40 research outputs found
Karakteristik Siswa sebagai Pijakan dalam Penelitian dan Metode Pembelajaran
Learner Characteristics as a Basis for Teaching Method and Research on Instruction. The instructional technology focuses its analysis on the improvement of the instructional quality on the basis of instructional strategies or instructional method variables. Instructional methods variables are classified into three main categories: (1) organizational strategy, (2) delivery strategy, and (3) management strategy. The variables which greatly influence the utilization of instructtional methods are the instructional condition variables, classified into three categories: (1) objectives and characteristics of a field of study, (2) constraints and characteristics of a field of study, and (3) learner characteristics. The learner characteristics are students' personal quality, such as their intelligence, prior knowledge, cognitive styles, learning styles, motivation, and socio-cultural factors, which greatly influence the process and result of the study. Learner characteristics will determine the selection of the management strategy, which is also related to the method to organize the learning process. The learner characteristics have to be accepted as a given condition and utilized as a basis for research on instruction
Strategi Menggunakan Media Pengajaran Bagi Pendidikan Dasar
Kondisi pengajaran di SD hingga kini rna-sih kurangrnenekankan pada pengajaran sebagai proses. Keg~atan pengajaranmasih sering disajikan hanya dalam bentuk' pemberianinformasi kurang didukung dengan penggunaan' 'media dansumber-sumber lain. Sehingga infOImasi-infor.ma·si yangdisajikan guru. yang ada dalam buku-buk\J paket· dan yangtercantum dalam kurikuJum, tidak Lanyak arti.nya bagikehidupan.DaJam proses belajar mengajar, siswa harus secaraaktif ada upaya untuk berbuat atas dasar kemampuan dankeyakinannya sendiri. Karena, belajar baru akan terjadi jikaindividu berinteraksi dengan lingkungan atau sumber belajar.Untuk itu tugas guru sebagai pemberi Hmu sudah harusbergeser kepada peran baru yang lebih kondusif bagi siswa,yaitu dapat memilih dan mengkombinasikan metode mengajarnyadengan sumber-sumber belajar atau media pengajaranyang ada. Untuk keperluan itll guru dapat membua~ sendiripaket media pengajaran dari bahan-bahan dan a.iat-alatsederhana yang murah harganya dan mudah diperoleh.Sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh para ahli pengajaranbahwa efektivitas media dalam sistem pengajaran tidak terletakpada media apa yang digunakan.. tetapi bagai.manamedia tersebut digunakan. Maka intensitas penggunaari mediasangatlah penting. Inten5itas penggunaan media dapat dilihatdari aspek kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Dad aspek kuantitaspenggunaan media, ukurannya adalah keseringan a taufrekuensi media digunakan dalam kegiatan pengajaran.Sedangkan dari aspek kualitas penggunaan media, dapatdilihat dad bobot penggunaannya. yaitu ketepatan dankebermaknaan media bagi kepentingan belajar mudd. Kualitaspenggunaan media dapat dilihat dari; 1} strategi penggunaanmedia dalam kegiatan pengajaran, dibagi ke dalam 3 bagian,yaitu persiapan sebelum menggunakan media, kegiatan selamamenggunakan mediaJ dan kegiatan tindak lanjut. 2} pengklasifikasianmedia pengajaran untuk keperluan mempreskdpsikanstrategi penyampaian pengajaran, meliputi (a) tingkat k~cerrnatanrepresentasi media, (b) tingkat interaktif yang mampuditimbulkan media. (c) tingkat kemampuan khusus yang dimilikimedia, Cd) tingkat rnotivasi yang mampu ditirnbulkanmedia. dan (~) ting~at biaya yc..ng diperlukan
Strategi Pembelajaran yang Memerdekakan
Instructional Technology is very concerned in solving social life problems which occurs due to lack of human resources and/or social constraints in our community. Through its field of study, Instructional Technology provides services of learning sources and develops various instructional strategies as part of instructional design scopes to achieve desirable goals. Development of liberation instructional strategy is conducted in purpose of solving social problems by assuring children rights to undertake learning activities in accordance with their own personal characters. Liberation instructional strategy puts learners' activeness as the most important factor in determining learning process and achievements. It enables learners to quickly and precisely acquire, master, work over, and develop the information in such a way that it would encourage the formation of creative and productive thinking habit
