93 research outputs found

    Apollo 13 Risk Assessment Revisited

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    Fault tree methodology is the most widespread risk assessment tool by which one is able to predict - in principle - the outcome of an event whenever it is reduced to simpler ones by the logic operations conjunction and disjunction according to the basics of Boolean algebra. The object of this work is to present an algorithm by which, using the corresponding computer code, one is able to predict - in practice - the outcome of an event whenever its fault tree is given in the usual form

    Apollo 13 Risk Assessment Revisited

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    Fault tree methodology is the most widespread risk assessment tool by which one is able to predict - in principle - the outcome of an event whenever it is reduced to simpler ones by the logic operations conjunction and disjunction according to the basics of Boolean algebra. The object of this work is to present an algorithm by which, using the corresponding computer code, one is able to predict - in practice - the outcome of an event whenever its fault tree is given in the usual form

    The “Good State”: Outline of the Last Three Years of Research

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    The vision behind the research aimed at the paradigmatic approach of a “Good State” can be summed up in a single sentence as follows: on the basis of the “Good State” concept, defined by the Magyary Programme, a theoretical state model can be elaborated using IT tools. The model determines certain generic concepts of the state, with mathematical and logical accuracy. Then they can be implemented in silico (i.e. with direct IT tools exceeding traditional mathematical concepts) and related fundamental statements can be proven. During our multi-year research we sought, and (partly) found, constructive answers to such (political and philosophical) questions as how it is possible to optimally satisfy the moral and teleological needs of a self-regulating, self-driven, self-organizing society by rational means (in a clearly defined sense). This programme cannot be realized merely on a judicial – jurisprudential, political and scientific – basis, a more exact scientific establishment is needed. The approach of political science is shaped by law, although there is an antagonistic contradiction between the approach of jurisprudence and that of exact sciences. We are looking for the answer to this question using a computer program. In contrast to the ambitions of the “Good State” Research Shop (GSR), we focus on a better understanding of the concept of a “Good State”, while its measurement is beyond the scope of our research. We hope to improve understanding the concept of a “Good State” with the help of computer modelling and logical explication. Accordingly, this paper is an alternative to the GSR approach and the two methods can profit from each other and the “Good State” from both. Thus, we share the goal but have different methods

    Protein biomarkerek kísérleti modellekben, illetve terápiás szerepük súlyos agysérülések esetén = Protein biomarkers in experimental models and in the clinical care for severe traumatic brain injury

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    Jelen kutatási projekt időtartama alatt több irányadó megközelítést alkalmaztunk a protein biomarkerek jelenlétének, szerepének tanulmányozására, és a traumás agysérüléssel történő összefüggések keresésére. Humán szervezetben előforduló biomarkerek (főként a PACAP) mérése, szerepük feltárása valósult meg a PTE Idegsebészeti Klinikán nagy mintaszámban begyűjtött humán plazma és liquor mintákon, mely eredmények számos nemzetközi konferencián bemutatásra kerültek. A traumás agysérülés egyik típusát a diffúz axonkárosodást – a szöveti károsodás markereként használva – többféle módon tanulmányoztuk állatkísérletes koponyatrauma modellek alkalmazásával – eredményeinket szakfolyóiratokban megjelentetve. Ezen módszerek alkalmazásával többféle, jelenleg kísérleti stádiumban lévő neuroprotektív szert tanulmányoztunk, mely eredményeket szintén konferenciákon, tudományos közleményekben bemutattunk. Törekedtünk továbbá olyan összefoglaló közlemények megjelentetésére is, melyek hűen tükrözik a kutatási projekt témájában a tudomány akkori és jelenlegi állását. A pályázatban kitűzött főbb célok mellett számos más, a kutatási- és munkatervben megfogalmazott célokhoz kapcsolódó témában is értünk el sikeres – publikált – eredményeket a támogatás segítségével. Eredményeinket a kutatási projekt lezárulásáig 9 tudományos publikációban (IF: 22,821) és konferenciákon 6 idézhető absztraktban ismertettük, illetve tervezzük a még bemutatásra nem került eredmények közeljövőben történő megjelentetését. | During this research project we used several approaches to study the presence and role of relevant protein biomarkers, and in connection with it to search for correlations related to traumatic brain injury. Measurement and exploring the role of biomarkers that are present in human body (especially the PACAP) was realized on large number of human plasma and cerebrospinal fluid samples that were collected in Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pécs. These results were presented in many international conferences. Considering diffuse axonal injury as an important marker mechanism of the histological damage we examined it in small animal head injury models in different ways and published our results in Journals. Applying these various methods we studied neuroprotective agents – that are in experimental stage – which results was also presented in conferences and manuscripts. Our aim was also to publish review articles that reflect to the subject of this project and to summarize the former and current state of science. Besides the main objectives of relevant topics that were described in the research and work plan of the application other successful – published – results have been achieved with the help of the grant. Until the completion of this research project we published our results in nine peer reviewed manuscripts (IF: 22.821), and six citable abstracts in different conferences and we plan to present the remaining achievements in the near future

