52 research outputs found

    Analisa Produktivitas Pekerja Dengan Metode Sampling Kerja Pada Bagging Section PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk.

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    Performansi merupakan hal penting dalam produktivitas aktivitas Perusahaan. Tingkat performansi yang baik akan menghasilkan hasil kerja yang baik pula. Berkaitan dengan tingkat performansi, terdapat permasalahan yaitu kondisi menganggur baik mesin maupun operator. Pekerja yang tidak memberikan performansi penuh bagi Perusahaan pada jam kerjanya dapat menimbulkan kerugian waktu maupun biaya. Kondisi menganggur seorang pekerja atau mesin yang terus berlanjut dan terakumulasi akan menimbulkan kerugian yang besar bagi Perusahaan. Kerugian tersebut mendorong Perusahaan untuk mengetahui tingkat performansi pekerja/mesin dalam bekerja, kemudian dianalisa faktor-faktor penyebab time wasting maupun kondisi menganggur tersebut, dan dicari tahu solusi pemecahannya. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu metode yang efektif dan efisien, salah satunya dengan metode Work Sampling (Sampling kerja). Metode ini dapat diterapkan untuk memantau kinerja pekerja tanpa penambahan biaya produksi yang besar. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dan perhitungan, didapatkan rata-rata performansi sebesar 77,67%. Kemudian dilakukan analisa terhadap faktor penyebab menganggur terbesar menggunakan Diagram Pareto dan Fishbone, dan didapatkan faktor menganggur terbesar adalah “menunggu loading” sebesar 21,2% dari seluruh penyebab pekerja menganggur. Performance is essential for the productivity of the company's activities. Good performance will produce good work. Relates to the level of performance, there are problems that the condition of both engine idle and operators. Workers who do not give a full performance for the company in working hours can cause loss of time and cost. Conditions unemployed worker or machine that continues to accumulate and will cause great harm to the company. The losses prompted the company to determine the level of performance of the worker / machine at work, then analyzed the factors that cause time wasting as well as the idle condition, and sought out solutions to solve them. For that we need a method that is effective and efficient, one of them with methods Work Sampling.. This method can be applied to monitor the performance of workers without adding production costs. After measurement and calculation, obtained an average performance of 77.67%. Then performed an analysis of the factors causing the biggest idle using Pareto Chart and Fishbone, and obtained the greatest idle factor is "awaiting loading" of 21.2% of all causes of worker's idle.

    Optimasi Pemilihan Lokasi Fasilitas Pengolahan Limbah Elektronik (E-waste) Di Indonesia Dengan Model Electre III

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    E-waste is an emerging issue in Indonesia due to its potentially hazardous content and some precious metal. In order to create an environmentally sound management of e-waste, a facility is necessary. The objectives of this study are to to select the optimal location of e-waste dismantling and sorting facility (DSF/FLPE). The optimal location selection was conducted using the method of ELECTRE III model. ELECTRE is a family of multi-criteria decision analysis methods that originated in Europe. The criteria chosen for this analysis are local population, population served, the percentage of monthly expenditure, average household price per unit, unemployed population, financial status of the local population, distance from existing facilities, and distance from the nearest port. ELECTRE III requires the determination of three thresholds, namely threshold of negligence (q), threshold of preference (p), and the veto threshold (v) in the effort to better adapt to uncertainties. The weight of each criterion was determined according to its importance relative to other criteria. The optimal location for e-waste DSF is Banten Province based on ELECTRE III model

    Analisis Pengaruh Marketing Mix (7P) terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Konsumen (Studi pada House Of Moo, Semarang)

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    At this time the development of the restaurant business in Semarang so rapidly. The restaurant business developments create new players emerge, including from the students themselves. House of Moo is a dairy restaurant which located in the area Tembalang. Due to the many new players, companies need to examine existing consumer behavior and the factors that influence purchase decisions in marketing a product. This research was conducted explanatory causal quantitatively. Causal quantitative methods, is also a character study can be calculated numbers with statistical methods. The results showed that all variable marketing mix (7P) have positive effect on consumer purchasing decisions in the House of Moo, but there is one variable that does not significantly influence the purchasing decision. the variable is the process variable. While the variables that have the greatest influence on consumer purchasing decisions is physical evidence variable. This can result from data processing where the value t and the coefficient of determination of these variables have the greatest value of other variables

    Analisis Mitigasi Risiko Pada Proses Pengadaan Menggunakan Matriks House of Risk Pada PT Janata Marina Indah

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    Janata Marina Indah is a company which on ship docking in Indonesia. It has to be ready to compete with foreign companies which have more advanced technology. JMI, has 2 kind of project activities, which are ship repairing and buid a new ship. Therefore, it needs efficient project management. In a settlement of project, delay is a loss. Delay can be happened because of human error or nature factor. Logistic department is an element which often become a delay maker. Delay can be happened because of delay in shipping, defect materials, bad warehouse management. This research will discuss about identification of risks event at sourcing to find out the frequency how often that event take place and the effect at project sustainability. It has to be kown the risks which have to be minimized using risk map matrix. Then, identification of risks agent to correlate with risks event using house of risk matrix. From this research, can be used to minimized risks event

