117 research outputs found

    Genetic Modification of Plant Hormones Induced by Parasitic Nematodes, Virus, Viroid, Bacteria, and Phytoplasma in Plant Growing

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    Plant hormones, such as auxin, play crucial roles in many plant developmental processes, which is crosstalk with gibberellin and strigolactone. The roles of hormones may vary in the biosynthesis of metabolisms. During the pathogen attack, including plant-parasitic nematodes, viroid, phytoplasma, virus, and bacteria, plant hormones are involved in several plant processes. Ethylene (ET), salicylate (SA), jasmonate (JA), and abscisic acid (ABA) primarily regulate synergistically or antagonistically against pathogens. Those pathogens—nematodes, bacteria, viroid, phytoplasma, and viruses regulate several plant hormones for successful parasitism, influencing the phytohormone structure and modifying plant development. Several genes are related to plant hormones that are involved in pathogens parasitism. In this chapter, how pathogens affect plant hormones in plants growing are discussed

    Host-Pathogen and Pest Interactions: Virus, Nematode, Viroid, Bacteria, and Pests in Tomato Cultivation

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    Several pathogens and pests damage tomato plants, and only one and/or more pathogens and pests can coexist in the same plant at the same time. As several numerous pathogens are found in the same plant, the damage to the tomato plants is higher. Pathogens such as nematodes, viruses, viroids, bacteria, and insects adversely affect the growth and development of tomato plants. They may infect roots or upper part of the plant and can cause not only slow down the growth of plants, but also crop losses and their death. Damaging of plant caused by pathogens and pests reduces the market value of plant products. Those pathogens and pests are also called biotic stress agents. The damage, mode of infection, and the mechanism of infection in each tomato plant and pathogens might be different. This situation is crucially important to understand plant pathogen relationship in detail in terms of controlling pests and pathogen. The effect of each pest/pathogen on tomato plants during the cultivation, the type of damage, and new developments and perspectives on morphological and molecular aspects in tomato-pathogen interactions will be discussed in this chapter

    The Effect of Packing Pressure and Storage Duration on the Crude Nutrient Content and the Quality of Silages Made from Green and Fermented Corn

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    WOS: 000323645400003This study was carried out to determine the effects of silage material type, packing pressure and storage duration on crude nutrients contents and qualities of silages. Therefore, 2 different sized copped green corn (A: 13 mm and B: 17 mm) and 2-month-fermented corn (C) in a conventional silo were packed under the pressures of 130, 150 and 160 bar into 40 kg capacity polythene bags and then stored for 2, 4 and 12 months in a packing plant. Crude protein (CP), crude cellulose (CC), crude ash (CA), crude fat (CF), metabolic energy (ME), dry matter (DM), acetic acid (AA), butyric acid (BA) and lactic acid (LA) levels, pH values and Flieg scores of silages were determined at the end of every storage duration. There were significant differences in CP (P<0.05), CC (P<0.01), CA (P<0.01), CF (P<0.01), ME (P<0.01) and DM (P<0.01) levels of silages at different silage material types. Storage duration affected CP (P<0.01), CA (P<0.01), CF (P<0.01) and DM (P<0.01) levels of silages, whereas no significant differences were detected in CC and ME levels of silages between storage durations. Packing pressure did not affect CP, CC, CA, CF, ME and DM levels. AA (P<0.01) and LA (P<0.05) levels and pH values (P<0.01) changed depending on silage material type, whereas silage material type did not affect BA levels. Packing pressure did not also affect AA, LA and BA levels and pH values. Storage duration affected AA (P<0.01) and BA (P<0.05) levels and pH values (P<0.01), whereas no significant differences were found in LA levels between storage durations. Flieg scores were affected by silage material type (P<0.05) and storage duration (P<0.01). This study demonstrated that the best quality silage with high nutrient content can be obtained from green corn that were packed under 150 bar pressure immediately after copped and stored for 4 months

    Chemotherapy in primary osteogenic sarcoma in patients over the age of forty

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    Objective: In this study, we sought to review the clinical and histopathological features and the chemotherapy regimens in osteogenic sarcoma in patients over 40 years of age, and we aimed at identifying the possible prognostic factors in this particular group of patients. Methods: We reviewed 287 patients with osteosarcoma treated between the year 1986 and 2010. Patients from this group who met the following criteria were considered eligible for our study; presence of primary OS, had typical histological and radiographic features of OS, no prior history of cancer or any treatment elsewhere and no prior history of preexisting bone abnormalities. Results: The Kaplan–Meier survival curve for the entire group, with a 95% confidence interval, at two and five years showed the survival rates as 76.2% and 72.8% respectively. The surgical margin was a significant factor affecting the survival. Presence of a pathological fracture also had a significant effect on the survival rate. Conclusion: Osteogenic sarcoma remains a challenging disease to treat. Despite the expectation that elderly patients may not tolerate aggressive modern chemotherapy as the younger patients, we believe that patients with primary OS over the age of 40 should be treated aggressively with effective chemotherapy and complete surgical excision whenever possible. Level of evidence: Level IV, therapeutic study Keywords: Chemotherapy, Elderly, Osteogenic sarcoma, Survival rat

    Recurrent laryngeal nerve

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    Anjiyotensin dönüştürücü enzim 2 reseptörleri Covid-19'a bağlı miyokard hasarında önemli bir role sahiptir. SARS-CoV-2 virüsünün miyokarda direk toksik etkisi ve enfeksiyona bağlı gelişen miyokardit, sitokin hasarı, mikroanjiyopatik hasar neticesinde miyokard hasarı gelişir ve neticede troponin seviyeleri yükselir. Miyokard hasarına neden olan mekanizmalar; miyokardda hipoksiye neden olan anstabil koroner arter plakları, kalp dokusunda ve koroner arterlerde Anjiyotensin dönüştürücü enzim 2 reseptör upregülasyonu, virüsün miyokard hücrelerine direk toksik etkisi, sistemik inflamasyona bağlı doku hasarı, miyokarda interstisyel fibroz, interferon etkisine bağlı abartılı immün cevap, helper T lenfositlerinden sitokin salınmında artış olarak belirtilebilir. Bu bildirilen vaka, Covid-19 hastalığına bağlı gelişen miyokard hasarını iyileşerek atlatmış, klinik seyri ve gidişatı iyi seyretmiş 47 yaşında erkek bir hastadır. Hasta serviste yatırılarak izlemiştir ve takipte yoğun bakım ihtiyacı gelişmemiştir