68 research outputs found

    El régimen de las sucesiones internacionales en Europa: el Reglamento UE 650/2012.

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    El sistema español de fuente interna aplicable a las sucesiones internacionales quedó desplazado el 17 de agosto de 2015 cuando el Reglamento UE 650/2012 entró en aplicación. El presente trabajo ofrece una visión general de cada uno de los aspectos regulados en este instrumento omnicomprensivo, que incluye normas sobre competencia judicial internacional, determinación de la ley aplicable, reconocimiento y ejecución de decisiones extranjeras y la creación de un "Certificado Sucesorio Europeo" con validez en todos los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea vinculados por este Reglamento. On August 17, 2015 the Spanish system of domestic origin governing international successions became inapplicable as a consequence of the entry into application of Regulation EU 650/2012. The present study offers a general overview of each one of the aspects regulated in this comprehensive instrument, which includes rules on international jurisdiction, determination of the applicable law, recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions and the creation of a "European Certificate of Succession" which is valid in all the Member States of the European Union bound by this Regulation. Il 17 agosto 2015, la legislazione spagnola nazionale che regolava le successioni internazionali è diventata inapplicabile a seguito dell' entrata in vigore del Regolamento UE 650/2012. Il presente articolo fornisce una panoramica generale di ciascuno degli aspetti regolati da tale completo strumento, tra cui le disposizioni in materia di competenza internazionale, di determinazione della legge applicabile, di riconoscimento ed applicazione di decisioni straniere e di istituzione di un "Certificato Successorio Europeo" valido in tutti gli Stati Membri dell'Unione Europea soggetti al Regolamento


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    Anatomy, death, and preservation of a woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) calf, Yamal Peninsula, northwest Siberia

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    A well-preserved woolly mammoth calf found in northwest Siberia offers unique opportunities to investigate mammoth anatomy, behavior, life history and taphonomy. Analysis of the fluvial setting where the specimen was found suggests it was derived from eroding bluffs during ice-out flooding in June 2006. It then lay exposed on a point-bar surface until recovery the following May. AMS dating of bone collagen and plant tissues from the intestine provide age estimates that average about 41,800 14C yrBP. Anatomical features of interest include a hemispherical mass, apparently composed of brown fat, on the back of the neck. This may have functioned in thermoregulation for the neonate mammoth, born before onset of spring. Abundant subcutaneous fat and milk residues in the alimentary tract demonstrate that this animal was in good nutritional condition before death, making other features of its life history relevant for general studies of mammoth paleobiology. Plant remains from the intestine (mixed with milk residue in a manner consistent with frequent, small meals) show evidence of mastication by adult mammoths, suggesting that this calf ingested fecal material, probably from its mother and presumably to inoculate its intestinal tract with a microbial assemblage derived from a healthy adult. Discrepancies between the season of death we infer (spring) and seasonal indicators from the intestine implicate coprophagy (involving old fecal boli) by the mother. This animal’s trachea and bronchi are completely occluded with fine-grained vivianite (hydrated iron phosphate) such as occurs in some lacustrine settings. Because this vivianite does not penetrate the lung beyond the bronchi, we infer that it must have entered as a viscous mass that occluded the airway, causing asphyxia. Nodular vivianite in the cranial region and interiors of long bones must have originated postmortem, but its distribution may be partly controlled by peripheral vasoconstriction, a physiological response to asphyxia. Nodular vivianite may have formed from iron derived from hemoglobin and phosphate liberated by partial demineralization of bones. Demineralization could have been caused by lactic acid, for which the main evidence is loss of tissues dominated by Type 1 collagen (denatured in lactic acid). We propose that this was consequent on postmortem colonization of the body by lactic acid-producing bacteria. These bacteria and their metabolites may have promoted preservation during the time before the body was incorporated in permafrost and could also have inhibited scavenging and bacterial decomposition following recent exposure of the specimen.