89 research outputs found

    Elimination of Cucumber Mozaic Virus (Cmv) From a Range of Chrysanthemum Cultivars Through Meristem Culture Following Heat Treatment

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    Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) is one of pathogenic viruses that commonly found and has caused significant losses in many chrysanthemum growers in Indonesia. Efforts have been made to get healthy plant source through eliminating virus from infected plants and one of the promising methods was the combination of thermotherapy and meristem culture. The research was conducted to find out the effect of meristem culture following heat treatments on the existence of CMV in infected chrysanthemum plantlets. The experiment was carried out in the laboratory of tissue culture and virology at The Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute (IOCRI) from August 2007 until June 2008. A complete factorial with ten replications was designed to accomplish the combination of two factors. The first factor was three chrysanthemum cultivars, namely Stroika, Dewi Sartika and White Fiji, while the second dealt with the durations of heat treatment i.e. one, two and three weeks. The results showed that plantlet survival decreased, yet improved plantlet performance by faster bud initiation with lengthened heat duration. The percentage of virus-free planlets also increased along with the duration of treatment and three weeks heat treatment followed by meristem culture effectively eliminated CMV from infected planlets

    Spectral Quality Affects Morphogenesis on Anthurium Plantlet During in Vitro Culture

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    This paper elucidates the effects of LEDs spectral on callus induction, proliferation and shoot development of anthurium plantlet derived from leaf explants. The research was conducted at the Ornamental Research Station, Fukuyama, Japan from January to August 2008. Three experimental series were designed to determine the effects of LED-based spectral compositions i.e. 100% red, 75% red + 25% blue, 50% red + 50% blue, 25% red + 75% blue and 100% blue LEDs on morphogenetic process of callus formation derived from leaf explants up to plantlet formation on two anthurium cultivars, Violeta and Pink Lady. The results showed no differences among cultivars tested but interaction of factors studied were found in all parameters observed. LEDs spectral gave significant influence on the morphogenetic processes from callus induction to complete plantlet formation. Progressive initial callus was promoted with the decrease of blue LEDs portion. Conversely, to proliferate globose to torpedo callus formation, more blue light was required than red LEDs. During shoot induction and formation, hastened shoot initiation and number of shoots were achieved in higher blue LEDs portions, but not in root formations

    Optimasi Desain Isolasi Ruang Palka Ikan Km. Berkah 9 Gt Untuk Mengurangi Laju Perpindahan Panas

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    Fishing vessel Cantrang 9 GT Type belong to Mr.H.Jupri, a fishing vessel ownership at Wedung Demak, still use block ice for cargo hold in which each its wall insulation on Sterofoam. This insulation to be used because is cheapest although it investigated to overall of total cost is rated still not optimal enough. In this final project optimizes original design of cargo hold to replaced by new design alternative in its insulation part with using insulation subtance Polyurethane. Chosen 3 thickness variation of insulations, they are 5 cm (called; Design A), 10 cm (Design B) and 15 cm (Design C). The variation used as principal data to calculate the cooling load, afterward the calculation of block ice needed which to be used for ship operational. Based on insulation and equipment of refrigeration system data, will be calculated economically that is included investation Cost and Operational Cost. The result of calculation of each alternative design that based on economically calculated Method. design C have most advantages economically than others about 36,95 % to original design

    Perencanaan Kapal Ikan Untuk Nelayan Daerah Tegal

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    Dalam penelitian ini direncanakan kapal penangkap ikan jenis purse seine 50 GT untuk daerah tangkapan nelayan kota Tegal yang efektif dan efisien dari segi teknis. Mengingat kapal tradisional yang sudah beroperasi memiliki banyak kerugian dari segi waktu berlayar dan biaya operasional. Perencanaan kapal ini dimulai dengan penentuan parameter-parameter atau batasan-batasan yang sesuai dengan USAha penangkapan yang akan dijalankan. Perencanaan ini menggunakan metode perbandingan harga displacement kapal dan volume dari ruang muat kapal dari kapal pembanding yang kemudian menghasilkan ukuran utama kapal baru. Dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan perancangan yaitu perhitungan ukuran utama, membuat rencana garis, rencana umum, analisa hidrostatik, hambatan kapal, stabilitas kapal dan analisis olah gerak kapal. Serta perhitungan jaring purse seine yang akan digunakan dan motor induk berdasarkan hasil perhitungan daya motor sesuai dengan hambatan yang dialami kapal. Hasil perancangan kapal penangkap ikan ini didapatkan hasil analisa hidrostatik, stabilitas dan olah gerak serta gambar rencana garis dan rencana umum kapal. Dari hasil hidrostatik, letak titik bouyancy terletak dibelakang midship kapal sejauh 0.360 m. Pada tinjauan stabilitas, hasil menunjukkan nilai GZ terbesar dan periode oleng tercepat terjadi pada saat kapal dengan muatan kosong tanpa ada isi yaitu pada saat kapal bersandar didermaga. Pada tinjauan olah gerak, kapal penangkap ikan memiliki olah gerak yang baik terbukti dengan tidak terjadinya deck wetness

    Pengaruh Cara Tanam Dan Metode Pinching Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Bunga Potong Anyelir

