77 research outputs found

    Teleportation-induced entanglement of two nanomechanical oscillators coupled to a topological superconductor

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    A one-dimensional topological superconductor features a single fermionic zero mode that is delocalized over two Majorana bound states located at the ends of the system. We study a pair of spatially separated nanomechanical oscillators tunnel-coupled to these Majorana modes. Most interestingly, we demonstrate that the combination of electron-phonon coupling and a finite charging energy on the mesoscopic topological superconductor can lead to an effective superexchange between the oscillators via the non-local fermionic zero mode. We further show that this teleportation mechanism leads to entanglement of the two oscillators over distances that can significantly exceed the coherence length of the superconductor.Comment: 6 page

    Dynamical Topological Order Parameters far from Equilibrium

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    We introduce a topological quantum number -- coined dynamical topological order parameter (DTOP) -- that is dynamically defined in the real-time evolution of a quantum many-body system and represented by a momentum space winding number of the Pancharatnam geometric phase. Our construction goes conceptually beyond the standard notion of topological invariants characterizing the wave-function of a system, which are constants of motion under coherent time evolution. In particular, we show that the DTOP can change its integer value at discrete times where so called dynamical quantum phase transitions occur, thus serving as a dynamical analog of an order parameter. Interestingly, studying quantum quenches in one-dimensional two-banded Bogoliubov de Gennes models, we find that the DTOP is capable of resolving if the topology of the system Hamiltonian has changed over the quench. Furthermore, we investigate the relation of the DTOP to the dynamics of the string order parameter that characterizes the topology of such systems in thermal equilibrium

    Non-Hermitian Weyl Physics in Topological Insulator Ferromagnet Junctions

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    We introduce and investigate material junctions as a generic and tuneable electronic platform for the realization of exotic non-Hermitian (NH) topological states of matter, where the NH character is induced by the surface self-energy of a thermal reservoir. As a conceptually rich and immediately experimentally realizable example, we consider a three-dimensional topological insulator (TI) coupled to a ferromagnetic lead. Remarkably, the symmetry protected TI is promoted in a dissipative fashion to a non-symmetry protected NH Weyl phase with no direct Hermitian counterpart and which exhibits robustness against any perturbation. The transition between a gapped phase and the NH Weyl phase may be readily tuned experimentally with the magnetization direction of the ferromagnetic lead. Given the robustness of this exotic nodal phase, our general analysis also applies to, e.g., a two-dimensional electron gas close to criticality in proximity to a ferromagnetic lead. There, the predicted bulk Fermi arcs are directly amenable to surface spectroscopy methods such as angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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