35 research outputs found


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    The Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt, finally formed in the end of the Mesozoic as a result of later tectonic events, is divided into two flanks: western and eastern. Its formation is obviously due to a regular change in geodynamic events significantly obscured by late tectonic and magmatic processes in the western flank and more clearly defined in the eastern flank from both magmatic and stratified formations. The early changes in geodynamic environment are most clearly determined by the formation of magmatic complexes whose completion is usually accompanied by the strata formation. Stratons framing the eastern flank of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt in the Mesozoic were formed in sedimentary basins, which are currently isolated to the Krestovkinsky and Ogodzhinsky basins along the southern border and to the Strelkinsky, Malotyndinsky, Toromsky and Udsky basins along the northern border. The deposition environment varied from deep-sea marine to continental. The article attempts to correlate the cross-sections of sedimentary basins on the framing of the eastern Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt and considers similarity or difference in their structure, conditions of sedimentation, tectonic positions and dependence of their evolution on geodynamic processes in the regio


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    The Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt, finally formed in the end of the Mesozoic as a result of later tectonic events, is divided into two flanks: western and eastern. Its formation is obviously due to a regular change in geodynamic events significantly obscured by late tectonic and magmatic processes in the western flank and more clearly defined in the eastern flank from both magmatic and stratified formations. The early changes in geodynamic environment are most clearly determined by the formation of magmatic complexes whose completion is usually accompanied by the strata formation. Stratons framing the eastern flank of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt in the Mesozoic were formed in sedimentary basins, which are currently isolated to the Krestovkinsky and Ogodzhinsky basins along the southern border and to the Strelkinsky, Malotyndinsky, Toromsky and Udsky basins along the northern border. The deposition environment varied from deep-sea marine to continental. The article attempts to correlate the cross-sections of sedimentary basins on the framing of the eastern Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt and considers similarity or difference in their structure, conditions of sedimentation, tectonic positions and dependence of their evolution on geodynamic processes in the regionМонголо-Охотский орогенный пояс, окончательно сформировавшийся в конце мезозоя, в результате более поздних тектонических событий был разделен на два фланга: западный и восточный. В его формировании прослеживается закономерное изменение геодинамических процессов, которые в пределах западного фланга значительно «затушеваны» поздними тектоническими и магматическими событиями, тогда как в пределах восточного фланга эти процессы менее искажены и фиксируются по наличию как магматических, так и стратифицированных образований. Начало изменения геодинамических условий наиболее четко определяется по формированию магматических комплексов, а их завершение, как правило, сопровождается образованием стратонов. Стратоны в обрамлении восточного фланга Монголо-Охотского орогенного пояса в мезозое формировались в осадочных бассейнах, фрагменты которых в настоящее время обособлены вдоль южной границы в Крестовкинский и Огоджинский бассейны, а вдоль северной – в Стрелкинский, Малотындинский, Торомский и Удский бассейны. Накопление осадков происходило в различных условиях: от глубоководных морских до континентальных. В статье выполнена корреляция разрезов осадочных бассейнов в обрамлении восточного фланга Монголо-Охотского орогенного пояса; рассматривается сходство или различие составов, возраста, условий осадконакопления, тектонических позиций и зависимость их эволюции от изменения геодинамических процессов в регионе

    Household time allocation in Russia: economic or sociocultural model?

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    The article is focused on determining the dominant model of household time allocation in Russia based on the analysis of demographic, economic, social, and sociocultural factors. The main method of the study is a statistical analysis of the data from a household survey conducted by the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation in 2019 titled “Selective observation of the daily time use by the population”. The results of the study indicate an unfinished transition toward gender equality. The economic model of time allocation (the more one participates in the labor market, the less housework one does) is dominant during the work week, while the sociocultural model (gender determines the degree of workload in the household regardless of the level of employment in the labor market) takes precedence on the weekends. This is expressed in the increase in women’s unpaid work on weekends as compensation for missing out on household chores during the working weekdays. In addition, depending on the size of the gender gaps we identified “patriarchal” and “progressive” regions of Russia. Sociocultural characteristics turned out to be significant not only in the “patriarchal” regions but also in most of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Sociocultural attitudes weaken the economic model in the allocation of time between partners, especially on weekends. Thus, the economic model dominates on weekdays while the sociocultural one dominates on weekends

    Ergaula stonebut Vršanský, Vidlička, Barna, Bugdaeva & Markevich, 2013, sp. n.

