245 research outputs found

    High-resolution GPS tracking reveals sex differences in migratory behaviour and stopover habitat use in the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus

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    Sex-, size-or age-dependent variation in migration strategies in birds is generally expected to reflect differences in competitive abilities. Theoretical and empirical studies thereby focus on differences in wintering areas, by which individuals may benefit from avoiding food competition during winter or ensuring an early return and access to prime nesting sites in spring. Here, we use GPS tracking to assess sex-and size-related variation in the spatial behaviour of adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus) throughout their annual cycle. We did not find sex-or size-dependent differences in wintering area or the timing of spring migration. Instead, sexual differences occurred prior to, and during, autumn migration, when females strongly focussed on agricultural areas. Females exhibited a more protracted autumn migration strategy, hence spent more time on stopover sites and arrived 15 days later at their wintering areas, than males. This shift in habitat use and protracted autumn migration coincided with the timing of moult, which overlaps with chick rearing and migration. Our results suggest that this overlap between energy-demanding activities may lead females to perform a more prolonged autumn migration, which results in spatiotemporal differences in foraging habitat use between the sexes

    Integrating neighborhood delivery services into parcel delivery networks

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    Problem definition: Leveraging developments in the sharing economy, several innovative delivery models have been adopted in the parcel delivery industry. One such innovation is the neighborhood delivery service model, where local residents receive parcels and deliver them within their neighborhood. We study the integration of neighborhood delivery services into a parcel delivery network. Methodology and results: We combine distributionally robust optimization with continuous approximation to build a model that captures the interaction between demand volatility, neighborhood delivery service capacities, and the delivery performance of a parcel delivery company. Efficient lower bounding procedures determine fleet size requirements that guarantee meeting service level targets for individual neighborhoods. An algorithm based on column generation solves the problem for a network of multiple neighborhoods. Analytical results show that average demand profiles, demand volatility levels, and service level targets determine the ability of neighborhood delivery services to reduce the fleet size and save total network cost. Numerical analyses with empirical data from a case study emphasize the important role of neighborhood delivery service capacity. Even with a modest capacity of 3.3% of the peak demand, the fleet size can be reduced by 4.0%. Larger fleet size reductions, of up to 24.9%, can be achieved when capacity of a neighborhood delivery service is 33.3% of the peak demand in the neighborhood. Interestingly, these fleet size reductions also translate into total network cost savings of 1.3% and 8.6%, respectively. Managerial implications: Our study reveals two key levers for managers to recruit and retain neighborhood delivery services and negotiate for higher capacities. Of those, making minimum compensation agreements is new to the literature and can be used more liberally than the other lever: increasing unit outsourcing cost. Furthermore, we show how managers should consider the average demand, demand volatility, and service level targets in recruiting neighborhood delivery services.<br/

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    Effects of Nocturnal Light on (Clock) Gene Expression in Peripheral Organs: A Role for the Autonomic Innervation of the Liver

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    BACKGROUND:The biological clock, located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), controls the daily rhythms in physiology and behavior. Early studies demonstrated that light exposure not only affects the phase of the SCN but also the functional activity of peripheral organs. More recently it was shown that the same light stimulus induces immediate changes in clock gene expression in the pineal and adrenal, suggesting a role of peripheral clocks in the organ-specific output. In the present study, we further investigated the immediate effect of nocturnal light exposure on clock genes and metabolism-related genes in different organs of the rat. In addition, we investigated the role of the autonomic nervous system as a possible output pathway of the SCN to modify the activity of the liver after light exposure. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:First, we demonstrated that light, applied at different circadian times, affects clock gene expression in a different manner, depending on the time of day and the organ. However, the changes in clock gene expression did not correlate in a consistent manner with those of the output genes (i.e., genes involved in the functional output of an organ). Then, by selectively removing the autonomic innervation to the liver, we demonstrated that light affects liver gene expression not only via the hormonal pathway but also via the autonomic input. CONCLUSION:Nocturnal light immediately affects peripheral clock gene expression but without a clear correlation with organ-specific output genes, raising the question whether the peripheral clock plays a "decisive" role in the immediate (functional) response of an organ to nocturnal light exposure. Interestingly, the autonomic innervation of the liver is essential to transmit the light information from the SCN, indicating that the autonomic nervous system is an important gateway for the SCN to cause an immediate resetting of peripheral physiology after phase-shift inducing light exposures

    Translocation of BCR to chromosome 9: A new cytogenetic variant detected by FISH in two Ph-negative, BCR-positive patients with chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Leukemic cells from two patients with Philadelphia-negative chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) were investigated: I) Cytogenetics showed a normal 46.XY karyotype in both cases, 2) molecular studies revealed rearrangement of the M-BCR region and formation of BCR-ABL fusion mRNA with b2a2 (patient I) or b3a2 (patient 2) configuration, and 3) fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated relocation of the 5β€² BCR sequences from one chromosome 22 to one chromosome 9. The ABL probe hybridized to both chromosomes 9 at band q34, while two other probes which map centromeric and telomeric of BCR on 22q 11 hybridized solely with chromosome 22. For the first time, a BCR-ABL rearrangement is shown to take place on 9q34 instead of in the usual location on 22q 11. A rearrangement in the latter site is found in all Ph-positive CML and in almost all investigated CML with variant Ph or Ph-negative, BCR-positive cases. The few aberrant chromosomal localizations of BCR-ABL recombinant genes found previously were apparently the result of complex and successive changes. Furthermore in patient 2, both chromosomes 9 showed positive FISH signals with both ABL and BCR probes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis indicated that mitotic recombination had occurred on the long arm of chromosome 9 and that the rearranged chromosome 9 was of paternal origin. The leukemic cells of this patient showed a duplication of the BCR-ABL gene, analogous to duplication of the Ph chromosome in classic CML. In addition they had lost the maternal alleles of the 9q34 chromosomal region. The lymphocytes of patient 2 carried the maternal chromosome 9 alleles and were Ph-negative as evidenced by RFLP and FISH analyses, respectively. Β© 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Spleen Vagal Denervation Inhibits the Production of Antibodies to Circulating Antigens

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    BACKGROUND: Recently the vagal output of the central nervous system has been shown to suppress the innate immune defense to pathogens. Here we investigated by anatomical and physiological techniques the communication of the brain with the spleen and provided evidence that the brain has the capacity to stimulate the production of antigen specific antibodies by its parasympathetic autonomic output. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This conclusion was reached by successively demonstrating that: 1. The spleen receives not only sympathetic input but also parasympathetic input. 2. Intravenous trinitrophenyl-ovalbumin (TNP-OVA) does not activate the brain and does not induce an immune response. 3. Intravenous TNP-OVA with an inducer of inflammation; lipopolysaccharide (LPS), activates the brain and induces TNP-specific IgM. 4. LPS activated neurons are in the same areas of the brain as those that provide parasympathetic autonomic information to the spleen, suggesting a feed back circuit between brain and immune system. Consequently we investigated the interaction of the brain with the spleen and observed that specific parasympathetic denervation but not sympathetic denervation of the spleen eliminates the LPS-induced antibody response to TNP-OVA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings not only show that the brain can stimulate antibody production by its autonomic output, it also suggests that the power of LPS as adjuvant to stimulate antibody production may also depend on its capacity to activate the brain. The role of the autonomic nervous system in the stimulation of the adaptive immune response may explain why mood and sleep have an influence on antibody production
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