23 research outputs found

    Getting to the heart of child maltreatment : a multidimensional investigation using an extended family design

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    In 2017 waren in Nederland tussen de 90.000 en 127.000 kinderen van 0 tot 18 jaar slachtoffer van een vorm van kindermishandeling. Zowel in Nederland als in andere landen lijkt het aantal slachtoffers van kindermishandeling niet te zijn afgenomen de afgelopen jaren. Dit heeft mogelijk te maken met de complexiteit van het probleem.Om tot een meer integratief beeld te komen van de antecedenten en consequenties van kindermishandeling bestudeerden we het functioneren van individuen op verschillende niveaus (fysiologie, cognitie, gedrag). Dit deden we binnen een multigenerationeel familieonderzoek.Samengenomen kunnen we op basis van de bevindingen verschillende conclusies trekken over mishandeling (bv. slaan, schelden) en verwaarlozing (bv. je kind onvoldoende van voedsel voorzien). Allereerst vonden we een sterkere evidentie voor de intergenerationele overdracht van mishandeling dan voor de intergenerationele overdracht van verwaarlozing. Daarnaast hing mishandeling samen met ouderlijk gedrag: ouders die mishandeling hadden ervaren in hun jeugd en mishandeling pleegden waren negatiever richting hun kinderen. Verwaarlozing, daarentegen, hing sterker samen met fysiologische reacties van ouders: ouders die meer waren verwaarloosd in hun jeugd lieten een verhoogde stressreactiviteit zien. Deze resultaten onderstrepen het belang om onderscheid te maken tussen mishandeling en verwaarlozing, zowel in onderzoek als in de praktijk.Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)Education and Child Studie

    Foster parent stress as key factor relating to foster childrenā€™s mental health: a 1-year prospective longitudinal study

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    Development Psychopathology in context: schoolEducation and Child StudiesDevelopment Psychopathology in context: clinical settingsDevelopment Psychopathology in context: famil

    Pass it on? The neural responses to rejection in the context of a family study on maltreatment

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    Rejection by parents is an important aspect of child maltreatment. Altered neural responses to social rejection have been observed in maltreated individuals. The current study is the first to examine the impact of experienced and perpetrated abuse and neglect on neural responses to social exclusion by strangers versus family using a multigenerational family design, including 144 participants. The role of neural reactivity to social exclusion in the intergenerational transmission of maltreatment was also examined. Exclusion by strangers was especially associated with increased activation in the left insula, while exclusion by a family member was mainly associated with increased activation in the ACC. Neural reactivity to social exclusion by strangers in the insula, ACC and dmPFC, was associated with experienced maltreatment but not with perpetrated maltreatment. In abusive parents, altered neural reactivity during exclusion was found in other brain areas, indicating different neural correlates of experienced and perpetrated maltreatment. Hence, no mechanisms could be identified that are involved in the transmission of maltreatment. Hypersensitivity to social rejection by strangers in neglected individuals underscores the importance to distinguish between effects of abuse and neglect and suggests that the impact of experiencing rejection and maltreatment by your own parents extends beyond the family context.Development Psychopathology in context: famil

    Parentsā€™ experiences of childhood abuse and neglect are differentially associated with behavioral and autonomic responses to their offspring

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    Although childhood maltreatment has been shown to compromise adaptive parental behavior, little is known what happens in terms of physiological regulation when parents with a history of childhood maltreatment interact with their offspring. Using a sample of 229 parents (131 women), the present study examined whether childhood maltreatment experiences are associated with parentsā€™ behavioral and autonomic responses while resolving conflict with their offspring. Selfā€reported experienced child maltreatment was measured using a questionnaire assessing abuse and neglect. Parents (Mage = 52.7 years, rangeage = 26.6ā€“88.4 years) and their offspring (Mage = 24.6 years, rangeage = 7.5ā€“65.6 years) participated in a videotaped parentā€“offspring conflict interaction task. Parental warmth, negativity, and emotional support were coded. In addition, their preā€ejection period and respiratory sinus arrhythmia were measured as indicators of underlying sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system reactivity, respectively. Findings demonstrated that experiences of abuse and neglect were associated with behavioral and physiological responses in different ways. Separating these two types of maltreatment in research and in clinical practice might be important

    Parentsā€™ experiences of childhood abuse and neglect are differentially associated with behavioral and autonomic responses to their offspring

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    Although childhood maltreatment has been shown to compromise adaptive parental behavior, little is known what happens in terms of physiological regulation when parents with a history of childhood maltreatment interact with their offspring. Using a sample of 229 parents (131 women), the present study examined whether childhood maltreatment experiences are associated with parentsā€™ behavioral and autonomic responses while resolving conflict with their offspring. Selfā€reported experienced child maltreatment was measured using a questionnaire assessing abuse and neglect. Parents (MageĀ =Ā 52.7Ā years, rangeageĀ =Ā 26.6ā€“88.4Ā years) and their offspring (MageĀ =Ā 24.6Ā years, rangeageĀ =Ā 7.5ā€“65.6Ā years) participated in a videotaped parentā€“offspring conflict interaction task. Parental warmth, negativity, and emotional support were coded. In addition, their preā€ejection period and respiratory sinus arrhythmia were measured as indicators of underlying sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system reactivity, respectively. Findings demonstrated that experiences of abuse and neglect were associated with behavioral and physiological responses in different ways. Separating these two types of maltreatment in research and in clinical practice might be important.Stress and Psychopatholog

    Not the Root of the Problemā€”Hair Cortisol and Cortisone Do Not Mediate the Effect of Child Maltreatment on Body Mass Index

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    Background: Experiencing maltreatment during childhood exerts substantial stress on the child and increases the risk for overweight and obesity later in life. The current study tests whether hair cortisolā€”a measure of chronic stressā€”and its metabolite cortisone mediate the relation between abuse and neglect on the one hand, and body mass index (BMI) on the other. Method: The sample consisted of 249 participants aged 8 to 87 years (M = 36.13, SD = 19.33). We collected data on child abuse and neglect using questionnaires, measured cortisol and cortisone concentrations in hair, and BMI. In a structural model, the effects of abuse and neglect on hair cortisol, hair cortisone, and BMI were tested, as well as the covariance between hair cortisol and BMI, and hair cortisone and BMI. Results: Within the sample, 23% were overweight but not obese and 14% were obese. Higher levels of experienced abuse were related to higher cortisone concentrations in hair (Ī² = 0.24, p <.001) and higher B

    Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design

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    In the current study a three-generational design was used to investigate intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment (ITCM) using multiple sources of information on child maltreatment: mothers, fathers and children. A tota