9 research outputs found

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Malaria pada Ibu Hamil di Indonesia

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    Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite called Plasmodium. It has been the main concern of health problem in Indonesia, especially to the high-risk groups; the infants, under-five-years-old children and pregnant women. If a pregnant woman is infected to malaria, it might affect the pregnancy and cause abnormalities to the baby. This analysis is aimed to determine the factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Indonesia. The data which used for this research is taken from National Basic Health research (Riskesdas) 2013 and the samples are all of pregnant women who'schosen as the respondents in Riskesdas 2013. The data was analyzed using binary logistic regression analysis and backward elimination method. The result shows that the factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Indonesia are health monitoring of pregnant women by midwives which implemented in the possessing of KIA book, the USAge of electric/coil mosquito repellent when sleeping in the night, the economic status, and the presence of midwives/maternity hospital. The lower the economic status of pregnant women, the higher the risk they tend to get infected with malaria. Pregnant women are advised to check their health status routinely and avoid contact with the vectors of malaria, by using mosquito repellent at night

    Konfirmasi Anopheles Sinensis dan Anopheles Vagus sebagai Vektor Malaria di Kabupaten Muara Enim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    . Muara Enim Regency is one of endemic malaria area in South Sumatera Province. The number of malaria clinical cases in 2015 is 9.382 cases with positive confirmed by microscopy is 143 cases (Annual parasite incidence = 0,26%o). There were no information or publication confirmed the vector of malaria in this regency. The aims of this study was to confirm species of Anopheles as malaria vector and its biting behavior in Muara Enim Regency. The study carried out two activity that were mosquito collection (indoor and outdoor) starts from 18.00 hours until 06.00 in the morning, and survey of the breeding habitat of pre-adult mosquito. The total of Anopheles mosquitoes collected were 1.443 and 200 mosquitoes were prepared for sporozoit identification by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) method. Two species of Anopheles (of four mosquitoes), Anopheles sinensis and An. vagus, were confirmed sporozoit positive. Anopheles sinensis tends to bite outdoors while An. vagus prefer indoors. Both species actively biting at 9 p.m. until 4 a.m

    Sebaran Nyamuk Anopheles pada Topografi Wilayah yang Berbeda di Provinsi Jambi

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    Penularan penyakit tular vektor seperti malaria dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Salah satu faktor yangtelah diketahui memiliki asosiasi dengan malaria adalah topograf wilayah yang erat hubungannya denganpola penularan. Berdasarkan tempat atau lokasi terhadap penyakit yang ditularkan oleh vektor makaperlu diperhatikan pembagian zoogeografi dimana jenis-jenis nyamuk di setiap lokasi akan dipengaruhifaktor-faktor lingkungan di setiap daerah yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenisAnopheles serta habitat perkembangbiakannya pada dua wilayah dengan topograf yang berbeda diProvinsi Jambi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah penangkapan nyamuk dewasa dengan metode humanlanding collection dan survei habitat perkembangbiakan Anopheles. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukanselama 12 jam dimulai dari jam 18.00 WIB hingga jam 06.00 WIB. Larva Anopheles yang berhasilditangkap selanjutnya dibawa ke laboratorium dan dipelihara hingga dewasa dan selanjutnya diidentifiasijenisnya. Hasil penangkapan nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Nipah Panjang Kabupaten Tanjung JabungTimur (dataran rendah) adalah An. separatus, An. sinensis, An. tesselatus dan An. letifer. Anophelesletifer memiliki angka tertinggi untuk nilai kekerapan 3,33, kelimpahan nisbi 40, dominansi 133,33 danMan Bitting Rate (MBR) 0,07. Penangkapan nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Teluk Rendak KabupatenSarolangun (dataran tinggi) meliputi An. Nigerrimus, An. annularis, An. letifer, An. maculatus dan An.barbumbrosus. Anopheles Nigerrimus memiliki angka tertinggi untuk nilai kekerapan 21,67, kelimpahannisbi 60,98, dominansi 1321,14 dan MBR 0,63

    Perbandingan Indeks Larva Vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue PRA Dan Paska-Intervensi Di Kota Prabumulih

