1 research outputs found

    In Intertidal Gastropod Community Malalayang Beach Manado North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to determine the density and relative density of gastropods and diversity index of the community as well as evenness and dominance index in the intertidal beach Malalayang), Manado in North Sulawesi. Gastropods were sampled using quadrate with size 1x1m2 placed systematically and disproportionately on dead coral sandy substrate, mix mud, rocks slightly sandy substrate, and substrate-sized stones. The study found that there has been a change in the amount of 30 species of gastropod species (Manginsela, 1998) increased to 69 species. While the density of gastropods contained in the intertidal beach of Malalayangis ranging from 13,63individu / m2to currently 2,73-13,63individu / m2 and relative density ranging from 11.22% - 42.78%. Diversity index of organism is high with a value of H '= 2.81497. Evenness index of gastropods in Malalayang Beach intertidalcould be categorized fairly even and almost evenly. Meanwhile, the low dominance values ​​C = 0.2132, indicating that the area has good conditions as a place to live, and yet there is competition, which means, food or a place is suitable for gastropods to live. The intertidal area of Malalayang Beach Manado North Sulawesi substrate are mainly in the form of sandy coral, slightly muddy and rocky. Keywords: gastropod, distribution A B S T R A K Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kepadatan, kepadatan relative dari masing-masing jenis gastropoda serta indeks keanekaragam komunitas gastropoda, kemerataan dan indeks dominansi di intertidal Pantai Malalayang (di belakang Minanga Hotel), Manado Sulawesi Utara. Pengambilan contoh gastropoda menggunakan kuadrat ukuran 1x1m2 yang ditempatkan secara sistimatis dan proporsional pada substrat karang mati berpasir campur lumpur, substrat bebatuan sedikit berpasir substrat batu-berukuran. Hasil penelitian menemukan telah terjadi Perubahan jumlah spesies gastropoda dari 30 spesies (Manginsela, 1998) meningkat menjadi hanya 69 spesies. Sedangkan kepadatan gastropoda yang terdapat di intertidal pantai Malalayang dari berkisar 13,63individu/m2 saat ini 2,73-13,63individu/m2 dan kepadatan relatif berkisar 11,22% - 42,78%. Keanekaragaman jenis organisme tergolong tinggi dengan nilai H' = 2,81497. Kemerataan jenis gastropoda pada intertidan Pantai Malalayang Manado Sulawesi Utara termasuk kategori cukup merata dan hampir merata. Sedangkan, Dominasi rendah yakni nilai C = 0