3 research outputs found

    The Role of Registers in Increasing Knowledge and Improving Management of Children and Adolescents Affected by Familial Hypercholesterolemia: the LIPIGEN Pediatric Group

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    Pathology registers can be a useful tool to overcome obstacles in the identification and management of familial hypercholesterolemia since childhood. In 2018, the LIPIGEN pediatric group was constituted within the Italian LIPIGEN study to focus on FH subjects under 18 years. This work aimed at discussing its recent progress and early outcomes. Demographic, biochemical, and genetic baseline characteristics were collected, with an in-depth analysis of the genetic defects. The analysis was carried out on 1,602 children and adolescents (mean age at baseline 9.9 ± 4.0 years), and almost the whole cohort underwent the genetic test (93.3%). Overall, the untreated mean value of LDL-C was 220.0 ± 97.2 mg/dl, with an increasing gradient from subjects with a negative (N = 317; mean untreated LDL-C = 159.9 ± 47.7 mg/dl), inconclusive (N = 125; mean untreated LDL-C = 166.4 ± 56.5 mg/dl), or positive (N = 1,053; mean untreated LDL-C = 246.5 ± 102.1 mg/dl) genetic diagnosis of FH. In the latter group, the LDL-C values presented a great variability based on the number and the biological impact of involved causative variants. The LIPIGEN pediatric group represents one of the largest cohorts of children with FH, allowing the deepening of the characterization of their baseline and genetic features, providing the basis for further longitudinal investigations for complete details

    Menorrhagia as main presentation sign of severe hypothyroidism in a pediatric patient: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: The relative high frequency of menstrual irregularities in the first two–three years after menarche may lead to the risk of underestimation of associated pathological conditions, which are always to be accurately researched with careful examination and anamnesis. The association between menstrual irregularities and hypothyroidism is described in literature but the available data are scarce and mainly based on adult case series. It is described that low plasma levels of thyroid hormone can shift the hemostatic system towards a hypocoagulable and hyperfibrinolytic state and seem to lead to an increased bleeding risk. CASE PRESENTATION: This case report describes the case of a thirteen years old girl who presented to our Emergency Department complaining of menorrhagia for the last fifteen days, leading to severe anemia. The objective examination revealed clinical signs of hypothyroidism and a severe short stature, lower than mid-parental height, with stunting of growth and a significant bone age delay. Blood exams and thyroid ultrasound were consistent with the diagnosis of severe hypothyroidism in autoimmune thyroiditis with acquired von Willebrand syndrome, growth hormone deficiency. Magnetic resonance showed pituitary functional hyperplasia. The substitutive therapy with levothyroxine led to the resolution of heavy bleeding after five days and following normalization of coagulative parameters and pituitary hyperplasia. CONCLUSIONS: Hypothyroidism usually presents with unspecific symptoms, with consequent risk of diagnostic delay. It can influence the coagulation system and it seems to be associated to increased risk of menstrual irregularities. We underline the importance of a regular follow up of the pubertal development, including height measurements, thyroid palpation and menstrual anamnesis to intercept red flags findings for hypothyroidism

    Agrypnia excitata as the main feature in anti-leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 encephalitis: a detailed clinical and polysomnographic semiological analysis

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    Background and purpose The core manifestations of leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 (LGI1) autoantibody-mediated encephalitis are limbic encephalitis and faciobrachial dystonic seizures. Agrypnia excitata (AE) is a rare syndrome characterized by sleep-wake cycle disruption, autonomic hyperactivation and episodes of oneiric stupor. Only a few diseases are known to present with AE. An autoimmune etiology must be considered when accompanied by neuromyotonia. A case of anti-LGI1 encephalitis presenting with AE is reported. Methods Detailed clinical, video-polysomnographic, laboratory, radiological and long-term follow-up assessments were performed. Results A previously healthy 58-year-old man was referred for a rapidly progressive change in mental status, characterized by persistent drowsiness and confusion, accompanied by frequent episodes of unconscious gestures ranging from simple stereotyped movements to more complex actions mimicking various daily activities. Other symptoms included tachycardia, hyperhidrosis, mild hyponatremia, rare faciobrachial dystonic seizures, and a single generalized tonic-clonic seizure, but no neuromyotonia. Prolonged video-polysomnography excluded epileptic activity and showed continuous monomorphic slowing of background activity not consistent with a regular wakefulness or sleep state. A brain magnetic resonance imaging scan was unremarkable. Brain fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography revealed hypermetabolism of the hippocampi, amygdala and basal ganglia. Anti-LGI1 antibodies were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid. The sleep disorder resolved progressively after starting immunotherapy. Conclusions Agrypnia excitata can be a dominant, treatable manifestation of anti-LGI1 encephalitis. Oneiric stupor episodes are a useful clinical feature for establishing diagnostic suspicion and could provide a window to understanding the mechanisms behind some movement disorders in autoimmune encephalitis