63 research outputs found
Monitoring of exogenous geological processes in Stary Oskol - Gubkin mining region of Kursk magnetic anomaly
The article discusses the necessity of monitoring of exogenous geological processes in Stary Oskol - Gubkin mining region of Kursk magnetic anomaly. As well as the peculiarities of the region Stary Oskol - Gubkin -mining site for the organization and management of geological environment monitoring component
The current state of the geological environment of the Belgorod region in the conditions of intensive mineral development
The article gives assessment of the current state of the geological environment of the Belgorod region in the conditions of intensive development of mineral resources. Special attention is paid to environmental problems of the geological environment Starooskol-Gubkinsky mining district of the KMA and development of dangerous technogenic processe
Hygienic assessment of the food of teenagers in the conditions of major and average populations
The article presents the results of a survey on the relationship between the health status of adolescents and nutritional opportunities in urban and family conditions.В статье представлены результаты анкетирования, посвященного изучению взаимосвязи между состоянием здоровья подростков и особенностям питания в городских и сельских семьях
Thrombocyte aggregation activity in the conditions of intensive light deprivation
The aim of the research was to study the effect of photoperiodism disturbances on platelet aggregation activity. Material and methods. The experiment was conducted in two stages in 5 groups of male rats: the control group and four experimental groups. At the first stage, the animals were exposed to 24 h/day continuous light (24L:0D) for 10 and 21 days. In the second stage, animals after 10 and 21 days of round-the-clock lighting were returned to natural lighting for a period of 21 days to study the reversibility of changes. Animals were withdrawn from the experiment by intramuscular injection based on body weight of drugs for anesthesia (telazol, xylanite). Blood sampling was performed by puncture of the right heart. The functional activity of platelets was determined no later than 3 hours after the collection of blood. Results and discussion. The results of the experiment indicate a direct effect of light desynchronosis on the increase in platelet aggregation ability, while it was noted that the degree of increase in aggregation activity and reversibility of changes directly depend on the duration of round-the-clock lighting. So, a 10-day stay of animals in conditions of abnormal lighting leads to an increase in aggregation indices, which remain at a high level even when animals return to normal conditions. In animals that were under round-the-clock illumination for 21 days, a more pronounced increase in platelet aggregation values relative to animals on day 10 was noted. In this regard, it can be argued that circadian rhythm disturbances provoke the development of microvasculature disorders
The perinatal transmission of HIV-infection in Khanty-Mansi Autonomus Region-Yugra
The analysis of perinatal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus from infected mother to the child in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug— Yugra was conducted. On the basis of medical notes of more than 3400 pairs “mother-child" the probability of infection transmission depending to completeness implementation of preventive medicamentous measures was estimated. The long-term prognosis of perinatal transmission probability was calculated.Проведен анализ состояния перинатальной передами ВИЧ от инфицированной матери к ребенку в Ханты-Мансийском автономном округе-Югре. На основе анализа медицинской документации более 3400 пар «мать - дитя» определена вероятность передачи инфекции в зависимости от полноты проведения профилактической медикаментозной профилактики. Проведение трехэтапной химиопрофилактики ВИЧ-инфекции парам «мать-дитя» снижает риск инфицирования ребенка с 54,6% до 1,9%. Если выпадает один из этапов химиопрофилактики риск заражения составляет 13,3%. Рассчитан отдаленный прогноз вероятности перинатальной передачи ВИЧ-инфекции
StopCOVID cohort : An observational study of 3,480 patients admitted to the Sechenov University hospital network in Moscow city for suspected COVID-19 infection
© 2020 Oxford University Press. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Clinical Infectious Diseases following peer review. The version of record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa1535.BACKGROUND: The epidemiology, clinical course, and outcomes of COVID-19 patients in the Russian population are unknown. Information on the differences between laboratory-confirmed and clinically-diagnosed COVID-19 in real-life settings is lacking. METHODS: We extracted data from the medical records of adult patients who were consecutively admitted for suspected COVID-19 infection in Moscow, between April 8 and May 28, 2020. RESULTS: Of the 4261 patients hospitalised for suspected COVID-19, outcomes were available for 3480 patients (median age 56 years (interquartile range 45-66). The commonest comorbidities were hypertension, obesity, chronic cardiac disease and diabetes. Half of the patients (n=1728) had a positive RT-PCR while 1748 were negative on RT-PCR but had clinical symptoms and characteristic CT signs suggestive of COVID-19 infection.No significant differences in frequency of symptoms, laboratory test results and risk factors for in-hospital mortality were found between those exclusively clinically diagnosed or with positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR.In a multivariable logistic regression model the following were associated with in-hospital mortality; older age (per 1 year increase) odds ratio [OR] 1.05 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03 - 1.06); male sex (OR 1.71, 1.24 - 2.37); chronic kidney disease (OR 2.99, 1.89 - 4.64); diabetes (OR 2.1, 1.46 - 2.99); chronic cardiac disease (OR 1.78, 1.24 - 2.57) and dementia (OR 2.73, 1.34 - 5.47). CONCLUSIONS: Age, male sex, and chronic comorbidities were risk factors for in-hospital mortality. The combination of clinical features were sufficient to diagnoseCOVID-19 infection indicating that laboratory testing is not critical in real-life clinical practice.Peer reviewe