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    Ergaula stonebut sp. n. Holotype. IGNM FEB RAS ANHM 4 / 7. Both forewings; type locality, Archara-Boguchan, Belaya Gora locality, stratotype of the Tsagayan Formation, Far East, Russia; type horizon, Tsagayan Formation, Danian. Diagnosis. Forewing narrow, length/width: 31 / 11 mm, its venation reduced to approximately 50 veins at margin. Sc branched broadly. Intercalaries distinct, coloration indistinct. Description. Forewing fore margin slightly arcuate. Sc with both anterior (3 on left forewing, 1 on right forewing) and posterior (4, 4) branches. R more or less regularly branched, with venation more dense towards apex; veins secondarily branched (19, 16). M with secondary branches, curved posteriorly (11, 12). CuA largely simplified, reduced to 3 branches at most. Anal veins sparse (6, 7). Remarks. E. stonebut sp. n. differs from Therea Bilberg, 1820 (India) (the same tribe) in having costal space comparatively narrow and Sc less expanded and with branches running more longitudinally, M and R reduced to some extent and fused. Eucorydia Hebard, 1929 (SE Asia) and Miroblatta Shelford, 1906 (Borneo) have exclusively straight stem of R (without any posterior branches), the latter comprises deviant forms with extremely wide forewings, sometimes reduced to some extent. Homoeogamia Burmeiser, 1838 is limited to America (Mexico and South America) today. Ergaula stonebut sp. n. can be placed within Ergaula by simple exclusion and differs from its congeners only in minor characters. It is generally very similar to E. atica from the sediments of Israel (presumably Eocene in age), including the narrowness of forewings with distinct intercalaries and wide space between respective Sc branches (3 symplesiomorphies). E. atica also is very large, (forewing length 35 mm). The single preserved individual is distinctly coloured and posses numerous deformations. Undescribed specimens from the Messel, Germany are also very similar (H. Schmied, in preparation). The E. stonebut sp. n. forewing is without deformities; it is narrower than in any living species. The type species E. carunculigera differs in having a considerably smaller forewing (21– 27 / 13.5 mm) (Gerstaecker 1861). Ergaula. capucina differs in having all Sc venation dense; E. pilosa has dense Sc venation in the anterior region only (Rehn 1951). Males of E. capensis are much larger (55–57 mm in total body length) (Hanitsch 1938). The much smaller forewing of E. funebris (forewing length 22 mm: (Hanitsch 1933)) is monochromatic a character likely shared by E. stonebut sp. n. However, the wing of E. funebris is much wider. Ergaula nepalensis is unique in having discoidal veins straight and longitudinal (Saussure 1893), and E. silphoides, like most living species, has a rounded fore-margin of the forewing (Walker 1868). Some distinct characters revealed in the course of study of living E. capucina are seen in forewing of the present fossil. The most distinct among them are asymmetrical sclerotisation (due to folding of wings over each other) and invagination in the base of R, which represents the huge ventral ridge serving for folding of the hind wing. Visible are also reticulations caused by sclerotisation in the costal area. Etymology. stonebut is derived from some Slavic languages (means something). Discussion Based on study of terminal Mesozoic as well as Eocene cockroaches, it follows that