12 research outputs found


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    The article adduces the method of simulation training opportunities in the light of modern ideas about the process of information assimilation and the acquisition of practical skills.The authors analyzed their own experience of practical classes conduction for the  2nd– and 3rd–year  students of medical university. The analysis is made taking into account the existing scientific publications data about simulation training method implementation in medical higher educational institutions of  Ukraine.У статті розглянуто можливості методу симуляційного навчання у світлі сучасних уявлень про процес засвоєння інформації та набуття практичних компетенцій. Проаналізовано власний досвід проведення практичних занять для студентів ІІ-ІІІ курсів медичного університету на основі наявних у наукових публікаціях даних про результати впровадження методу симуляційного навчання  у медичних вищих навчальних закладах України

    Marketing Via Friends: Strategic Diffusion of Information in Social Networks with Homophily

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    The paper studies the impact of homophily on the optimal strategies of a monopolist, whose marketing campaign of new product relies on a word of mouth communication. Homophily is a tendency of people to interact more with those who are similar to them. In the model there are two types of consumers embedded into a social network, which differ in friendship preferences and desirable design of product. Consumers can learn about the product directly from an advertisement or from their neighbors. The monopolist chooses the product design and price to influence a pattern of communication among consumers. We find a number of results: (i) for low levels of homophily the product attractive to both types of consumers is preferred to specialized products; (ii) the price elasticity is increasing in homophily; (iii) an increase in the homophily benefits both the monopolist and consumers; and (iv) the product attractive to both types may be optimal even if the monopolist obtains profits only from sales to one type of consumers


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    This article finally outlined the need to change attitudes concerning the canonical procedures of percussion of relative and absolute cardiac dullness. Adjustments suggested by the authors, allow clinicians while examining a patient to avoid errors in more than one centimeter in determining the upper limit of the heart by the standards of its relative and absolute dullness as well as to  introduce elements of reconciliation in the interpretation of the various options for percussion. This is particularly important for teachers who teach the subject Internal Medicine and for future doctors.У статті викладена необхідність зміни стереотипів щодо канонічних методик перкуторного визначення  меж відносної та абсолютної тупостей серця. Корективи, запропоновані авторами, дозволяють клініцистам біля ліжка хворого уникнути похибки в понад один сантиметр при визначенні верхньої межі серця  за стандартами його відносної та абсолютної тупостей, і внести елементи примирення при інтерпретації різних варіантів його перкусії, що має особливе значення для викладачів кафедр пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини та майбутніх лікарів.

    Tenure Profiles and Efficient Separation in a Stochastic Productivity Model

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    This paper provides a new way of analyzing tenure profiles in wages, by modelling simultaneously the evolution of wages and the distribution of tenures. We develop a theoretical model based on efficient bargaining, where both log outside wage and log wage in the current job follow a random walk, as found empirically. This setting allows the application of real option theory. We derive the efficient separation rule. The model fits the observed distribution of job tenures well. Since we observe outside wages only at job start and job separation, our empirical analysis of within job wage growth is based on expected wage growth conditional on the outside wages at both dates. Our modelling allows testing of the efficient bargaining hypothesis. The model is estimated on the PSID