6 research outputs found

    QuCCs: an experimental of quantum key distribution using quantum cryptography and communication simulator

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    The applications of quantum information science move towards bigger and better dimensions for the next generation technology. In the field of quantum cryptography and quantum computation, the world already witnessed various groundbreaking tangible products and promising results. Quantum cryptography is one of the mature fields of quantum mechanics and the devices are already available in the markets. In order to reach the heights of digital cryptography, the current state of quantum cryptography is still under various researches. However, the complexity of quantum cryptography is high due to combination of hardware and software. The lack of effective simulation tool to design and analyze the quantum cryptography experiments delays the reaching distance of the success. Therefore, in this paper, a framework to achieve an effective single photon based quantum cryptography simulation tool is proposed. The limitations of a commercial photonic simulation tool based experiments are also highlighted. Finally, the ideas for achieving one-stop simulation package for quantum based secure key distribution experiments are discussed. The proposed modules of simulation framework have been analyzed from the programming perspective

    An efficient modeling and simulation of quantum key distribution protocols using OptiSystem™

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    In this paper, we propose a modeling and simulation framework for quantum key distribution protocols using commercial photonic simulator OptiSystem™. This simulation framework emphasize on experimental components of quantum key distribution. We simulate BB84 operation with several security attacks scenario and noise immune key distribution in this work. We also investigate the efficiency of simulator's inbuilt photonic components in terms of experimental configuration. This simulation provides a study to analyze the impact of experimental photonic components in quantum key distribution process

    A single photon quantum user bi-directional authentication scheme over noiseless channel

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    In this paper, we propose a quantum user authentication protocol with single photon based on short shared secret key and quantum bit error ratio verification. In this scheme, usage of proposed deterministic quantum key distribution technique and simple verification in a public channel culminate reduced photon transmission. Security analysis proves our proposed scheme is resistant to impostors' attacks and eavesdropper. Furthermore, our proposed protocol can extend to multiparty environment and permits to re-use many times of the shared secret key without revealing it

    A method for authentication of multi-user key management using quantum key distribution over noiseless channel

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    Quantum Cryptography (QC) is the emerging field of the current world and the potential player of the future. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is the matured discipline of QC and available in the market to establish a secret key between parties. In order to achieve in multiparty, basically quantum entanglement has been applied over a theoretical settings. However, due to practical limitation, entanglement based research has a feasible difficulty with current technology. The thesis principal goal is to propose a framework for quantum protocol layer for secure key management without entanglement over multiparty environment. In the secret key management, conference key or Multiparty QKD (MQKD) and joint-venture key or Public Shared Secret Quantum Key (PSSQK) protocols acted as a top layer and quantum user authentication scheme as a middle layer and the standard QKD operation as a bottom layer. The proposed secrete key management protocols are based on secret key between parties using QKD, modified error correction code and linear independent matrix. These protocols require only classical communication and yield higher secret key rate regardless of distance and noise. The security analysis using guessing entropy has applied and results shows only negligible amount information can be extracted during eavesdropping. The challenge-challenge response technique has been applied to proposed quantum user authentication scheme for verification of quantum user. This is a bidirectional authentication scheme and requires both quantum and classical channel to execute and has two modes of operation, i.e., initial and session authentication.Due to deterministic key distribution orientation, the efficiency of protocol reaches up to 100% in terms of reduction of photon wastage during communication. Further, this scheme is resilient to various quantum security attacks However, this scheme requires noiseless quantum channel in order to detect the insider and outsider attacks during authentication. A GUI based discrete event simulation has developed using OptiSystem™ in order to test the practical feasibility of proposed quantum cryptography protocol layer. The polarized based discrete variable QKD protocols have been designed and analyzed. Due to lack of real receiver setup, the results have showed lower quantum bit error rate. Further, we analyzed the impact of polarization structure of qubit due to noise, loss and distance over fiber optics and free space. A multiparty QKD setuphas been designed based on frequency division multiplexing (FDM) centralized quantum channel server. This approach reduces the requirement of total quantum channel from N*(N-1)/2 to N and each party requires one quantum channel to communicate with all other parties. The bit commitment protocol and message authentication in the layer has considered for the future research direction

    Predicting Power Consumption Anomaly Using Statistical and Supervised Machine Learning Techniques

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    Power has become an essential element of daily life in the modern world. At the same time, over usage of electricity may lead to excessive power consumption, causing the device to short circuit or be on fire. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor and forecast the anomalies in power consumption to avoid any tragedy. In this paper, the authors proposed a method of predicting anomalies in power consumption. The proposed method uses a statistical approach in labeling; the labeled power consumption data are then used to form the data instances. Later, supervised machine learning classification techniques, namely Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, and Random Forest, are implemented on the data instances to predict the power consumption anomalies. The experimental results demonstrate that the precision, recall, and F1 score are achieving better results when the training dataset is larger. Besides that, the results show that the techniques used to handle the imbalanced data will affect the performance of models