most living cockroach genera originated directly at or around PETM (Vršanský et al. 2011, 2012 b). Warming not only expanded the geographical range and the thermic optimum in more northern latitudes, but also produced conditions different from those present in the original source area. Changes on land resulted in a higher evolutionary tempo as evidenced by cockroaches (Vršanský 2011, 2012 ab). Nevertheless, the present observations are direct evidence for the pre- PETM origin of some of cockroach genera, which was unexpected. It is notable that both of the species described herein belong to genera present (as codominants) in the Eocene Messel (47 Ma) assemblage of Germany (Schmied 2009, unpublished observation), suggesting the characteristic Eurasian assemblage was already formed before the Paleocene side of the PETM. Ergaula occurs also in the presumably Eocene or Oligocene mangals of Israel (Anisyutkin et al. 2008) and a leathery wing described as Netherea haatica Vršanský & Anisyutkin, 2008 seems to represent the smaller female of living Ergaula —a common sexual dimorphism of this genus. This associations are likely very similar unless identical in respect to generic content and support the Eocene stage for obscure (originally presumed to be Mesozoic) locality in Israel. Different were some Eocene North American localities, where predominantly smaller species were preserved (Vršanský et al. 2011 a, 2012). Very little can be learned from the geography of the two specimens. Ergaula currently is widely distributed in Africa and Asia, but apparently was also present also in Europe in PETM, but absent in the Americas during the Eocene. Morphna has a similar wide pattern in Asia (absent in Africa), with occurrence in Europe during PETM. The important aspect of deformed wings is ambiguous in this respect. While no wing deformation (developmental change modifying wing geometry, most often fusion of veins or irregularity), is reported in hundreds of Eocene individuals from the Green River in Colorado, very few are present in Early Miocene localities. Deformations are common and abundant in more recent fossils and in living cockroaches. The single specimen of Morphna from the Paleocene possesses at least one such deformity, which may be stochastic. Morphna is peculiar also in another respect in that it is not only the earliest occurrence of any living genus, but also the first occurrence of the family Blaberidae. It is possible that the original blaberid genera, representing the most advanced cockroaches of the time, survived with minor modifications to the present. In any case, the traces of plesiomorphies are valuable: branched A, branched Sc and punctuated intercalaries are all characteristics of Mesoblattinidae, and were lost in the initial stage of the evolution of the family Ectobiidae (= Blattellidae). Therefore, it seems likely that Blaberidae originated directly from the extinct Mesoblattinidae, and not from Blattellidae as has been generally accepted (see Djernaes et al. 2012). These results do not contradict with living material-based analyses, as Blattellidae are direct descendants of the Mesoblattinidae.Published as part of Vršanský, Peter, Vidlička, Ľubomír, Barna, Peter, Bugdaeva, Eugenia & Markevich, Valentina, 2013, Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia, pp. 117-126 in Zootaxa 3635 (2) on pages 123-124, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/21908


