19 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penanganan Sputum Terhadap Kualitas Sputum Penderita Tbc Secara Mikroskpis Bakteri Tahan Asam

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    Purpose of the study was to determine differences in the results of the microscopic examination of sputum BTA that is directly checked by way of delay 24 hours at room temperature. Type of research is descriptive analytical. Data analysis was using different testing Wilcoxon Dependent Test with 95% confidence level (alpha<0,05) and supported SPSS 21. There are 3 samples with 1+ results of 25 sputum samples were directly examined there are 8 samples with 2+ results, 14 samples with 3+ results. Where as for the examination of samples that postponed for 24 hours at a temperature of 25oC obtained 1+ results for 7 samples, 2+ with 6 samples, and 3+ of 12 samples are positive BTA. At 25 sputums samples were directly examined with delay methods for 24 hours at 25oC, obtained 6 sputum are more likely to be negative. There is no positive results and the same number will be checked with the methods of sputum delay for 24 hours at room temperature less than 19 sputums. This indicates that the examination of sputum delay for 24 hours at room temperature could lead to false negative results or even a false positive. There was the difference of the results between sputum directly examined by with be delayed 24 hours at room temperature 25oC .It is recomended that examination sputum TBC should be done soon to avoid a positive result or negative specious the results of investigation microscopic

    Analisis Hubungan Motivasi Intrinsik Dan Ekstrinsik Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Hotel Swiss-belinn Tunjungan Surabaya

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    The objective of this research is to determine whether significant relationship occurred between work motivation and employee performance in Swiss-Belinn Hotel Tunjungan, Surabaya. The research type used is explanative research with quantitative approach. The population of this research numbered 78 people that are the permanent employees of Swiss-Belinn Hotel Tunjungan. Probability sampling is used to determine the number of sample. Sample of 65 people are defined by Slovin's Formula. Data analysis technique used in this research is the multiple linear regression analysis with partial and simultaneous variable testing. Data was processed using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The result implies that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlate positively and significantly to employee performance. The correlation resulted from this research also shows that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlate partially and simultaneously to employee performance

    Pengaruh Beberapa Konsentrasi Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Salmonella SP, Escherichia Coli Secara in Vitro

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    This study aims to determine the inhibition of Morinda citrifolia to the growth of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp through in vitro. This study used a bacterial isolate of E. coli and Salmonella sp gotten from Health Laboratory of Central Java. The design of research uses completely randomized design with six treatments which the concentration of 0% as control. Results of Mengkudu juice is produced from 500 grams of ripe Morinda citrifolia, crushed and then squeezed. With different concentration used were, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. All data were analyzed with five treatments using one way anova. Results showed that Morinda citrifolia juice can significantly inhibit the growth of bacteria E. coli and Saalmonella sp (p <0.01). The mean inhibition zone formed occurs in 40% concentration of 2.50 mm and then increases by the increasing concentration of Morinda citrifolia juice. Inhibition of growth of Salmonella sp bacteria occurs at 40% concentration which is equal to 1.25 mm and the largest occurs at 100% concentration of 4.33 mm. The test results showed significant difference inhibition in the growth of different Morinda citrifolia juice. The tendency is the higher concentration of Morinda citrifolia juice, the greater inhibition of the growth of E coli and Salmonella sp bacteria. Morinda citrifolia inhibits the growth of E. coli bacteria greater than the Salmonella sp bacteria

    Heavy Metal Residues of Copper (Cu) and Timbal (Pb) in the Oyster by Boiling and Frying Process

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    Waste come from residential, farming, mining and industry are deliberately thrown away into the river. Polluted watershed will stream down to the sea, so that will degrade the quality of water, and affect the quality of natural resources and health problems. Sea polluted by heavy metals such as aluminum, copper, cadmium, timbal, zinc, cobal will impair the ecosystems of sea. Analyze the content of heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) and copper (Cu) found in the oyster by boiling and frying process. Type of experimental research that uses a completely randomized design. Samples of raw oysters, fried and boiled, each sample was repeated seven times. The content of heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) in raw oyster, fried oyster, boiled oyster: 0,2686; 0,1687 ;0,1591 mg/kg and heavy metals residues of copper (Cu): 0,0513; 0,0265; 0,0167 mg/kg. There is significant difference in the content of heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) in raw oyster, fried oyster, boiled oyster: p=0,000). While in the fried oyster and boiled oyster, p=0,009. There is significant difference in the content of heavy metals residues of copper (Cu) in raw oyster, fried oyster, boiled oyster: p=0,000). While in the fried oyster and boiled oyster, p=0,001. Raw oyster, fried and boiled oyster contain heavy metals residues of timbal (Pb) and copper (Cu)


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    The researcher aims to analyze the formulation of the Hajj investment financial policy for infrastructure in Hajj Financial Management Executive Board (BPKH). Based on Law 34/2014, Hajj financial investment in infrastructure is intended to gain value for the improvement of haj pilgrimage services by prioritizing the aspects of security and integrity of funds for prospective pilgrims. The research method uses the qualitative method. Data and information obtained through observation, and interviews with actors involved in the policy formulation process that supports research documentation and literature study. Furthermore, in the analysis of the policy formulation using Mustopadidjaja's (2003) theory, namely seven steps in the policy formulation process. From this study it was found that the formulation of the Hajj financial investment policy for infrastructure can be carried out by the government because it already has a legal umbrella and there is still insufficient support from the APBN to finance infrastructure development, it just needs stronger reasons and clear criteria for the type of infrastructure investment, especially direct investment. And the importance of socialization and information to stakeholders, especially pilgrims and Muslims in general, and the value of the benefits it gets so there is clarity. Furthermore, supervisory supervision involves an accountable and trusted institution to increase public trust in the BPKH institution in particular and the government in general