    Alat Pengering dan Pengukur Kadar Air pada Gabah Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    In today\u27s world of electronics and control progressed very rapidly and so quickly revolutionized through the means or medium. Electronics technology also provides a kind of contribution to human life by the very rapid development in this field. Along with the uncertain weather changes that occur, use dryer facilities which can certainly save time and effort. In this moment to try to create a tool which is the application of the system design, ie a grain dryers that use moisture sensors and temperature sensors, as well as using a dryer. This tool created by the end of the process under the appliance door will open itself automatically. With the drier and measuring the water content aimed at speeding up the drying time of the rainy season and can be performed continuously without having an effect on the weather, and can help alleviate human tasks, especially in drying grain

    Analisis Hubungan Kebisingan Mesin dengan Stres Kerja (Studi Kasus : Mesin Two For One Twister (Tfo) PT. Xyz)

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    [Analysis of Noise Relationship with Work Stress on Operator Machine Part Two For One Twister (TFO) XYZ]. Issued noise is very disturbing operators TFO machine in performing their duties causing job stress. So it is necessary to measure the noise in the engine TFO with Enviro-meter then do Spearman correlation test performed with SPSS 16 software to determine the relationship of noise with work stress TFO machine operator. Spearmen correlation test results showed that a strong correlation between noise with work stress (p value = 0.042). Then efforts to reduce the noise level that will decrease stress for workers. By using Fault Tree Analysis to determine the source of the noise. Based on qualitative analysis of FTA sources of noise, the cause of the noise: forgot to give the lubricating oil,seal valve oil leak, bearing not replaced (economic life of 2 years), the traveler is not replaced (economic life of 10 days), and the machine Doubling problematic. Based on the quantitative analysis of the probability of job stress of TFO machine operator due to noise TFO machines from a known probability of 0.041. This figure shows the system is in a state fit for use

    Analisis Penerapan Material Requirement Planning (Mrp) dengan Mempertimbangkan Lot Sizing dalam Pengendalian Persediaan Kebutuhan Bahan Baku Xoly untuk Pembuatan Alkyd 9337 pada PT. Pjc

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    [Application Analysis of Material Requirement Planning Considering Lot Sizing in Inventory Control for Raw Material Needs (Xoly) for Making Alkyd 9337 in PT. PJC] PT. PJC is one of the companies producing synthetic resin in Indonesia with a current production capacity of 46,110 tons / year, production produced is a semi-finished materials. One of the raw materials that have a problem is xoly. The raw material used to produce Alkyd 9337. The problems that occur in the raw materials xoly is the company booked too many raw materials that do not suit it needs. It certainly lead to overstock raw materials in the warehouse and demanded the company must pay more for storing raw material. The method used for this problem is the lotting from Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method. Based on calculations with 9 existing MRP method is obtained that Wagner Within Algorithm WWA results obtained Rp 3,416,073,100. WWA method is an optimal solution for booking a deterministic number of units during a specified time horizon

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Peramalan Kebutuhan dan Ketersediaan Bahan Baku Batik dengan Metode Rapid Application Development (Rad)

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    Batik industry in Indonesia has the potential to improve the state's economy. However, the batik industry have instability problems of raw materials supply. This problem can lead to the inhibition of the batik SMEs production and an increase in batik raw material prices. The problem is complicated by lack of clear information about the condition of the batik raw material. Information is important for batik industry, especially the government, because it can provide an overview of the raw materials condition. The future overview is also required, considering the supply of raw materials batik problems can't be solved in a short time. Thus, the government requires a system that can manage the information and provide an overview of the demand and supply of batik raw materials, both now and in the future. Sistem Informasi Peramalan Kebutuhan dan Ketersediaan (SIPKK) Bahan Baku Batik is a proposed system to meet the demand of the batik industry. SIPKK Bahan Baku Batik main function is to collect information of demand and supply of batik raw materials from the batik SMEs and the batik material suppliers, then forecast those information. The web-based system built, so it's easily accessible. The methodology for building the system adjusts the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology. The tools that are used, include: Use Case Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, and Entity Relationship Diagram. The system has been tested using black box method and the result is the entire section of the system have been run in accordance with the design. Whereas, the forcasting system have been compared withWinQSB software and both forecasting results have no difference

    Perancangan E-commerce Pada Sentra UKM Kauman Surakarta Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design

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    Kauman is one of the tourism assets provided by the government of Surakarta as UKM (term for Middle-Low Level Business) centers. Kauman comprises the majority of sellers and manufacturers of Batik's home industries. Kauman is the second largest center of batik in the city of Solo. There are problems that the sale of batik on Kauman UKM centers decreased in the last 5 years. The owners of the home-industries complained about the lack of their income that has not met the target. It is caused by the less visitors who came to buy batik in Kauman, causing batik products were then only being sold in traditional markets around. The management of the Kauman UKM center have several difficulties in expanding market segmentation. We need a system of online sales-based e-commerce that can facilitate in marketing and selling batik products widely. The aim of this study is to design applications are integrated with e-commerce based website that contains all UKMs in the Kauman area that are ready to be implemented to the system. To reduce the level of difficulty in the use of the system, e-commerce that is designed to meet the needs of several aspects such as the user interface, USAbility, given facility, related information, and processes applied. E-commerce is designed with User Centered Design method which puts the user at the center of the system development process. From the results, it is obtained that the e-commerce design can run well integrated among the Central Administrator, the Stores and the Customers. From USAbility test results indicated that e-commerce has met the needs of USAbility aspects that can be applied as a website and that can be operated easily by the users
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