
The Interaction of the Professional, Psychological and Sociological Aspect in Planning Dental Rehabilitation


Svaki bi stomatolog u prvome redu trebao misliti na zdravlje i interese svojega pacijenta te ga potpuno i iskreno izvijestiti o potrebi i mogućnosti terapije. Kako pacijenti nemaju znanja iz područja struke, ne mogu sami odlučivati o vrsti i tijeku terapije. Uloga stomatologa je izraditi vrstan plan terapije te pripremiti pacijenta na rehabilitaciju i uputiti ga u očekivane rezultate. Planirati terapiju složen je i zahtjevan posao. On nužno traži sjedinjenje spoznaja iz područja prakse i znanosti sa sociopsihološkim pristupom pacijentu, ali i temeljima medicinske etike.The priority of each dentist should be the health and care, as well as the welfare of his patient. The dentist should explain the therapeutical process, inform the patient in detail about the chosen therapy and keep him updated. The patients, usually lacking professional knowledge, or insufficiently informed, are unable to choose the type and the course of the therapy. The role of the dentist is to prepare the therapy plan, as well as the rehabilitation of the patient, and to instruct him as to the desired results. Preparing the therapy plan is a very demanding part of the process, which necessarily unites practical knowledge and scientific and socio -psychological approach to the patient, medical ethics included

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