3 research outputs found


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    The instant study is unique of its nature providing a comprehensive analysis on right of privacy and data protection laws in Pakistan with special reference to CCTV surveillance; its scope in the light of judgments of Apex or Higher Courts in Pakistan. It finds that right of privacy is interconnected with other fundamental right of life or right of dignity. CCTV surveillance in Pakistan is ever increasing and posing a threat to right of privacy; it deliberates the arguments about such surveillance in public or private domains and its legality. Further, it tries to intricate the existing legal framework in Pakistan either working as a mean of safeguard for privacy or a source of infringement for or against CCTV surveillance. Meanwhile, the study also presents critical analysis of the Proposed Data Protection Bill (PDPB), 2020 in the light of General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), 2018

    Measuring Pakistan’s Legislative Preparedness against COVID-19: A Critical Study of Newly Promulgated Law

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    Background: Since December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the international community on health and legislative fronts. The widespread disease needs an effective response from the health-care system as well as the legislative framework. Pakistan is facing a challenge from the under-developed health-care system as well as a lack of awareness about the available laws to deal with the issue. Awareness about the relevant laws is a precursor to the establishment of rule of law. This study will doctrinally analyse the national laws of Pakistan to make the response more effective. The awareness about the relevant laws will supplement the healthcare response against the pandemic of COVID-19. Since Pakistan is a federation and healthcare is a provincial subject, therefore the study limits itself to the laws of Punjab, the largest populated province of Pakistan.   Objectives: This study will analyse the available healthcare laws to deal with the recent outbreak of COVID-19. The focus will remain on the doctrinal measurement of the effectiveness of The Punjab Infectious Diseases (Prevention and Control) Act 2020 (PIDA) vis-Ă -vis already existing laws. It will also highlight the salient features of the PIDA 2020 along with its effectiveness to deal with the current pandemic. Method: The study benefits from documentary analysis of legal documents. The method is nearer to the doctrinal research method in law. The study will shape itself into two parts. First will be lax lata that will ascertain what is the relevant healthcare law to deal with infectious diseases like COVID-19. The next step will be lax ferenda where the study will propose how it can become more effective to deal with the issue. The research will opt black letter approach. Conclusion: This study finds that the adoption of PIDA 2020 is in spirit with dealing with the pandemic of the COID-19. The law has shown positive trends in protecting the population from the widespread impact of the diseases. The World Health Organization has appreciated Pakistan’s methods and strategies against the first wave of the COVID-19 with reference to response in Punjab, the largest province of Pakistan

    ROLE OF POLICE INVESTIGATION IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM OF PAKISTAN: Jibran Jamshed, Muhammad Waqas Javed, Syed Wajdan Rafay Bukhari, Asif Safdar

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    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance and effectiveness of investigation in the Criminal Justice System of Pakistan. The study provides the historical background of the Police system of Pakistan, which is primarily responsible for the investigation of crime in the Criminal Justice System of Pakistan. The study also examines and highlights the poor standards of Police Investigation and its impact on the Criminal Justice System of Pakistan. The study describes and analyzes the different statutes and laws in Pakistan which regulate the process of the criminal investigation in Pakistan. The researcher collected data through interviews from the 10 Defense Lawyers (who are representing accused in trial courts) in District Multan. Data is also collected through interviews from the 10 Public Prosecutors (who are prosecuting the accused on behalf of State in trial courts) from District Multan. The finding of the study reveals that the current system of the police investigation is faulty and outdated. In the end, this study recommends how to improve the standards of investigation in the Criminal Justice System of Pakista