35 research outputs found
Examining Vibrations in Dental Procedures
DugogodiÅ”njim radom mogu se zbog djelovanja vibracija i u stomatologa i u zubnih tenhiÄara pojaviti odreÄene zdravstvene poteÅ”koÄe.
Svrha rada bila je izmjeriti i usporediti neke parametare u vezi s vibracijama koje utjeÄu na zdravlje stomatologa i zubnih tehniÄara i to vibracija koje proizvode tehnicki mikromotori sa svrdlima razliÄitih oblika i materijala pri razliÄitim brojevima okretaja.
Vibracije su mjerene akcelerometrom postavljenim na tehniÄkom mikromotoru te na odreÄenim dijelovima tijela ispitanika, ureÄajem koji se sastoji od piezosenzora, pojaÄala, filtara i prijenosnog ureÄaja za snimanje. Dobiveni signali analizirani su raÄunalnim programom SpectraLAB i usporeÄeni sa sadaÅ”njim meÄunarodnim standardima. StatistiÄka raÅ”Älamba podataka izvedena je s pomoÄu programskih paketa: STATISTICA for Windows, Release 5.5 H i SPSS for Windows. Temeljni Äimbenik koji utjeÄe na vibraciju jest broj okretaja kojim se služimo tijekom obradbe protetskoga rada. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su vrijednosti ubrzanja vibracija unutar vrijedeÄih standarda, premda su vrijednosti vibracija radom na 40000 okretaja/min. vrlo blizu gornjoj granici tih standarda. Spektrografska raÅ”Älamba vibracija pokazala je da broj okretaja odreÄuje na kojim Äe frekvencijama biti izražene vrÅ”ne vrijednosti.
BuduÄi da postoje dokazane vibracijske bolesti stomatologa i zubnih tehniÄara preporuÄuje se upozoravati osobe koje rukuju takvim alatima na moguÄe posljedice, a dobiveni rezultati mogu biti korisni da bi se prevenirale takve bolesti i upotrebljavale brzine okretaja koje proizvode najmanje vibracija.Certain health problems may appear both in dentists and dental technicians due to long periods of exposure to vibrations.
The aim of the study was to measure and compare some factors related to vibrations which affect the health of dentists and dental techicians, particularly those produced by mocromotors with drills of different shapes, made of different materials rotating at different speeds.
Vibrations were measured by an accelerometre which was placed an the technical micromotor and on various body parts of subjects. The device consists of a piezosensor, an amplifier, a filter and mobile recording device. The obtained signals were analysed by the SpectraLAB computer programme and consequently compared with presently valid international standards. Statistical data analysis was carried out by PC software, STATISTICA for Windows, Release 5.5 H and SPSS for Windows, Release 7.5.
The main factor that effects vibration is the rotation number used in the course of prosthetic replacement processing.
The obtained results point to the fact that the vibration acceleration values are within accepted standards, although the vibration values at 40000 rotations per minute approach the maximum limit of these standards. The spactral analysis of vibration revealed that the rotation number determined the frequencies of the maximum values. Since there is strong evidence to support vibration related illnes in dentists and dental technicians, it is recommended that individuals who use such devices be warned about the possible harmful effects. The obtained results may be used in prevention of such illness. They are also recommended to use rotation speeds which produce the least vibrations
The Interaction of the Professional, Psychological and Sociological Aspect in Planning Dental Rehabilitation
Svaki bi stomatolog u prvome redu trebao misliti na zdravlje i interese svojega pacijenta te ga potpuno i iskreno izvijestiti o potrebi i moguÄnosti terapije. Kako pacijenti nemaju znanja iz podruÄja struke, ne mogu sami odluÄivati o vrsti i tijeku terapije. Uloga stomatologa je izraditi vrstan plan terapije te pripremiti pacijenta na rehabilitaciju i uputiti ga u oÄekivane rezultate.
Planirati terapiju složen je i zahtjevan posao. On nužno traži sjedinjenje spoznaja iz podruÄja prakse i znanosti sa sociopsiholoÅ”kim pristupom pacijentu, ali i temeljima medicinske etike.The priority of each dentist should be the health and care, as well as the welfare of his patient. The dentist should explain the therapeutical process, inform the patient in detail about the chosen therapy and keep him updated. The patients, usually lacking professional knowledge, or insufficiently informed, are unable to choose the type and the course of the therapy. The role of the dentist is to prepare the therapy plan, as well as the rehabilitation of the patient, and to instruct him as to the desired results.
Preparing the therapy plan is a very demanding part of the process, which necessarily unites practical knowledge and scientific and socio -psychological approach to the patient, medical ethics included
Influence of the Partial Denture on the Articulation of Dental and Postalveolar Sounds
Dental prosthesis is a foreign body in oral cavity and thus necessarily interferes with speech articulation. The purpose of this study was to examine influence of partial denture on speech quality and to show eventual differences in pronunciation of dental sounds c, z, s and postalveolar sounds Ä, ž and Å”. We have examined differences in pronunciation between subjects with removable partial dentures, the same group without partial dentures and a control group. The study was performed on 30 subjects with removable partial dentures and 30 subjects with complete dental arch. All subjects were recorded while reading six Croatian words containing the examined sounds. Recordings were analyzed with Multispeech Program (Kay Elemetrics Inc.). Acoustic analysis ā LPC (linear prediction coding) provided formant peaks (Hz) for each examined sound, its intensity (dB) and formant bandwidths (Hz). Results showed that subjects with partial dentures had 50% less distorted variables and that prostheses did not completely restore articulation of postalveolar sounds. Groups with and without prostheses had lower formant peaks intensities and wider formant bandwidths in comparison to the control group. Partial dentures have not significantly interfered with resonance frequency. At the same time, pronunciation of the examined sounds was significantly improved.
However, precision of the articulation movements has deteriorated
Veliki broj bolesti nastaje prvenstveno zbog nedostatka kisika u tkivima zbog akumulacije toksina u tijelu. Bezbolan i prirodan tretman ozonom pomaže kod operativnog oporavka i lijeÄenja brojnih ozljeda i bolesti, pa Äak i tumora, a za sada se najÄeÅ”Äe koristi u stomatologiji. Ozon ima pozitivan utjecaj na zacjeljivanje rana, stimulaciju imunoloÅ”kog sustava, oksigenaciju i protok krvi u tkivu, te smanjuje oticanje i bol.A large number of disease is primarily due to the lack of oxygen in the tissue due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Painless and natural treatment with ozone helps with after-operating recovery and cure numerous injuries and illnesses, even tumors, and for now the most commonly used in dentistry. Ozone has a positive effect on wound healing, stimulation of the immune system, oxygenation and blood flow to tissues and to reduce swelling and pain
Veliki broj bolesti nastaje prvenstveno zbog nedostatka kisika u tkivu i zbog nakupljanja toksina u tijelu. Bezbolno i prirodno lijeÄenje ozonom pomaže kod poslije-operacijskog oporavka, a može izlijeÄiti mnogobrojne povrede i oboljenja, Äak i novotvorine, a zasad se najÄeÅ”Äe koristi u stomatologiji. Ozon ima pozitivan uÄinak na zacjeljivanje rana, stimulaciju imunosnog sustava, oksigenaciju i prokrvljenost tkiva, te na smanjenje oteklina i boli. KliniÄka istraživanja ozona dovela su do zakljuÄka kako ozon u lijeÄenju ginekoloÅ”kih upalnih bolesti ima u osnovi antioksidacijski uÄinak, a istovremeno služi kao popravljaÄ staniÄne i humoralne imunosti. Ozon u lijeÄenju takvih stanja ima detoksicirajuÄi, analgetiÄni i sedativni uÄinak Å”to dovodi do smanjenja standardnih lijekova koji bi se koristili u navedenim stanjima. Osim u ginekologiji, ozon ima primjenu i u drugim granama medicine s ciljem poboljÅ”anja cirkulacije i opskrbe tkiva krvnim tjeleÅ”cima i kisikom, lijeÄenju upala i sprjeÄavanju osnova za razvoj brojnih bolesti i zloÄudnih novotvorina u njihovim temeljima.A large number of diseases occur primarily due to lack of oxygen in the tissue and because of accumulation of toxins in the body. Painless an natural treatment with ozone helps with postoperating recovery, and can cure many diseases and injuries, and even tumors, and is now commonly used in dentistry. Ozone has a positive effect on wound healing, stimulation of the immune system, circulation and tissue oxygenation and on reduction of swelling and pain. Clinical studies of ozone have led to the conclusion that ozone in the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases has basically the antioxidant effect, while also serving as a fixer of cellular and humoral immunity. Ozone in the treatment of such conditions has detoxicating, analgetic and sedative effects, what leads to a reduction of standard drugs used in these situations. Except in gynecology, ozone has applications in other fields of medicine: it improves blood circulation and supply of blood cells and tissue with oxygen, it helps with many diseases and malignant neoplasms in their foundations
