12 research outputs found


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    Architectonics of dill seed-plant and ripeness level of seeds determine the linear sizes of embryo, exerting an influence on dormant stage, speed of embryo development, and main quality characteristics of seeds, which are responsible for their germination ability.Архитектоника семенного растения укропа, степень зрелости семян определяют линейные размеры зародыша, оказывая существенное влияние на явление покоя, скорость доразвития зародыша и основные параметры качества семян, отвечающие за их прорастание


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    The factor that caused the inhibition of seed germination under the influence of 15 % extract from fruits Anethum graveolens was revealed. When transferring the test-object in favorable condition, this effect still remained imitating the seed dormancy. It was shown that under influence of temperature factor the time required to escape this state was considerably reduced.Выявлен факт торможения прорастания семян Brassica chinesis var. Japonica под влиянием 15,0% экстракта из плодов Anethum graveolens. При перенесении тест-объекта в благоприятные условия аллелопатический эффект сохраняется, имитируя состояние покоя семян. Установлено, что под влиянием температурного фактора время выхода из этого состояния значительно сокращается


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    Contributions of main factors and their interaction effects on development of the allelopathic activity of seeds have been shown. The specificity of distribution of factor influence portion has been revealed depending on extract concentration.Показан вклад основных факторов и эффек тов их взаимодействии в развитие показа теля аллелопатической активности семян Выявлена специфика распределения долей влияния факторов в зависимости от кон центрации экстрактов

    Modeling of macroscopic quantum states in functional properties of the laser-induced 4D-topological nanoclusters in thin films on solid surface

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    Nanocluster structures can be easily modified in necessary direction and by controlled way in femtonanophotonics experiments. The variation of the key topology parameters can result in new type of the quantum correlation states/size effect for charged particles. In our earlier experiments we studied laser-induced topological nanoclusters structures of different types in thin films with unique phenomena in electrophysics and optics (see [1-3]). A simple 2-steps mechanism for enhancement of quantum behavior (e.g. in electroconductivity) exists for different conditions. First, when inelastic length linelastic > acluster we have no incoherent electron-phonon (e-ph) scattering, i.e. the coherent process takes place. Second, when de Broglie wave length λdB ≡ ℓcoh < Λ, (acluster – cluster size , Λ – spatial period of nanoparticle distribution) the coherent tunneling without loss occurs, and a long-range order with interference of the states takes place in the medium due to lattice structure

    Modeling of macroscopic quantum states in functional properties of the laser-induced 4D-topological nanoclusters in thin films on solid surface

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    Nanocluster structures can be easily modified in necessary direction and by controlled way in femtonanophotonics experiments. The variation of the key topology parameters can result in new type of the quantum correlation states/size effect for charged particles. In our earlier experiments we studied laser-induced topological nanoclusters structures of different types in thin films with unique phenomena in electrophysics and optics (see [1-3]). A simple 2-steps mechanism for enhancement of quantum behavior (e.g. in electroconductivity) exists for different conditions. First, when inelastic length linelastic > acluster we have no incoherent electron-phonon (e-ph) scattering, i.e. the coherent process takes place. Second, when de Broglie wave length λdB ≡ ℓcoh < Λ, (acluster – cluster size , Λ – spatial period of nanoparticle distribution) the coherent tunneling without loss occurs, and a long-range order with interference of the states takes place in the medium due to lattice structure

    Impacts of high temperature on embryonic growth and seed germination of dill (Anethum graveolens)

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    Temperature is the main exogenous factor that determines the growth, development and productivity of agricultural plants, including seed germination. In this work, we studied the thermosensitivity of heterogeneous dill seeds (Anethum graveolens). The study aimed to study the short-term (1-5 days) effect of high temperature (40 degrees C) on the growth of the embryo and germination of dill seeds formed on different umbels of the mother plant. The growth of the embryo had a significant effect on seed germination (r = 0.976; P < 0.001). Seeds collected from primary umbels have a more developed embryo and can overcome the effects of thermal stress. We also found that the duration of heat exposure at 40 degrees C, leading to a decrease in viability, can vary from 1-5 days for seeds from primary umbels, to 1-2 days for seeds from secondary umbels, which, in our opinion, is due to the heteromorphism. The influence of the place of seed formation on the mother plant and the high temperature during germination is critical for embryo growth and dill seeds' germination

    Studying the synthesis of metal nanoparticles during the laser irradiation of targets in liquid media.

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    International audienceThe results from experiments on the laser irradiation of metallic targets of the copper group immersed in liquid are reported. Comparative studies of the formation of colloids during the laser irradiation of targets with varying (from moderate to ultrahigh) radiation intensities are conducted. The dependence of the size of obtained particles on laser irradiation conditions (pulse duration and radiation intensity) is revealed