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    Prabumulih city is one of dengue endemic area in South Sumatera Province with number of cases in 2011-2012 were 225 and 301 cases respectively. The research aims to determine the influence of jumantik accompanied by health promotion program to the larval mosquitoes indices. This is quasi-experimental study, carried out in three endemic areas of Prabumulih City in 2014. There were two intervention in two location and one location for non-intervention. In the first location, the intervention were larva surveillance by jumantik cadre, giving larvicide selectively, accompanied by health promotion program to community group (intervention I), in second location the intervention only for larvae surveillance by jumantik cadre (intervention II), and the third location giving no intervention. Observation of immature mosquito was carried out in every location before and after intervention was given. The result showed an increase in Free larvae index of 19,8% in the intervention I , 12,5% in the intervention II and 5,3% in the no-intervention location. Indicator of breteau index showed a decrease in all location, 73,1% in the intervention I, 62,8% in the intervention II and 10,8% in the no-intervention location. Container index indicator showed a decrease in two intervention location, 10,2% in the intervention I, 6,6% in the intervention II, while in no-intervention location show an increase for 8%. Health promotion program about how to prevent dengue transmission through potential community groups could become an alternative effort to control vector population integrated with other control methods. Kota Prabumulih merupakan salah satu wilayah endemis DBD di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan jumlah penderita pada tahun 2011-2012 berturut-turut sebanyak 225 dan 301 kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks larva vektor DBD sebelum dan sesudah pemberian intervensi di Kota Prabumulih. Intervensi yang diberikan adalah intervensi kader jumantik dengan larvasidasi selektif serta promosi kesehatan melalui kelompok masyarakat (intervensi I), intervensi kader jumantik (intervensi II), dan satu wilayah tanpa intervensi. Sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada tiap lokasi dilakukan pengamatan vektor DBD pradewasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks larva (house index/HI, breteau index/BI, container index/CI) di wilayah intervensi I sebelum dilakukan intervensi masing-masing sebesar 51,7%, 126,5 dan 23,8%, sedangkan setelah intervensi sebesar 31,9%, 53,4 dan 13,6%. Di wilayah intervensi II, sebelum intervensi memiliki nilai HI 53,8%, BI 109,2 dan CI 20,3% dan sesudah intervensi dengan nilai HI 41,3%, BI 46,4 dan CI 13,7%. Di wilayah non intervensi, hasil pemeriksaan awal diperoleh nilai HI 37,3%, BI 61,7 dan CI 15,9%, sedangkan di akhir penelitian diperoleh nilai HI 32,0%, BI 50,9 dan CI 23,9%. Pengendalian vektor DBD melalui promosi kesehatan pada kelompok masyarakat yang disertai larvasidasi selektif memberikan kontribusi penurunan kepadatan jentik lebih besar dibandingkan wilayah lainnya

    Tingkat Kerentanan Aedes Aegypti (Linn.) terhadap Malation di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Dengue vector control program in Indonesia and also South Sumatera Province has been using malathion quite long enough. The extensive use of chemical in dengue vector control can lead to development of resistance. This study aims to determine the susceptibility of Aedes aegypti against malathion in 11 district of South Sumatera Province. Larva or pupae were collected with entomology survey kit and colonized until first generation (F1) that were used for bioassay. This test was conducted according to WHO adult susceptibility bioassay procedure.Twenty five blood-fed mosquitoes were exposed to insecticide impregnated paper in each of 4 WHO test kits and 1 control tube. Aedes aegypti from all study sites were still susceptible to operational dose of malathion (5%)after 1 hour exposure. The estimated resistance ratio (ERR) of knockdown time (KT) to operasional dose of malathion is about 1,02 1,27 for KT50 and 0,96 1,24 for KT95. The susceptibility test of adult mosquitoes to diagnostic dose (0,8%) of malathion showed a variety of susceptibility after 24 hours. Strain of 7 districts showed resistance, 3 districts toleran and 1 district still susceptible. The detection of resistance can actually help public health personnel to formulate appropriate steps in encountering the reduction in effectiveness of vector control efforts.Keywords : Aedes aegypti, Malathion, Susceptibility, South SumateraAbstrakProgram pengendalian vektor DBD di Indonesia termasuk di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan telah cukup lama menggunakan malation dengan konsentrasi 5%. Penggunaan satu jenis insektisida kimiawi secara ekstensif dapat memicu perkembangan resistensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status kerentanan Aedes aegypti terhadap malation dari 11 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Larva atau pupa dikumpulkan menggunakan alat survei entomologi dan selanjutnyadipelihara hingga mendapatkan generasi pertama (F1) yang akan digunakan pada uji kerentanan. Uji kerentanan mengacu kepada metode baku yang ditetapkan WHO. Sebanyak 25 ekor nyamuk dipaparkan terhadap insektisida pada 4 tabung uji dan 1 tabung kontrol. Strain Aedes aegypti yang berasal dari seluruh lokasi sampling menunjukkan masih rentan terhadap malation dosis 5% setelah paparan selama 1 jam. Angka estimated resistance ratio (ERR) dari knockdown time (KT) terhadap dosis operasional berkisar 1,02-1,27 untuk KT50 dan 0,96-1,24 untuk KT95. Uji kerentanan terhadap dosis diagnostik (0,8%) menunjukkan keragaman kerentanan setelah paparan selama 24 jam. Strain dari 7 kab/kota telah resisten, 3 kab/kota berstatus toleran dan 1 kabupaten masih rentan. Deteksi resistensi dapat menjadi acuan untuk menentukan tindakan yang efektif dalam mengatasi menurunnya efektivitas pengendalian vektor.Kata kunci : Aedes aegypti, Malation, Kerentanan, Sumatera Selata

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Sikap Dan Perilaku (Psp) Masyarakat Terhadap Vektor Dbd Di Kota Palembang Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Relationship of The Community Towards Dengue Hemorraghic Fever (DHF) in Palembang City South Sumatra Province.Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of the community regarding DHF have been conducted in Palembang City on May to November 2005. The aim of this research is to know the level of society in KAP regarding DHF. This sampel were 606 houses and 606 respondens by simple random sampling method. Results are known the larva index of mosquito Ae. aegyti: larva index=55,3%; CI=20,8%; HI=44,7%; BI=71,3; Df=5,67. The higher economic level will result in the higher knowledge about DHF. There were significant difference between knowledge and attitude (p=0,000; OR=3,097); knowledge and practice (p=0,000 OR=2,25); attitude and practice (p=0,005 OR=1,62)