Measurement of the Magnetic Field in Dental Laboratories
Znanost pokuÅ”ava otkriti sve aspekte djelovanja magnetnoga polja na Äovjeka. Podatci su o uporabi magneta u stomatologiji malobrojni. Svrha rada bila je izmjeriti magnetna polja u zubnim laboratorijima, a istodobno oduzeti istosmjernu sastavnicu Zemljinoga magnetnoga polja. Pri mjerenju se upotrebljavao posebno konstruiran ureÄaj koji se sastoji od dvaju pojaÄala i niskofrekventnoga filtra, kojega je zadaÄa izmjeriti srednje kvadrate vrijednosti polja u ovisnosti o položaju objekta u prostoru. Rezultati naÅ”eg ispitivanja pokazuju da se magnetno polje smanjuje udaljavanjem od izvora zraÄenja, te da noviji ureÄaji emitiraju slabije magnetno polje od ureÄaja starije proizvodnje.While efforts are being made by science to discover all aspects ofthe effects of the magnetic field on man, data on the use of magnets in dental medicine are few. Thus, the aim of this study was to measure the magnetic field in dental laboratories, and at the same time to exclude the direct component of the Earthās magnetic field. A specially constructed device was used for measurement, consisting of two amplifiers and a low frequency filter, by which the mean square of the value of the field was measured, depending on the position of the object in the area. The results of the study show that the magnetic field decreases with distance from the source of radiation, and that newer apparatus emits a weaker magnetic field than older apparatus
Magnetic Fields in the Dental Surgery
U radu su mjerena magnetna polja u zubnim ordinacijama uz pomoÄ posebno konstruirane naprave s Hallovim pokusom. Napravom su se mjerili srednji kvadrati udaljenosti magnetnoga polja u ovisnosti o položaju pojedinog stomatoloÅ”kog ureÄaja u prostoru. Dobiveni su podatci analizirani metodom jednostavne statistiÄke regresije.
Istraživanja su pokazala da je jakost magnetnoga polja veÄine ispitivanih ureÄaja neopasna za Äovjeka. Ona se smanjuje Å”to je udaljenost veÄa od izvora zraÄenja. Stariji ureÄaji zraÄe jaÄe od ureÄaja novije proizvodnje.In this study magnetic fields in dental surgeries were measured by means of a specially constructed device with a Hall\u27s probe. The purpose was to measure the mean square distance of the magnetic field in relation to the position of dental apparatus in the area. The dana obtained were analysed by the method of simple statistical regression.
The study showed that the force of the magnetic field of the majority of the examined apparatus is harmless to man. The force decreases with increasing distance from the source of radiation. Older apparatus radiates stronger than newer products
The Influence of Age on Tooth Root Colour Changes
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between tooth root colour and age, and its possible application
in age assessment. In this research altogether 100 tooth roots have been analysed. All teeth, that is their roots, were
digitally recorded and the colorimetric treatment was made using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 computer program. Studies have
shown no significant difference between RGB values analysed on the whole root surface or only on its central part, with
certainty p>0.99. It is also established that there is no statistically significant difference in colouration on four anatomical
surfaces (buccal, mesial, lingual, distal) of tooth roots with certainty p>0.99 for red, p>0.99 for green and p>0.50 for
blue colouration component. Statistical data interpretation showed that there is a linear correlation between obtained
RGB values and age, with r=ā0.994, p>0.99 for red component, r=ā0.972, p>0.99 for green and r=ā0.982, p>0.95 for
blue colouration component. From the obtained results it is possible to conclude that analysing the above mentioned parameter
we can easily establish dental age and this technique can be the basis of practical application in establishing
chronological age of man