Современные подходы к выявлению и изучению эпигенетически активных ксенобиотиков
Objective. Review of the modern methodological approaches for testing and studying the epigenetic activity of xenobiotics.Materials and methods. In preparing the review, we used information databases of biomedical literature SciVerse Scopus (538), PubMed (746), Web of Science (625), RSCI (45). To obtain full-text documents, electronic resources of PubMed Central (PMC), Research Gate, RSCI, CyberLeninka were used. In the text of the review, 87 modern publications (2010–2019) were cited, as well as 17 earlier articles published by the founders of the methods, which are used today.Results. In the review, current data on epigenetic regulation for gene expression at the level of DNA methylation and histone modification are discussed, in vitro model systems and model organisms are described, and modern methods for screening of epigenetically active xenobiotics are presented.Conclusion. Modern data concerning the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation of gene expression, the usage of existing model systems and model organisms, as well as the application of various methodological approaches and techniques, allow extensive screening of xenobiotics (including drugs and compounds synthesized for national economic tasks) for epigenetic activity. The identification of epigenetically active compounds is important in terms of improving the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases and, in particular, malignant neoplasms.Цель исследования – анализ существующих методических подходов к тестированию и изучению эпигенетической активности ксенобиотиков.Материалы и методы. При подготовке обзора были использованы информационные базы биомедицинской литературы SciVerse Scopus (538), PubMed (746), Web of Science (625), РИНЦ (45). Для получения полнотекстовых документов использованы электронные ресурсы PubMed Central (PMC), Research Gate, РИНЦ, КиберЛенинка. В тексте обзора процитированы 87 современных публикаций (2010–2019 гг.), а также 17 статей основоположников анализируемых в обзоре методик, которые используются и в наши дни.Результаты. В обзоре рассмотрены современные данные по основным закономерностям функционирования системы регуляции экспрессии генов на уровне метилирования ДНК и модификации гистонов, описаны модельные организмы, используемые как при тестировании ксенобиотиков на эпигенетическую активность, так и для детального изучения их конкретных эффектов на отдельные механизмы эпигенетической регуляции транскрипции. Поскольку в настоящее время не разработаны тест-системы, позволяющие интегрально оценить эффекты ксенобиотиков на эпигенетическую систему регуляции транскрипции, в обзоре представлены методы оценки выявления влияний различных факторов окружающей среды, в том числе различных ксенобиотиков, на метилирование ДНК и модификацию гистонов.Заключение. Современные представления о механизмах эпигенетической регуляции экспрессии генов, использование существующих модельных систем и модельных организмов, а также применение различных методологических и методических подходов позволяют проводить широкое тестирование ксенобиотиков, в том числе медицинских препаратов и соединений, синтезированных для выполнения народнохозяйственных задач, на эпигенетическую активность. Выявление эпигенетически активных соединений важно в плане совершенствования профилактики и лечения ряда заболеваний и, прежде всего, злокачественных новообразований
The effect of the smoking on development of pneumoconioses and dust bronchitis
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of smoking on the risk of pneumoconioses and dust bronchitis in persons exposed to industrial dust. A correlation analysis did not reveal any association between smoking and the formation and course of silicosis or asbestosis and chronic bronchitis, registered against the background of these pneumoconioses. There is significant correlation between smoking and the characteristics of dust bronchitis. The significant correlation between smoking index and the parameters of pneumoconiosis from exposure to low-fibrogenic mixed dust was demonstrated as well.Целью исследования явилась оценка влияния курения на риск развития пневмокониозов и пылевых бронхитов у лиц, подвергающихся воздействию промышленной пыли. При корреляционном анализе не выявлено связи между табакокурением и характеристиками формирования и течения силикоза, асбестоза, а также хронического бронхита, зарегистрированного на фоне данных пневмокониозов. Отмечается значимая корреляционная связь между фактом курения и развитием пылевых бронхитов, а также между индексом курения и характеристиками пневмокониоза от воздействия слабо фиброгенной смешанной пыли
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