    Traumatic axonal injury in the spinal cord evoked by traumatic brain injury

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    Although it is well known that traumatic brain injury (TBI) evokes traumatic axonal injury (TAI) within the brain, TBI-induced axonal damage in the spinal cord (SC) has been less extensively investigated. Detection of such axonal injury in the spinal cord would further the complexity of TBI while also challenging some functional neurobehavioral endpoints frequently used to assess recovery in various models of TBI. To assess TAI in the spinal cord associated with TBI, we analyzed the craniocervical junction (CCJ), cervico-thoracic (CT), and thoraco-lumber (ThL) spinal cord in a rodent model of impact acceleration of TBI of varying severities. Rats were transcardially fixed with aldehydes at 2, 6, and 24 h post-injury (n � 36); each group included on sham-injured rodent. Semi-serial vibratome sections were reacted with antibodies targeting TAI via alteration in cytoskeletal integrity or impaired axonal transport. Consistent with previous observations in this model, the CCJ contained numerous injured axons. Immunoreactive, damaged axonal profiles were also detected as caudal, as the ThL spinal cord displayed morphological characteristics entirely consistent with those described in the brainstem and the CCJ. Quantitative analyses demonstrated that the occurrence and extent of TAI is positively associated with the impact/energy of injury and negatively with the distance from the brainstem. These observations show that TBI can evoke TAI in regions remote from the injury site, including the spinal cord itself. This finding is relevant to shaken baby syndrome as well as during the analysis of data in functional recovery in various models of TBI

    Gondolatok a közigazgatás tudományos megalapozásáról

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    Photogrammetric Exploration of Demographic Change in Juvenile Rhizocarpon geographicum Thalli

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    Lichens, although ubiquitous and morphologically diverse, are one group of organisms that remains under-represented in life history and demographic studies, especially in early years. A photographic time series and image analysis were used to identify, track, and quantify morphological and demographic changes of the smallest, observable Rhizocarpon geographicum cohorts over a four-year period (2009 to 2013) at Illecillewaet Glacier, BC. Two objectives were examined: (a) quantify mortality, recruitment, and survivorship, and (b) examine trends correlated with thallus survival and visual, morphological changes in areole formation. Two general predictions were tested: (a) thallus survivorship is positively correlated with average areole area, and (b) there is a linear increase in the number of areoles per year per thallus. Results revealed age-specific mortality was highly variable among different years (8 to 44%), and recruitment occurred in every year. Thallus coalescence was found in every cohort and gradually increased over time. Results also showed that thalli that coalesced had a higher survivorship than solitary thalli. Survivorship was independent of areole area, and areole accumulation did not increase linearly in the number of areoles per year. Overall, this study demonstrates the use of a photographic time series to track and examine demographic patterns and quantify visual changes in morphology in small, newly found R. geographicum thalli. This thesis marked the first attempt at creating an age-specific cohort life table (up to 4 years) and tracking age-specific changes in morphology and survival in R. geographicum thalli

    75 – 15. Egy rendhagyó évfordulós párbeszéd : Egy racionálisan hívő ateista és egy teológus doktorjelölt képzeletbeli eszmecseréje = 75 – 15. An unusual anniversary dialogue : An imaginary exchange between a rational atheist and a doctoral candidate in theology

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    A természeti és civilizáció katasztrófák paradigmatikus elmélete című dolgozat, amelyen vezérelvként a kockázati rendszerek kölcsönhatása vonul végig, három kutatási problémakörre terjed ki. Egyedi, izolált események logikai (nemvalószínűségi) kockázatelmélete azokkal a kockázati rendszerekkel foglalkozik, amelyek a környezetükkel való kölcsönhatásuk során megőrzik önazonosságukat, azaz állapotuk független változóként kezelhető, az állapotváltozásukat meghatározó szabályok – más szóval a rendszerek logikai struktúrája – változatlan. | The thesis entitled” The Paradigmatic Theory of Natural and Civilization Catastrophes”, whose guiding principle is the interaction of risk systems, covers three research problem areas. The logical (nonprobabilistic) risk theory of unique, isolated events deals with those risk systems that preserve their identity during their interaction with their environment, i.e. their state can be treated as an independent variable, the rules determining their state change - in other words, the logical structure of the systems - remain unchanged. A cellular automaton model of self-identical tessellation security risk systems deals with weakly interacting risk systems. These are characterized by the fact that the states of the risk systems depend on each other's states according to specific rules, but they preserve their identity, the rules determining their change of state are unchanged. Logical conflict theory forms the study of risk systems in strong interaction – in conflict. These are the risk systems that may lose their identity during their interaction, become other systems, and in general, their state change and behavior can be derived from the logical structure of the conflict situations that are tolerated to some extent in a specific technical sense of the word