24 research outputs found

    Effect of process cooking on dietary fiber content in lentil (Lens culinaris) from Poland

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    Legumes, including lentils are characterized by a high nutritional value, but their importance in Poland is low. Leading producers of lentils are Canada, India, Turkey and the United States [1]. In Poland, only recently we appreciate its importance in the diet. Lentil is one of the richest sources of vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins C, PP and group B, and also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, and folic acid. It has a beneficial effect on spleen, pancreas and stomach, it strengthens the activity of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It lowers cholesterol and prevents sudden increases of blood sugar

    Availability of hydroxycinnamic acids from coffee after their supplementation to different kinds of food

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    In novel foods containing different health-promoting components such as protein hydrolysates as well as plant extracts rich in polyphenols it is possible that peptides and phenolics interact and as a consequence the bioactivity of both decreases. The aim of the study was to evaluate the availability of hydroxycinnamic and chlorogenic acids (all described as CHAs) from green coffee (water purified extract) after their interactions with protein hydrolysates derived from egg ovalbumin (EOH), whey proteins (WPH) and soy proteins (SPH) during food processing, depending on temperature during processing, food product composition and CHAs form (free or included in β-cyclodextrin (β-CD)

    Oxidative stability of lard and sunflower oil supplemented with coffee extracts under storage conditions

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    The oxidative stability of sunflower oil and lard supplemented with water extracts of green and roasted, Arabica and Robusta coffee beans was estimated. A decrease in the rate of fat oxidation reactions during the storage of samples for 12 weeks at ambient temperature which resulted from the addition of coffee extracts was evaluated using standard chemical methods such as the determination of peroxide and p-anisidine value and the assays of conjugated dienes and trienes as well as physical methods such as the determination of thermal profile by DSC. The sensory properties of all fat samples were also determined. These measurements showed that 0.1% water coffee extracts in fats decreased (p < 0.05) the quantities assayed by the chemical methods as compared to the control samples and approximately halved the rate of fat oxidation. In addition, the thermal profile analysis revealed that supplementing with coffee extracts reduced the extent of negative changes in the thermal properties of fats. The effectiveness of the tested coffee extracts decreased in the order: green Robusta > green Arabica > roasted Robusta > roasted Arabica.<br><br>La estabilidad oxidativa de manteca y aceite de girasol suplementados con extractos acuosos de granos de café verde o tostado Arábica y Robusta fue estimada. Un descenso en la velocidad de las reacciones de oxidación de la grasa durante el almacenamiento de las muestras durante 12 semana a temperatura ambiente, que resulto de la adición de los extractos de café, fue evaluada usando métodos químicos estándares tales como la determinación de peróxidos y el índice de paranisidina y ensayos de dienos y trienos conjugados, así como métodos físicos tales como la determinación del perfil térmico por DSC. También las propiedades sensoriales de todas las grasas fueron estimadas. Estas medidas mostraron que extractos acuosos de café al 0.1% en la grasa decrecieron (p < 0.05) los valores obtenidos por los métodos químicos con respecto al control y aproximadamente redujo a la mitad la velocidad de oxidación. También el análisis del perfil térmico revelo que la suplementación con extractos de café redujo la extensión de cambios negativos en las propiedades de las grasas. La efectividad de los extractos de café ensayados decrecieron en el orden: Robusta verde > Arábica verde > Robusta tostado > Arábica tostado

    Estabilidad oxidativa de manteca y aceite de girasol suplementados con extractos de café bajo condiciones de almacenamiento

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    The oxidative stability of sunflower oil and lard supplemented with water extracts of green and roasted, Arabica and Robusta coffee beans was estimated. A decrease in the rate of fat oxidation reactions during the storage of samples for 12 weeks at ambient temperature which resulted from the addition of coffee extracts was evaluated using standard chemical methods such as the determination of peroxide and p-anisidine value and the assays of conjugated dienes and trienes as well as physical methods such as the determination of thermal profile by DSC. The sensory properties of all fat samples were also determined. These measurements showed that 0.1% water coffee extracts in fats decreased (p green Arabica > roasted Robusta > roasted Arabica.La estabilidad oxidativa de manteca y aceite de girasol suplementados con extractos acuosos de granos de café verde o tostado Arábica y Robusta fue estimada. Un descenso en la velocidad de las reacciones de oxidación de la grasa durante el almacenamiento de las muestras durante 12 semana a temperatura ambiente, que resulto de la adición de los extractos de café, fue evaluada usando métodos químicos estándares tales como la determinación de peróxidos y el índice de paranisidina y ensayos de dienos y trienos conjugados, así como métodos físicos tales como la determinación del perfil térmico por DSC. También las propiedades sensoriales de todas las grasas fueron estimadas. Estas medidas mostraron que extractos acuosos de café al 0.1% en la grasa decrecieron (p Arábica verde > Robusta tostado > Arábica tostado

    Binding of Red Clover Isoflavones to Actin as A Potential Mechanism of Anti-Metastatic Activity Restricting the Migration of Cancer Cells

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    Actin functions are crucial for the ability of the cell to execute dynamic cytoskeleton reorganization and movement. Nutraceuticals that form complexes with actin and reduce its polymerization can be used in cancer therapy to prevent cell migration and metastasis of tumors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of isoflavones to form complexes with actin. Docking simulation and isothermal titration calorimetry were used for this purpose. The formation of complexes by hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic and π-π interactions was demonstrated. Interactions occurred at the ATP binding site, which may limit the rotation of the actin molecule observed during polymerization and also at the site responsible for contacts during polymerization, reducing the ability of the molecule to form filaments. The greatest therapeutic potential was demonstrated by isoflavones occurring in red clover sprouts, i.e., biochanin A and formononetin, being methoxy derivatives of genistein and daidzein

    Novel Biodegradable Starch Film for Food Packaging with Antimicrobial Chicory Root Extract and Phytic Acid as a Cross-Linking Agent

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    The aim of the study was to obtain and evaluate the properties of biodegradable starch film with the addition of phytic acid (0.05%) as a cross-linking agent and chicory root extract (1–5%) as an antimicrobial agent. To prepare biodegradable film, extracts from chicory root obtained with water or methanol were used. The content of bioactive compounds (sesquiterpene lactones and total polyphenols) was evaluated in chicory extracts. The antibacterial activity of the extracts was tested against Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli) and Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus) using the microculture method. The extracts acted as bacteriostatic agents, decreasing the growth rate (µmax), and extending the lag phase (tlag). The most sensitive bacterium in terms of film bacteriostatic activity was P. fluorescens; all extracts, irrespective of the solvent used, decreased its µmax value. S. aureus was the least sensitive. The obtained films were tested for their properties as food packaging (color, thickness, permeability, mechanical strength). Phytic acid improved the tensile strength and barrier properties of the films. The antimicrobial activity of the films was studied by the disk diffusion method against Gram-negative (P. fluorescens, E. coli) and Gram-positive (B. subtilis, S. aureus) bacteria, as well as fungi (Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger). The growth-inhibiting activity of each obtained film was observed for all tested microorganisms, and the most beneficial effect was observed for films with the 5% level of added extracts obtained with water. The growth-inhibiting activity for fungi, in particular for the yeast C. albicans, was low