5 research outputs found

    Экономические перспективы повышения уровня использования попутного нефтяного газа

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    A novel method employing filter arrays of a cDNA expression library for the identification of substrates for protein kinases was developed. With this technique, we identified a new member of the cyclin family, cyclin L2, as a substrate of the nuclear protein kinase DYRK1A. Cyclin L2 contains an N-terminal cyclin domain and a C-terminal arginine/serine-rich domain (RS domain), which is a hallmark of many proteins involved in pre-mRNA processing. The gene for cyclin L2 encodes the full-length cyclin L2, which is predominantly expressed in testis, as well as a truncated splicing variant (cyclin L2S) that lacks the RS domain and is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues. Full-length cyclin L2, but not cyclin L2S, was associated with the cyclin-dependent kinase PITSLRE. Cyclin L2 interacted with splicing factor 2 in vitro and was co-localized with the splicing factor SC35 in the nuclear speckle compartment. Photobleaching experiments showed that a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein and cyclin L2 in nuclear speckles rapidly exchanged with unbleached molecules in the nucleus, similar to other RS domain-containing proteins. In striking contrast, the closely related green fluorescent protein-cyclin L1 was immobile in the speckle compartment. DYRK1A interacted with cyclin L2 in pull-down assays, and overexpression of DYRK1A stimulated phosphorylation of cyclin L2 in COS-7 cells. These data characterize cyclin L2 as a highly mobile component of nuclear speckles and suggest that DYRK1A may regulate splicing by phosphorylation of cyclin L2

    The solution structure of the SODD BAG domain reveals additional electrostatic interactions in the HSP70 complexes of SODD subfamily BAG domains

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    The solution structure of an N-terminally extended construct of the SODD BAG domain was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. A homology model of the SODD-BAG/HSP70 complex reveals additional possible interactions that are specific for the SODD subfamily of BAG domains while the overall geometry of the complex remains the same. Relaxation rate measurements show that amino acids N358–S375 of SODD which were previously assigned to its BAG domain are not structured in our construct. The SODD BAG domain is thus indeed smaller than the homologous domain in Bag1 defining a new subfamily of BAG domains

    Characterization of cyclin L2, a novel cyclin with an arginine/serine-rich domain : phosphorylation by DYRK1A and colocalization with splicing factors

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    A novel method employing filter arrays of a cDNA expression library for the identification of substrates for protein kinases was developed. With this technique, we identified a new member of the cyclin family, cyclin L2, as a substrate of the nuclear protein kinase DYRK1A. Cyclin L2 contains an N-terminal cyclin domain and a C-terminal arginine/serine-rich domain (RS domain), which is a hallmark of many proteins involved in pre-mRNA processing. The gene for cyclin L2 encodes the full-length cyclin L2, which is predominantly expressed in testis, as well as a truncated splicing variant (cyclin L2S) that lacks the RS domain and is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues. Full-length cyclin L2, but not cyclin L2S, was associated with the cyclin-dependent kinase PITSLRE. Cyclin L2 interacted with splicing factor 2 in vitro and was co-localized with the splicing factor SC35 in the nuclear speckle compartment. Photobleaching experiments showed that a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein and cyclin L2 in nuclear speckles rapidly exchanged with unbleached molecules in the nucleus, similar to other RS domain-containing proteins. In striking contrast, the closely related green fluorescent protein-cyclin L1 was immobile in the speckle compartment. DYRK1A interacted with cyclin L2 in pull-down assays, and overexpression of DYRK1A stimulated phosphorylation of cyclin L2 in COS-7 cells. These data characterize cyclin L2 as a highly mobile component of nuclear speckles and suggest that DYRK1A may regulate splicing by phosphorylation of cyclin L2