9 research outputs found

    Kajian Perikanan Tangkap Mene Maculata Di Teluk Buyat

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    Moonfish (Mene maculata) known locally as bete tamako or peda Cina, is one of the economically important fish resources resulting from Buyat Bay. Although it has relatively small size (estimated length 25-30 cm), but the fish has a good taste. The presence of moonfish is usually a sign of sailfish fishing season in the Buyat Bay. Common fishing gear used to catch moonfish is hand line , noru. However, scientific information about the status of moonfish fishery was not yet understood. Therefore, this study aims to determine the status of moonfish fishery and map out the fishing location. This research was conducted in the Buyat Bay, Ratatotok District, Southeast Minahasa Regency (March-September 2013); using a survey method with a descriptive approach. Catch data were analyzed by a surplus production model. These results informed that the maximum sustainable yields (MSYs) was 1707 fish/trip/year where the number of the suitable fishing trips was 470 trips

    Keputusan Investasi dari Perspektif Perilaku Keuangan

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    This study aims to analyze behavioural factors that could affect the investment decision such as overconfidence, disclosure, past performance, advice, and investor's competence. Whereas the sample in this paper are stock investors in  Batam City. The number of questionnaires distributed were 120 sheets and all questionnaires were successfully answered. The collected data will be analyzed with multiple linear regression.The results of this study indicate that overconfidence, disclosure, and investor's competence have a significant positive effect, advice  has a significant negative effect, and past performance has no significant effect

    Perilaku Bias Investor Kota Batam dalam Berinvestasi Saham

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    AbstractNaturally, investors in each different country’s market have a distinct ways and process for choosing their decision on investments. Therefore, this study is conducted to examine how Batam City's individual stock investors are influenced psychologically. Using a qualitative methodology to collect primary data obtained from five Batam City stock investors who have knowledge and expertise in finance and stock investing. 7 questions about the investors opinions of their stock investments were asked during the interview. The responses of investors were then analyzed according to the bias behaviour displayed in investing, specifically overconfidence, excessive optimism, psychology of risk, and herding. The results of the study’s findings indicate that the majority of the investors who were surveyed have overconfindence, excessive optimism, and herding. Meanwhile, only one out of every 5 investors showed a loss aversion bias in investing in stocks. Keywords: Overconfidence, Excessive Optimism, Psychology of Risk, Herding, Behavioral Biases AbstrakInvestor di setiap pasar negara yang berbeda, tentunya juga memiliki cara pengambilan keputusan yang berbeda terhadap investasi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan mengkaji faktor psikologis dalam memengaruhi investor saham individual di Kota Batam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengumpulkan data primer yang diperoleh melalui metode wawancara dengan 5 investor saham di Kota Batam yang memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengenai keuangan dan investasi saham. Dalam wawancara tersebut, diajukan 7 pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan pandangan investor terhadap investasi saham yang dilakukan. Jawaban investor kemudian dianalisis sesuai dengan perilaku bias yang ditunjukkan dalam investasi yakni overconfidence, excessive optimism, psychology of risk, dan herding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa overconfidence, excessive optimism dan herding dimiliki oleh sebagian besar investor yng diwawancarai. Sedangkan hanya 1 dari 5 investor yang menunjukkan adanya bias loss aversion dalam berinvestasi saham.  Kata Kunci: Overconfidence, Excessive Optimism, Psychology of Risk, Herding, Perilaku Bia