Kecerdasan Adversitas Dan Intensi Sembuh Pada Pengguna Narkoba Di Panti Rehabilitasi
Narcotic and its similarity abuse has been troubling Indonesian citizens. Drugs havespread out to society and bring negative impact not only on junior high school studentsbut also on elementary students. It's not surprisingly then to meet many of drug addictsof adolescences. Adversity quotient is the ability to survive on life difficulties andchallenge, and continuously changing as the processes to self-develop, developpotencies, and reach particular aims. The objective of this study is to analyze therelationship adversity quotient and recovery intention. This research is categorized asquantitative research. The respondents are drugs addicts who are treating inrehabilitation centre of Semarang. Sampling technique deployed is purposive sampling.Result show that there is association between adversity quotient and recovery intentionin which the correlation was r = 0.789 and p = 0.789. Further it is found that adversityquotient level and intention to recover from using drug in rehabilitation centre was lowmedium
Kajian Adopsi Inovasi Pola Tanam Jajar Legowo pada USAhatani Padi Sawah
This research was conducted in Pabuaran village, Salem Sub-district, Brebes regency. This research aims were to describe adoption level and factor sthat affected farmer's adoption system of pair rowson Sekar Arum farmers using method of descriptive case study. The dataof this research were primary and secondary data. The technique of sampling used census technique that was the members of Sekar Arum farmers that contained 35 farmers.The result of this research concludes that theage of respondents are in productive age with loweducation level. Most of the farmers are in low education level and owns narrow rice field that is less than 0,5 ha. The result of descriptive quantitative analysis through Likert scoring showed that the adoption level of pair rowson rice farming that is categoraed in high level is17,l % or 6 farmers, in medium category is 80% or 28 farmers and in low category is 2,9% or a farmer. The result of logistic analysis through SPSS for Windows Realese 22,00 on signifacance level of SYo shows that the level of education variable significantly affectstowards the adoption level of pair rows cultivation system. Yet, the other variebles do not significantly affect as the significance level is bigger than the real significance that is 0,05
Job Stress and Risk of Menstrual Duration Disorder in Female Civilian Flight Attendants in Indonesia
Background: Menstrual duration disorder may cause impaired work performance. The research objectivewas to identify risk factors related to menstrual duration disorder in female flight attendants.Methods: A cross-sectional study with convenient sampling was conducted on civilian female flightattendants age 19–50 years who underwent routine medical examination at Civil Aviation Medical Centerand Garuda Sentra Medika, Jakarta on May 18-29 2015. Menstrual duration disorder is menstruation morethan 8 days and/or shorter than usual perid (3-5 days). Stress was identified by usingcriteria of NationalInstitute for Occupational Safety and Health Generic Job Stress Questionnaire Mental Demands FormNumber 11. Relative risk was analyzed usng Cox regression.Results: Among 521 female civilian flight attendants, 393 were willing to participate in this study. Nineteensubjects were excluded, leaving 374 subjects for this analysis, and 35.8% of subjects had menstrualduration disorder. Job stress, flight type and age were dominant risk factors for menstrual duration disorder.Subjects with job stress and long haul flight within three months had higher risk for having menstrualduration disorder by 58% [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 1.58; confidence interval (CI) = 0.96-2.62; P =0.071] and 69% (RRa = 1.69; CI = 1.17-2.43) respectively. Those between aged 30-39 years had 50% hadless risk of having menstrual duration disorder (RRa=0.50; 95% CI = 0.22-1.02; P = 0.057).Conclusion: Female civilian flight attendants with job stress, long haul flight within three months and youngerage had higher risk to be menstrual duration disorder. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:87-91