2 research outputs found

    Simulasi Komposit Isopoliester/Serat Kaca untuk Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Tipe IV dengan Variasi Arah Serat terhadap Tekanan Internal

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    Komposit serat kaca/Isopoliester memiliki potensi untuk dibentuk menjadi tangki CNG tipe IV sebagai alternatif bahan yang mudah dibuat dan murah. Studi ini menggunakan simulasi numerik dengan metode elemen hingga untuk mengkaji kemampuan komposit dalam menerima beban tekanan internal. Faktor keamanan yang digunakan adalah 1,5 sehingga nilai tekanan internal yang diaplikasikan sebesar 30 Mpa. Jumlah lapisan laminat dan konfigurasi arah serat dipilih sebagai variabel bebas. Analisa numerik tangki CNG dilakukan dengan menggunakan program MSC Nastran. Distribusi pergeseran pada tangki menunjukkan konfigurasi sudut (0,90) memberikan hasil optimum untuk diaplikasikan. Jumlah lapisan minimum yang dibutuhkan pada komposit adalah 24 lapis laminat sesuai kriteria kegagalan Tsai-Hill. Namun demikian tebal yang cukup besar 15,3 mm menyebabkan, material komposit serat kaca/isopolester tidak disarankan sebagai alternatif bahan pembuatan tangki CNG tipe IV

    Evaluation of architecture student classroom communication at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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    Classroom communication is a very important and complex aspect in teaching and learning. Its complexity is attributed to a host of factors that include participants, messages, encoding, decoding, and channels. Not much is currently known concerning classroom communication in the context of architecture education in Malaysian universities. This paper evaluates classroom communication of students undertaking architecture degree programs at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Four factors of student classroom communication were investigated to understand student abilities and issues in classroom communication. Forty-four students undertook the self administered survey. The majority of the students exhibited good non-verbal communication practices, and scored favourably in the aspect of adapting the way they communicate to others. However, students seemed to have some difficulty to express ideas in class presentations. Additionally, some students appeared to be handicapped in actively participating and leading class discussions. Last but not least, a number of students were not comfortable in using English in the classroom, but not to the extent of hindering them in participating in classroom discussions. Further studies are needed to uncover classroom communication issues in student learning among architecture students at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia