212 research outputs found

    The Use of Antihypertensive and Antiplatelet Drugs on Hospital Stroke Patients

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    Medicine is one of the most important part of the healing process, the restoration of health and prevention of disease. This study aims to describe the use of drugs, particularly antihypertensive and antiplatelet drugs in stroke patients hospitalized in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul during December 2014-April 2015. This research is observational descriptive study. Data collection was done prospectively with a survey of stroke patients in inpatient Al-Insan and al-A'raaf wards in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul during the specified period. During the study there were 61 stroke patients sampled in the study, of which 41 (67.2%) were geriatrics and 20 (32.8%) were not geriatrc. From the data, 28 (45.9%) patients did not receive antihypertensive drugs, only 33 (54,1%) patients received antihypertensive drug.The antihypertensive drugs type were given to patients were ACEI 9 (14.8%) and CCB 6 (9.8%), as well as combinations ACEI and CCB 7 (11.5%). Most patients did not receive antiplatelet 43 (70.5%), whereas patients receiving antiplatelet drugs most was the kind of aspirin 17 (27.9%). From the above data it can be concluded that the use of antihypertensive drugs in stroke patients in the inpatient ward in PKU Muhamaddiyah Hospital Bantul quite frequently used, while the use of antiplatelet drugs in these cases rarely used

    Understanding quantization: a hidden variable model

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    We argue that to solve the foundational problems of quantum theory one has to first understand what it means to quantize a classical system. We then propose a quantization method based on replacement of deterministic c-numbers by stochastically-parameterized c-numbers. Unlike canonical quantization, the method is free from operator ordering ambiguity and the resulting quantum system has a straightforward interpretation as statistical modification of ensemble of classical trajectories. We then develop measurement without wave function collapse \`a la pilot-wave theory and point out new testable predictions.Comment: 16 pages, based on a talk given at "Emergent Quantum Mechanics (Heinz von Foerster Conference 2011)", see http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/361/

    Penerapan Strategi Everyone is a Teacher Here Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas IV

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    Kurikulum 2013 menuntut guru dan peserta didik untuk melahirkan pembelajaran yang aktif, guna melahirkan pembelajaran yang aktif guru membutuhkan sebuah strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai. Strategi pembelajaran everyone is a teacher here dapat mendukung terlahirnya pembelajaran yang aktif antara guru dan peserta didik di kelas.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas guru, peserta didik dan meningkatan hasil belajar matematika peserta didik dengan menerapkan strategi everyone is a teacher here. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindak kelas dengan subyek penelitian merupakan peserta didik kelas IV SDN Kedondong 1 Sidoarjo dengan perolehan data melalui teknik observasi dan tes. Bedasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh data presentase sebesar 74,375% pada aktivitas guru siklus 1 dan meningkat menjadi 91,87%, aktivitas peserta didik juga mengalami peningkatan dari 73,61% pada siklus 1 dan meningkat menjadi 90,97%. Hasil belajar matematika peserta didik mengalami peningkatan dari 72,80% menjadi 95,40%. Dapat peneliti simpulkan terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar matematika yang diperoleh peserta didik seusai melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran everyone is a teacher here pada kelas IV di SDN Kedondong 1 Sidoarjo

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Dan Tgt Dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Dan Aspek Afektif Matematika Siswa Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Majemuk

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    The objectives of this research were to investigate: (1) whose learning achievement and affective aspect of Mathematics are better between the students with the cooperative learning model of the STAD type with contextual approach and those with the cooperative learning model of the TGT type with contextual approach; (2) whose learning achievement and affective aspect of Mathematics are better among the students with mathematical logical intelligence, visual intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence; and (3) whether or not there is an interaction in each category of the cooperative learning models and the intelligence types on the learning achievement and affective aspect of Mathematics. This research used the quasi experimental research method. Its population was all of the students in Grade VII of State Junior Secondary Schools of Sukoharjo regency in Academic Year 2012/2013. The samples of the research consisted of 141 students, and they were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling. The data of the research were gathered through test of learning achievement and questionnaire affective aspect. The proposed hypotheses of the research were tested by using a two-way MANOVA with unbalance cells at the significance level of 5%. The results of the research are as follows 1) The learning achievement in Mathematics of the students of the TGT with contextual approach is better than that STAD with contextual approach, but the affective aspect of Mathematics of the students with TGT with contextual approach is as good as that STAD with contextual approach; 2) The learning achievement in Mathematics of the students with the mathematical logical intelligence is as good as those of the students with the kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence but better than visual intelligence, the learning achievement in Mathematics of the students with the kinesthetic intelligence is better than interpersonal intelligence. The affective aspect of Mathematics of the students with the mathematical logical intelligence is as good as that of the students with the kinesthetic intelligence, but better than visual intelligence and interpersonal intelligence, and the affective aspect of Mathematics of the students with the visual intelligence is as good as that of the students with the interpersonal intelligence. 3) There is no any interaction of effect of the cooperative learning models and the multiple intelligences on the learning achievement in Mathematics and the affective aspect of Mathematics

    Sikap Asertif Dan Peran Keluarga Terhadap Anak

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    Assertiveness is a behavior of a person to be able to express opinions, desires,feelings and beliefs to the others directly, honestly and transparently. Assertiveness is not adefault behavior but it can be learned through the environment. The family is the primaryenvironment first known by a child. Therefore the family is obliged to provide good care ofa child. With the caring and education in the family a child will develop assertivenessoptimally

    Pemetaan Objek Wisata di Wilayah Kabupaten Lampung Barat Tahun 2014

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    This study aimed to assess the mapping attractions in West Lampung Regency with pressure point on the type, the potential and accessibility. This research used descriptive method. The research object was geospatial data. The subject of the research was the head of the Tourism Departement of West Lampung regency. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed: (1) Tourism object were classified into two types: natural tourism object such as Lake Ranau and TNBBS and artificial such as Megalithic Monuments, tourism village Pekon Hujung. Its natural potency were the beauty of it natural scenery. Its social potency was traditional culture of Lampung society. (2) accessibility of the tourism object that was difficult was Suoh lake, while others were easily reachable.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemetaan objek wisata di wilayah Kabupaten Lampung Barat dengan titik tekan pada jenis, potensi dan aksesibilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Objek kajian lokasi wisata berupa data geospasial. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Objek wisata digolongkan menjadi 2 jenis, wisata alam seperti Danau Ranau dan TNBBS serta wisata buatan seperti Situs Megalitikum dan Desa Wisata Pekon Hujung. Potensi alamnya berupa keindahan panorama alam. Potensisosial berupa kebudayaan tradisional masyarakat Lampung. (2) Aksesibilitas menuju objek wisata yang sulit yaitu Danau Suoh, sedangkan lainnya mudah dicapai

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Dan Think Pair Share (Tps) Dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik (Pmr) Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Interpersonal Siswa SMP Se-kabupaten Grobogan Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of learning models on learning achievement viewed from students\u27 interpersonal intelligence. The learning models compared were cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) with Realistic Mathematics Approach (RMA) approach, Think Pair Share (TPS) with Realistic Mathematics Approach (RMA) and direct learning. This research was a quasi-experimental research using factorial design of 3x3. The population of the research was all students of the Junior High Schools in Grobogan regency. The samples of the research were seven grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Purwodadi, SMP Negeri 2 Grobogan and SMP Negeri 7 Purwodadi in Grobogan regency (88 students for for first experimental class, 96 students for second experimental class, and 92 students for control class). The samples were chosen by using stratified cluster random sampling. In collecting the data, the instruments used were multiple-choice test of learning achievement in mathematics and student interpersonal intelligence questionnaire. The technique of analyzing the data was unbalanced two-ways Anova. The results of the research are as follows: (1) the cooperative learning model NHT with RMA give better achievement in mathematics than cooperative learning model TPS with RMA, and both result in a better learning achievement in mathematics than the direct learning model; (2) there are no any differences in the learning achievement in mathematics of the students with high, medium or low interpersonal intelligence; (3) in each interpersonal intelligence, the cooperative learning model NHT with RMA give better achievement in mathematics than cooperative learning model TPS with RMA, and both result in a better learning achievement in Mathematics than the direct learning model; (4) in each learning model, the students with high, medium and low interpersonal intelligence have the same learning achievement in mathematics
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