389 research outputs found

    2013-2014 Congestion Management Process (CMP) Supplemental Projects Status Memorandum

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    This memorandum is the seventh review of the status of supplemental projects for major Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) capacity-adding projects in the region's Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs). The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission worked with project sponsors to identify or update Congestion Management Process (CMP) commitments for six projects, including five major SOV capacityadding projects in Pennsylvania that did not already have an approved table of supplemental commitments. Commitments for one project in New Jersey are updated in this memorandum. All projects reviewed were found to be making reasonable progress with supplemental projects in accordance with federal CMP regulations. The passage of Pennsylvania Act 89 of 2013 has led to the reactivation of many projects that were on hold for years due to lack of funding. Each of these projects was already in the project pipeline prior to being listed in the FY 2015 -- 2018 PA TIP for Final Design and Construction funds. Supplemental commitment tables for these projects are documented in this memorandu

    Major hepatic resection and portal pressure

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    Although other reports have stressed the inevitability of portal hypertension and splanchnic pooling following major liver resections, clinical observations during 30 major hepatic resections and measurements of portal pressure in three consecutive trisegmentectomies fail to support this contention. If the remaining liver is normal and careful anatomic dissection is used, major resections can be performed without inducing portal hypertension

    Mathematical Metaphors from Advanced Placement Students

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    Sitting in Traffic Again? NJ 73 from the Tacony Palmyra Bridge to Evesham Road

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    Congestion is getting harder to manage, but tools to analyze it and cost-effective measures are always improving. This is the second in a series of brochures using archived operations data to understand the causes of congestion and what can be done about it. The focus corridor for this edition is NJ 73 from the Tacony Palmyra Bridge to Evesham Road; however, the emphasis on operations, multimodal approaches, and partnerships as realistic approaches to congestion are widely applicable

    What We Say, What Our Students Hear: A Case for Active Listening

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    Selecting Software to Evaluate the Anticipated Effectiveness of CMP Strategies

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    DVRPC is seeking a software program or programs to evaluate the anticipated performance of a range of congestion management strategies. This is a required task in federal regulations for the Congestion Management Process (CMP). DVRPC staff would share this resource with partner organizations. Thirty-four software packages are reviewed. The conclusion is that a sketch planning-level program would be the most useful type of software; however, there is no one program able to analyze all of the strategies used in the CMP. Initial testing of Cal-B/C, a free, downloadable spreadsheet-based sketch modeling tool, shows potential. Future plans to continue testing software for CMP strategy analysis are outlined

    An Attempt of Long-Range Macroeconomic Modelling in View of Structural and Technological Change

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    The paper presents an aggregated (five sector) circular flow model of economic development. A key concept, the "societal technology" implicitly, by means of a stratified dynamical system, describes the alternative paths of development that are open to a society. Societal objectives, which determine the actual path, can enter in both a purely descriptive, positive way and as normative "planner's preferences". The aim of the paper is to provide a conceptual basis for the investigation of long-term socioeconomic processes with the tools of dynamical systems theory

    SemaFoRe: Comparing word retrieval treatments for aphasia via a randomised crossover trial.

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    Word retrieval difficulties are one of the most prevalent symptoms of aphasia and we now have good evidence from single-case studies and case series that some treatment methods for word retrieval result in improvements, at least with target words (see e.g. Nickels, 2002, for a review). However, important questions remain about predicting outcome for an individual given a particular treatment. This study, SemaFoRe, is a pilot cross-over RCT contrasting two commonly used treatments, Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA; Boyle, 2010) with Repetition in the Presence of the Picture (RIPP) . Both approaches have evidence to support them but they have some key differences: studies using SFA suggest generalisation to items not seen in treatment; it has a semantic focus and, potentially encourages clients to adopt a strategy to aid word retrieval. In contrast, RIPP has a phonological basis and is relatively simple therapy. The SemaFoRe study aims to: (i) Obtain the information needed to design and power a definitive cross-over RCT. (ii) Compare the effectiveness of SFA and RIPP (iii) Evaluate whether the effects of either treatment generalise (iv) Explore prediction of benefit/gain. Within the abstract we present data from an interim analysis of 9 participants who have completed all stages; by the time of the conference we will have final data from 23

    Project for the Architecture of Transition

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    Death as a subject of architecture is the art of the depiction of the invisible. It transgresses the field of architectural signification delineated by utility and purpose and imposes an unavoidable need to examine and question expressive limits of architecture
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