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    Epilamprinae Princis, 1960Published as part of Vršanský, Peter, Vidlička, Ľubomír, Barna, Peter, Bugdaeva, Eugenia & Markevich, Valentina, 2013, Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia, pp. 117-126 in Zootaxa 3635 (2) on page 118, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/21908

    Corydiidae Saussure 1864

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    Corydiidae Saussure, 1864 (= Polyphagidae Walker, 1868) Corydiinae Saussure, 1864 (= Polyphaginae Walker, 1868) Corydiini sensu Rehn, 1951 Diagnosis (after Rehn 1951). Both sexes with at least tegmina present, wings usually present, but sometimes considerably reduced. Tegmina varying from normal to somewhat reduced, obovate and densely coriaceous (mostly in females). Humeral area more developed than in Polyphagini, if coriaceous then broadly expanded. Sc rami regular, not crowded. R without posterior branches, most branches terminating anteriorly, some apically, instead of curving posteriorly. M with free base, its branching regular and direct. Cu not curving distinctly away from plical furrow, CuP not joining cubitus. Diagnosis (after Walker 1868). Female: Body short-elliptical, convex, dull, very thickly and minutely punctured. Head shining, impressed between the eyes, with a transverse furrow near the mouth. Eyes not far apart. Second joint of the palpi subclavate; third slightly securiform, very much longer than the second. Antennae setaceous, submoniliform, not more than half the length of the body; first, second and third joints short; following joints very short. Prothorax extending somewhat beyond the head and over the basal part of the fore wings when they are expanded, rounded in front and on each side, slightly furrowed along each side; its breadth along the hind border more than twice its length; hind border hardly rounded; hind angles slightly falcate; a lyre-shaped mark in the disk. Mesothorax, metathorax, pectus and abdomen shining, mostly smooth. Abdomen with the segments above and beneath near the tip retracted in the middle towards the disk; sides fringed, with bristles; subanal lamina small, bilobed. Cerci lanceolate, submoniliform, setose. Legs stout; tibiae armed with some strong spines; first joint of the tarsi twice the length of the fifth, which is very much longer than the second. Fore wings coriaceous, membranous towards the border; costa much rounded; tips conical; principal veins distinct in the coriaceous part; transverse sectors numerous, irregular. Hind wings membranous, strongly and thickly reticulated; transverse sectors numerous, irregular. Type species. Ergaula carunculigera (Gerstaecker, 1861) Composition (updated from Princis 1963). Ergaula Walker, 1868 = Dyscologamia Saussure, 1893 (type is cesticulata = pilosa) = Parapolyphaga Chopard, 1929 (type is erectipilis = pilosa)?= Netherea Vršanský et Anisyutkin, 2004 (type is haatica) Ergaula capensis (Saussure, 1893) (Nigeria, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola) = Dyscologamia capensis Saussure, 1893 = Dyscologamia wollastoni Kirby, 1909 Ergaula capucina (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893) (Myanmar) = Homoeogamia capucina Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 Ergaula carunculigera (Gerstaecker, 1861) (Philippines (Luzon)) = Corydia carunculigera Gerstaecker, 1861 = Ergaula scaraboides Walker, 1868 Ergaula funebris (Hanitsch, 1933) (Borneo) = Dyscologamia funebris Hanitsch, 1933 Ergaula nepalensis (Saussure, 1893) (Nepal, Myanmar) = Dyscologamia nepalensis Saussure, 1893 Ergaula pilosa (Walker, 1868) (Sumatra, Malaysia, Java, Borneo) = Zetobora pilosa Walker, 1868 = Dyscologamia cesticulata Saussure, 1893 = Dyscologamia chopardi Hanitsch, 1923 = Parapolyphaga erectipilis Chopard, 1929 = Polyphaga sumatrensis Shelford, 1908 Ergaula silphoides (Walker, 1868) (Cambodia) = Polyphaga silphoides Walker, 1868 Ergaula atica Vršanský et Anisyutkin, 2008 (Israel) extinct,?Eocene (based on male)?= Netherea haatica Vršanský et Anisyutkin, 2008 (Israel) extinct,?Eocene (based on female) Ergaula spp. (Germany) extinct, Eocene (common in Messel, based on both sexes)Published as part of Vršanský, Peter, Vidlička, Ľubomír, Barna, Peter, Bugdaeva, Eugenia & Markevich, Valentina, 2013, Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia, pp. 117-126 in Zootaxa 3635 (2) on pages 122-123, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/21908

    Blattaria Latreille 1810

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    Blattaria Latreille, 1810 (= Blattodea Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882)Published as part of Vršanský, Peter, Vidlička, Ľubomír, Barna, Peter, Bugdaeva, Eugenia & Markevich, Valentina, 2013, Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia, pp. 117-126 in Zootaxa 3635 (2) on page 118, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/21908

    Blaberidae Brunner

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    Blaberidae Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865Published as part of Vršanský, Peter, Vidlička, Ľubomír, Barna, Peter, Bugdaeva, Eugenia & Markevich, Valentina, 2013, Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia, pp. 117-126 in Zootaxa 3635 (2) on page 118, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/21908

