9 research outputs found


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    A study was conducted to determine the transformational practices of school leaders of city schools in the Division of First District of Laguna, Philippines. Further, the research aimed also to determine the extent of transformational leadership practices among public elementary    school heads and teachers  in terms of: Idealized Influence,Inspirational Motivation,Intellectual Stimulation and Individualized Consideration; assessed the performance of public elementary schools  in terms of: Drop Out Rate , Cohort Survival Rate,  Completion Rate, and  Achievement Rate and determined the  significant relationship between transformational leadership practices and the performance of public elementary schools. The descriptive correlational research design was employed and involved 44 school heads and 591 public elementary teachers. All the practices were  assessed by the teacher respondents as highly observed.  The schools’ Drop-out rate andCohort Survival Rate with an average of 2.49 and 84.82% respectively  were  interpreted as Very Satisfactory; and Completion rate of 94.5%  as Outstanding.  The  schools’ National Achievement Test (NAT )is interpreted as Average Proficiency Level.Further studies could be conducted in other districts of Laguna and Region IV-A in order to verify the results as well as to develop a comprehensive training program for teachers as part of the School Improvement Plan.&nbsp

    Lived Experiences of Senior High School Teachers on Distance Learning Delivery Modalities: A Basis for Curriculum Planning Model

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    The study delved into the lived experiences of Senior High School teachers in utilizing distance learning delivery modalities in a province in the Philippines as basis for curriculum planning model. The researcher utilized the hermeneutic- phenomenological qualitative research design. The participants of the study were the sixteen (16) senior high school teachers including the researcher herself. Results of the study revealed that majority of senior high school teachers were teaching using modular distance learning. They could not freely offer a variety of teaching styles because of the absence of faceto-face interaction. Also, the following themes emerged based on the testimonies of the participants Utilization of DepEd-Initiated Learning Resources, Utilization Social Media and Free Online Applications. Unveritable Teacher-Learner Interaction and Feedbacking, Demanding Output Verification, Uncertain Students’ Learning, Non Compliance on Output Submission. Network Connectivity, Intensive Online Monitoring and Communication, and Perpetual Communication. These themes pertains to the challenges encountered by teachers in facilitating learning utilizing distance learning. It is recommended that there must be a provision of technical assistance to teachers and school leaders about distance learning delivery. School leaders may conduct school based webinar training to teachers, learners, and parents regarding distance learning. Teachers may also pursue higher educational education and engage in professional learning ommunities to be well-equipped in the new normal. Moreover, the researcher recommended for the utilization of the R-J-C Curriculum Planning Model to improve the implementation of various learning delivery modalities in Laguna province

    Integration of Gender and Development Approach on Institutional Programs, Activities, and Projects of Higher Education Institution: An Input to Strategic Development Plan

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine the GAD-aligned Programs, Projects, and Activities' gender-related mandated functions and integration. To obtain the necessary information on individuals in Higher Education Institutions based on specific traits and standards and clearly define the institution's long-term direction based on the institution's aims and objectives. Gender and Development focus on Gender Mainstreaming, which is a technique that incorporates both gender concerns and practices into the strategy, execution, supervision, and evaluation of guidelines, processes, plans, and activities at all levels, ensuring that both genders benefit equally. The study used a descriptive methodology to measure the extent to which gender-related activities integrated into mainstreaming mandatory functions and perceptions on GAD-aligned PPAs. There is no significant link between mandated outcome based on HEI-moderated (LUC or SUC) Instruction, Research, Extension, and Resource Management and perceived level of integration on the gender-related functions of Gender and Development Programs, Activities, and Projects, and GAD-aligned PPAs in mainstreaming. The mainstream GAD-aligned PPAs at the university do not predict the integration of GAD-related functions. The SUC/LUC category did not affect the relationship between the GAD-aligned PPAs and the level of integration when it approached the identified indicators

    Predictors of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Student Affairs and Services (SAS) among Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s)

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    Exploring new innovative and learning modalities is an urgent move of higher education as an option in this pandemic.  As a result, to flexible delivery of Student Affairs and Services as stated in CMO 8 s., 2021, Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Delivery of student Affairs and Services, (SAS) programs during the Covid-19 epidemic as the continuity of student services is significant to the overall development of students during this trying time. The predictors of student affairs and services (SAS) performance among higher education institutions (HEIs) were determined using a descriptive-correlational research method. The students in the College of Teacher Education and Student Affairs and services (SAS) Unit head and staff were selected as respondents through stratified random sampling. The findings revealed that the majority of the student respondents are from HEI’s in the Province of Laguna. There is a significant relationship between the students’ affairs services in terms of Information and Orientation Services, Guidance and Counselling Services, Student Training, Student Organizations and Activities, Admission Services, Scholarships and Financial Assistance (SFA) and the effectiveness and efficiency of student affairs services. As recommended, the Guidance and Counselling unit must administer the student assessment tools regularly and periodically to determine the appropriate interventions necessary in the new normal. The promotion of mental health among students through different platforms may intensify more. The HEI’s and SAS may consider strengthening downloadable materials and their contents as means of student orientation and information dissemination; online seminars, workshops, and conferences relative to students’ program, specialization, and other relevant topics; enhance the system of recognition and accreditation, supervision, monitoring of student organizations and evaluation of its activities

    Lived Experiences on Varied Dimensions of Police Recruits’ Training and Practice Basis for Quality Police Performance

