought and provides information of potential translational significance into the clinical practice

    Neuroprotection, Recovery of Function and Endogenous Neurogenesis in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Following Transplantation of Activated Adipose Tissue

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating disease, which leads to paralysis and is associated to substantially high costs for the individual and society. At present, no effective therapies are available. Here, the use of mechanically-activated lipoaspirate adipose tissue (MALS) in a murine experimental model of SCI is presented. Our results show that, following acute intraspinal MALS transplantation, there is an engraftment at injury site with the acute powerful inhibition of the posttraumatic inflammatory response, followed by a significant progressive improvement in recovery of function. This is accompanied by spinal cord tissue preservation at the lesion site with the promotion of endogenous neurogenesis as indicated by the significant increase of Nestin-positive cells in perilesional areas. Cells originated from MALS infiltrate profoundly the recipient cord, while the extra-dural fat transplant is gradually impoverished in stromal cells. Altogether, these novel results suggest the potential of MALS application in the promotion of recovery in SCI
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