169 research outputs found

    Positieve communicatiewetenschap

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    Contains fulltext : 157481.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Inaugural address RU, 17 april 201420 p

    Een model voor de effecten van televisiereclame op kinderen

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    Contains fulltext : 134973.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)In deze ouder-kindsurvey is onderzocht hoe televisiereclame is gerelateerd aan aankoopverzoeken van kinderen, en aan gezinsconflict, materialisme, teleurstelling en levensontevredenheid. In een eerste stap wordt een conceptueel model ontwikkeld op basis van bestaande hypothesen in de literatuur, en in een tweede stap wordt dit model getoetst in een steekproef van 360 ouder-kindparen met kinderen in de leeftijd van 8 tot 12 jaa

    Appeals in television advertising. A content analysis of commercials aimed at children and teenagers

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    Contains fulltext : 134775-OA.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)A content analysis of 601 commercials was conducted in order to identify the appeals that characterize commercials aimed at children and teenagers. Our findings demonstrated that the use of appeals (a) showed strong age differences and (b) was highly gender-role stereotyped, particularly in commercials aimed at children. The most typical appeals in commercials aimed at male children were action-adventure, sports, and play, whereas commercials aimed at female children emphasized nurturing, physical attractiveness, friendship, and romance. Having the best, competition, and achievement were the dominant appeals in commercials aimed at male teenagers, whereas romance, sexuality, and belonging to a group were emphasized in commercials aimed at female teenagers

    Hoe ouders de strijd met de commercie kunnen aangaan

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    Commercie in de jeugdcultuur: vette verleiders en weerbare kinderen

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    The effectiveness of parental communication in modifying the relation between food advertising and children's consumption behaviour

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of various types of parental communication in modifying children's responses to television food advertising. In a combined diary-survey study among 234 parents of 4- to 12-year-old children, I investigated how different styles of advertising mediation (active vs. restrictive) and consumer communication (concept-oriented vs. socio-oriented) moderated the relation between children's advertising exposure and their consumption of advertised energy-dense food products. Interaction analysis in regression showed that active advertising mediation (i.e. explaining the purpose and nature of advertising), and socio-oriented consumer communication (i.e. emphasizing control and restrictions) significantly reduced the impact of advertising on children's food consumption. Parental restrictions of advertising exposure were only effective among younger children (<8). These results suggest that critical discussion about advertising and rule making about consumption are most effective in countering the impact of food advertising

    Vette verleiders en weerbare kinderen

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    Advertising: Responses across the life span

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    Do children's cognitive advertising defenses reduce their desire for advertised products?

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    Contains fulltext : 134951-OA.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)In both the academic and societal debates, it is widely assumed that cognitive advertising defenses can reduce children's susceptibility to advertising effects. Empirical evidence supporting this crucial assumption is however missing. It is precisely this gap that the present study aims to fill In a survey of 296 children (aged 8–12 years), we investigate whether children's cognitive defenses (i. e., advertising recognition and understanding of its selling and persuasive intent) reduce the relationship between the amount of television advertising they are exposed to and their desire for advertised product categories. Interaction analysis in regression shows that of all the cognitive defense variables, only understanding advertising's persuasive intent was effective in reducing the impact of advertising exposure on children's advertised product desire. However, this only applies to the older children in the sample (ages 10–12). For the younger children, understanding the persuasive intent even increased the impact of advertising
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