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    Police malpractice, abuse of power, and police misfits are issues and problems associated with police recruits. There were reports about inappropriate acts committed by newly hired police officers during their actual field practice. This qualitative phenomenological studydetermined the dimensions of training that hamper the development of knowledge and skills of the police trainees and police officers.Seventeen (17) purposely selected participants comprised the sample for this study. They were chosen through the following inclusion criteria: police supervisors, trainers, police recruits, staff from the National Police Training Institute (NPTI) and have two or more years ofexperience. Thirteen recurring themes emerged from the verbatim interviews. The Philippine National Police (PNP), National Police Training Institute (NPTI), and the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) are the three public safety institutions in the Philippinesthat are expected to promote the quality performance of police recruits in both training and practice. On the whole, the results of this study can serve as the basis for creating innovative policies about police recruits’ selection, curriculum development, stress management,creation of core competency framework, performance evaluation system, and training and practice needs assessment

    School Head’s Conflict Resolution Skills, Organizational School Climate, and Teacher Work Engagement in The New Normal: An Input to Principal and Teacher Development Program

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    This study determined the school head's conflict resolution skills, organizational school climate, and teachers' work engagement among public school principals and teachers in the City Schools Division in Laguna for the school year 2020-2021. One hundred twelve (112) public school principals and one thousand forty-eight (1048) teachers were the respondents of the study. The researchers utilized a descriptive correlation study design. It made use of adopted and modified questionnaires to assess and measure the variables studied. The statistical tools used to analyze the data gathered were: Mean, standard deviation, Pearson r, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Findings revealed that conflict resolution skills and organizational school climate were relevant to teachers' work engagement. The results were used to determine the principal and teachers’ development program to be proposed to the School Divisions officials. The teachers' work engagement was related to the school heads' conflict resolution skills and organizational school climate. To ensure a more efficient teachers work engagement, school heads are encouraged to continue cultivating a culture of excellence in the school by exposing the teachers to relevant activities that may sustain the work engagement by means of exhibiting quality performance in teaching and learning. Also, supervisors should strengthen the performance of the teachers by providing the technical assistance needed to further improve their performance. Technical assistance should focus on curriculum delivery and the school's operation and management. Keywords:   Conflict Resolution Skills; Development Program; New Normal; Organizational School Climate; Teacher Work Engagement

    Regression of Self-care Practices on Reducing Burnout among Public High School Teachers of Laguna, Philippines

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    Most teachers experience a fair share of job stress and pressure at their workplace. Being burnt out has always influenced a teacher’s self-efficacy and productivity at work. This study investigated the level of self-care and burnout among high school teachers and the predictive nature of self-care on burnout. A stratified clustered sample of secondary public school teachers across five City Schools Divisions of Laguna, Philippines, voluntarily participated. The study employed a descriptive correlational research design to address the research questions. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Self-care Assessment Worksheet, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educator Survey were used to collect information through an online platform. The results showed that the teachers expressed high levels of physical, emotional, spiritual, and workplace self-care practices and a moderate level of psychological self-care. Across burnout dimensions, the teachers are experiencing moderate levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Correlation analysis established significant relationships between all dimensions of self-care and personal accomplishment. Regression analysis revealed the predictive ability of workplace self-care practices on personal accomplishment. The findings presented implications and provided recommendations

    Lived Experiences of Educators Engaged in Continuing Professional Development in the New Normal: Insights from Seven Countries

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    This study focused on exploring and capturing the essence and meaning of the lived experiences of educators engaged in continuing professional development in the new normal. The study followed a qualitative research design and used the transcendental phenomenological processes. Based from the testimonies gathered from the participants from seven different countries- Philippines, USA, Panama, Peru, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Morocco they revealed that as a result of the Continuing Professional Development during pandemic, they have manifested adaptability and innovation to meet the demands of the current situation. With the force transition from face to face interaction to remote learning, they have tried their best to maintain a balance of digital and life skills. Participants also engaged in CPD in order to achieve creativity and resourcefulness to deliver and meet students’ quality learning amidst pandemic. They also considered as blessings and great opportunity the connection and collaboration established with educators around the world during this time of Covid-19. They also achieved the passion for ever-learning mindset and satisfaction through CPD. Participants expressed that mindfulness and wellbeing of teachers should be set as priorities for their engagement to CPD in the new normal. The researcher recommends that the policy makers review and revisit their program for CPD training of the teachers during this period. Heads of the education sectors may also benchmark the CPD Training plan of this study and conduct needs analysis to provide the most appropriate trainings for the teachers based on their needs, skills and interests

    Stress and Anxiety Levels of the College of Teacher Education students and their Motivation to Learn: An Input to an Intervention Program

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    The stress and anxiety experienced by many students during this pandemic affect their motivation  to learn in this new normal education set up. Motivation is one of the major concerns irrespective of which study model is adopted whether online, blended, hybrid or a myriad variation. This descriptive-correlational study determined the perceived levels of stress, anxiety and academic motivation  to learn during this Covid-19 pandemic situation  of the  191 students selected though simple random sampling of the College of Teacher Education and the  relationship between  student-respondents’ level of stress and anxiety and their level of academic motivation. To assess  students’ perceived stress, anxiety and academic motivation,  the COVID-19 Student Stress Questionnaire (CSSQ), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) and Academic Motivation Scale were utilized. The questionnaires were administered through google forms.   Findings revealed that more than 40 % of the students perceived that their relationships with their relatives, colleagues and university professors as somewhat stressful; 40 % perceived the risk of covid-19 as moderately stressful; 20 % perceived their academic studying experience very stressful and more than 15 % found the risk of contagion and social isolation very stressful. Moreover, 38 % exhibit moderate anxiety, 29 % are experiencing mild anxiety while 28 % had severe anxiety and  only  5 % minimal anxiety level. Results revealed that all the indicators of motivation have positive significant relationships with the stress indicators. For future research, similar study can be conducted to determine the relationship of demographic profiles of the respondents to the stress, anxiety and levels of motivation to learn and adopt the intervention program so the students of the college may cope up with the challenges of Covid 19 pandemic