2 research outputs found

    Pengarusutamaan Gender dan Optimalisasi Peran Serikat Pekerja sebagai Upaya Perlindungan Berbasis Gender Bagi Perempuan Buruh Pabrik di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    This research aims to find strategies of gender-based protection for women worker in Karanganyar. The emergence of Legal Law (Instruksi Presiden No. 9 Tahun 2000) about gender mainstreaming making every stakeholders should integrate gender as perspective in every policy. One of efforts to protect women worker based on gender perspective could be done by implemented gender mainstreaming. Based on the research, strategy of gender-based protection for women worker could be run through worker union. Every company should have union worker and make contractual worker (PKB). The protection of women worker could be done by integrating gender perspective on contractual worker arrangement. Therefore every department in Karanganyar should implemented gender mainstreaming so monitoring and evaluation could be done by Department of Labor and Transmigration. This department should be ensure that the contractual worker in every company has a specific protection for women worker

    Peran Sentral Figur Tokoh Adat dalam Upacara Sedekah Gunung di Desa Lencoh Kecamatan Selo Kabupaten Boyolali

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    The aim of this research is to know the role that carried out by traditional custom's figure on Sedekah Gunung ceremony. The location of this research at Lencoh village, Selo subdistrict, Boyolali regency, for in this location the society preserve the Sedekah Gunung Ceremony. This is qualitative research with phenomenology suty as its approach. Data mining comes from interview with main source data which is traditional custom's figure, village chief, and the resident of the location. Meanwhile, the other data gatheres by observation and documentation. The snowball samping and purposive sampling are being used in this research. Valitidy data test using source and methods triangulation. The analysis technique using interactive analysis model which is, data collection, data reduction, data presenting dan drawing conclusion. Based on the research the result show that role traditional custom's figure can be summarized as official duty and the reader of ujub kidungan that is not replace yet and a central role on Sedekah Gunung ceremony. The conclusion of this research is that traditional custom's figure having a central role on Sedekah Gunung ceremony. Traditional custom's figure as an agent that has power with series of Sedekah Gunung rituals that been embedded within society