90 research outputs found

    Conservative constraint satisfaction re-revisited

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    Conservative constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) constitute an important particular case of the general CSP, in which the allowed values of each variable can be restricted in an arbitrary way. Problems of this type are well studied for graph homomorphisms. A dichotomy theorem characterizing conservative CSPs solvable in polynomial time and proving that the remaining ones are NP-complete was proved by Bulatov in 2003. Its proof, however, is quite long and technical. A shorter proof of this result based on the absorbing subuniverses technique was suggested by Barto in 2011. In this paper we give a short elementary prove of the dichotomy theorem for the conservative CSP

    Galois correspondence for counting quantifiers

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    We introduce a new type of closure operator on the set of relations, max-implementation, and its weaker analog max-quantification. Then we show that approximation preserving reductions between counting constraint satisfaction problems (#CSPs) are preserved by these two types of closure operators. Together with some previous results this means that the approximation complexity of counting CSPs is determined by partial clones of relations that additionally closed under these new types of closure operators. Galois correspondence of various kind have proved to be quite helpful in the study of the complexity of the CSP. While we were unable to identify a Galois correspondence for partial clones closed under max-implementation and max-quantification, we obtain such results for slightly different type of closure operators, k-existential quantification. This type of quantifiers are known as counting quantifiers in model theory, and often used to enhance first order logic languages. We characterize partial clones of relations closed under k-existential quantification as sets of relations invariant under a set of partial functions that satisfy the condition of k-subset surjectivity. Finally, we give a description of Boolean max-co-clones, that is, sets of relations on {0,1} closed under max-implementations.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    The Subpower Membership Problem for Finite Algebras with Cube Terms

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    The subalgebra membership problem is the problem of deciding if a given element belongs to an algebra given by a set of generators. This is one of the best established computational problems in algebra. We consider a variant of this problem, which is motivated by recent progress in the Constraint Satisfaction Problem, and is often referred to as the Subpower Membership Problem (SMP). In the SMP we are given a set of tuples in a direct product of algebras from a fixed finite set K\mathcal{K} of finite algebras, and are asked whether or not a given tuple belongs to the subalgebra of the direct product generated by a given set. Our main result is that the subpower membership problem SMP(K\mathcal{K}) is in P if K\mathcal{K} is a finite set of finite algebras with a cube term, provided K\mathcal{K} is contained in a residually small variety. We also prove that for any finite set of finite algebras K\mathcal{K} in a variety with a cube term, each one of the problems SMP(K\mathcal{K}), SMP(HSK\mathbb{HS} \mathcal{K}), and finding compact representations for subpowers in K\mathcal{K}, is polynomial time reducible to any of the others, and the first two lie in NP