    Morphna Shelford 1910

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    Morphna Shelford, 1910 = Morphnina Princis, 1958 Diagnosis (after Shelford 1910): Form rather dorsoventrally flattened. Vertex of head covered or almost covered by pronotum, which is trapezoidal, sub-cucullate and posteriorly produced obtusely. Tegmina and wings fully developed, exceeding the apex of the abdomen. Supra-anal lamina of typical Epilamprine shape. Cerci moderately long. Femora moderately armed with spines beneath. Posterior metatarsus equal in length to succeeding joints; all the joints entirely unarmed beneath, their pulvilli large, pulvillus of metatarsus apical but produced towards the base of the joint. Type species. Morphna maculata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865). Composition (updated from Princis 1967, 1971). Morphna amplipennis (Walker, 1868) (India) = Epilampra amplipennis Walker, 1868 Morphna auriculata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865) (India) = Epilampra auriculata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865 Morphna badia (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865) (Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo) = Epilampra badia Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865 = Epilampra ramifera Walker, 1869 Morphna clypeata Anisyutkin & Gorochov, 2001 (Vietnam) Morphna decolyi (Bolívar, 1897) (India) = Molytria decolyi Bolívar, 1897 Morphna dotata (Walker, 1869) (Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo) = Epilampra dotata Walker, 1869 Morphna humeralis Bruijning, 1948 (Sumatra) Morphna imperatoria (Stål, 1877) (Philippines) = Epilampra imperatoria Stål, 1877 Morphna maculata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865) (Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo) = Epilampra maculata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865 = Epilampra polyspila Walker, 1868 = Molytria shelfordi Kirby, 1903 Morphna moloch (Rehn, 1904) (Thailand) = Epilampra moloch Rehn, 1904 Morphna plana (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865) (India, Sri Lanka) = Epilampra plana Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865 = Homalopteryx biplagiata Bolívar, 1897 = Epilampra punctifera Walker, 1868 = Homalopteryx templetoni Kirby, 1903 Morphna pustulata Hanitsch, 1930 (Sumatra) Morphna sp. (Germany) extinct, Eocene (MES 10188) Morphna paleo sp. n. (Figs. 1 A, 2 C) Holotype. PIN 5142 / 12. Right forewing fragment; type locality, Archara-Boguchan, Far East, Russia; type horizon, Tsagayan Formation, Danian Paleocene. Diagnosis. Forewing with length about 23 mm, width 9 mm. Numerous cross-veins present in M and CuA. Anal intercalaries punctuated. Description. Forewing without coloration. Venation distinct with apparent intercalaries and rich cross-veins in M and CuA. Subcostal area wide, with Sc richly branched (secondarily). R regular, parallel; M (5) slightly curved, running close to R (apomorphy), fusing to CuA. CuA rich (8). Anal veins simple with punctuated intercalaries. Remarks. The combination of parallel forewing margins, wide and branched Sc, fusion of M with CuA running close to R, basalmost branches of CuA running parallel to CuP and simple A place this taxon in Morphna. Morphna has been considered to be a comparatively terminal taxon of Epilamprinae (Rehn 1951). Nevertheless, the new species points to a very initial stage of the evolution of Blaberidae, since compared with Ectobiidae (= Blattellidae) fusion of M with CuA running close to R and wide, branched Sc are apomorphies. In the living fauna, Morphna is restricted to southeast Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines and Thailand). The genus is quite diverse in species and some seem to have little in common (e.g., M. pustulata is elongated, with curved forewing posterior margin). On the other hand, the most closely related living species, M. plana (Brunner von Wattenwyll, 1865) from Sri Lanka, differs only in possessing numerous cross-veins (plesiomorphy) and in size. All the living representatives of the genus are considerably larger than M. paleo sp. n. (apomorphy), with forewing lengths of 41–50 mm. Two basal branches of R have teratological fusion of veins (see Vršanský 2005: this particular parallel fusion of two ascending R branches is unknown in fossils), but this character is without systematic value. Irregularity between R and M is interpreted as an apomorphy based on the absence of this character in Cretaceous cockroaches. Etymology. From Greek palaios: ancient or primitive.Published as part of Vršanský, Peter, Vidlička, Ľubomír, Barna, Peter, Bugdaeva, Eugenia & Markevich, Valentina, 2013, Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia, pp. 117-126 in Zootaxa 3635 (2) on pages 119-122, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/21908

    Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia

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    Vršanský, Peter, Vidlička, Ľubomír, Barna, Peter, Bugdaeva, Eugenia, Markevich, Valentina (2013): Paleocene origin of the cockroach families Blaberidae and Corydiidae: Evidence from Amur River region of Russia. Zootaxa 3635 (2): 117-126, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3635.2.