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    . Wuryaningsih, S., K. Budiarto, and Suhardi. 2008. The Effects of Cultural Practices and Pinching Methods on the Growth and Flower Production on Carnation. Carnation is one of the important cut flowers in Indonesian floriculture trade. The demand of this commodity has increased significantly up to this moment. Improvement of cultural practices is needed to make the business more efficient and profitable. The research was conducted to find out the effect of plant arrangement, plant density, and method of pinching on growth and flower production of carnation. The experiment was carried out under plastichouse conditions at Segunung Research Station, Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute from September 2004 to August 2005. A split-split plot randomized completely block design with 3 replications was used. The main plot was plant arrangements, namely zig-zag and straight in row pattern. The subplot was planting densities of 25 and 36 plants/m2, while the sub-subplot was pinching methods, namely single, 1½, and double pinching. The results of the experiment showed that the growth and flower production of carnation were not influenced by plant arrangement. Number of axillary buds was increased with less planting density. However, due to the higher number of plants per unit area, the number of harvested flowers was higher in the treatment of 36 plants/m2. Compared to 1½ and single pinching methods, double pinching only gave higher number of axillary buds and stalk length, but was not significant affect other growth and reproductive parameters

    Seleksi Ketahanan Klon-klon Harapan Krisan Terhadap Penyakit Karat

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    . Budiarto, K., I. B. Rahardjo, and Suhardi. 2008. Resistant Evaluation of Chrysysanthemum Promising Clones to Japanese White Rust Dise ase . Resistance to major disease is one of important criteria in the selection of chrysanthemum for new released varieties. Japanese white rust is considered one of constrained-diseases and become major problems in commercial chrysanthemum growers in Indonesia up to this moment. Thus, selection of progenies against this disease became important. The research was conducted from October 2002 to September 2003 to evaluate 13 accessions of chrysanthemum, comprised of 12 promising clones of no. 151.13, 159.79, 162.7, 164.28, 164.37, 164.64, 164.82, 164.88, 164.97, 164.102, 164.156, 165.12, and 1 commercial variety (cv. White Reagent) as control to white rust disease. The results of the experiments showed that the initial symptoms and white rust incidence were varied among clones tested. Among the 13 accessions, 2 clones (no. 151.13 and 164.64) were considered strongly resistant. The other 2 and 7 clones were included to the criteria of resistant and moderate resistant, respectively. While cv. White Reagent (control) and clone no. 164.37 were categorized as moderate susceptible

    Pengaruh Durasi Pemanasan terhadap Keberadaan Chrysanthemum Virus-B pada Tiga Varietas Krisan Terinfeksi

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    . Chrysanthemum virus-B (CVB) merupakan salah satu jenis virus penting yang dapat menyebabkan degenerasi pertumbuhan pada tanaman krisan. Usaha eliminasi virus pada tanaman terinfeksi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mendapatkan kembali tanaman sehat dengan potensi genetik yang sesuai dengan varietas asalnya. Usaha eliminasi ini dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode pemanasan dan kultur meristem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh durasi pemanasan terhadap kandungan partikel CVB pada plantlet 3 varietas krisan terinfeksi. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan dan Laboratorium Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Segunung dari bulan Februari hingga Agustus 2005. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan 5 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah 3 varietas krisan yaitu Cut Nyak Dien, Sakuntala, dan Yellow Fiji. Faktor kedua adalah durasi terapi pemanasan dengan 3 taraf, yaitu 1, 2, dan 3 minggu pemanasan suhu 38-40oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan toleransi antarvarietas yang dicoba terhadap durasi suhu tinggi akibat perlakuan pemanasan. Pada ketiga varietas yang dicoba, jumlah plantlet hidup pascaperlakuan pemanasan menurun seiring dengan semakin lamanya durasi pemanasan. Persentase plantlet bebas virus semakin meningkat seiring dengan lamanya durasi pemanasan yang dilakukan dan perlakuan pemanasan selama 3 minggu yang diikuti kultur meristem secara efektif dapat membebaskan plantlet krisan dari infeksi CVB

    Optimalisasi Mibew Messenger Guna Meningkatkan Pelayanan Iduhelp! Online Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Informasi yang cepat dan akurat sangat diperlukan dalam zaman yang pesat ini. Di dalam suatu perkuliahan pun sangatlah membutuhkan pelayanan yang sama yaitu informasi yang sangat baik dan sangat optimal. Pelayanan yang diberikan merupakan pelayanan yang sangat baik dan customer pun dapat memiliki pelayanan yang sangat bermanfaat. Media pelayanan yang digunakan biasanya secara Online dan Offline. Untuk saat ini media pelayanan yang diberikan dapat dilakukan secara online yaitu menggunakan media internet/browsing langsung antara customer dan operator iDuHelp! secara Langsung, dengan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik untuk customer dan operator pun memberikan menjawab semua keluhan dan pertanyaan yang di ajukan oleh customer hingga customer  mendapatkan pelayanan dan informasi seputar Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Pada penelitian menggunakan mind mapping. iDuHelp! Online adalah pelayanan informasi kampus yang sangat cepat untuk para mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi seputar perkuliahan yang ada di Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Sistem iDuHelp! adalah sistem untuk melayani Pribadi Raharja atau mahasiswa yang kesulitan dalam mencari informasi mengenai seputar Green Campus. Didalam sistem iDuHelp! Terdapat banyak sekali menu2 seperti  Home, Visitors, Chat History, Statistics, dan untuk administration terdapat menu2 seperti Canned Messages, Button code, Operators, Groups, Settings, Localize, Updates, Notifications, Profile dan Exit.  Dengan demikian mahasiswa terhindar dari segala kesulitan. Mahasiswa juga dapat melakukan layanan iDuHelp! Offline,  yang dilakukan dengan cara meninggalkan pesan  melalui email Rinfo dengan meninggalkan pesan kepada email iDuHelp!. Penyediaaan iDuHelp! Offline  diharapkan bisa memberikan kemudahan yang sama dengan iDuHelp! Online bagi setiap mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Raharja.   Kata kunci : Optimalisasi, Pelayanan, iDuHelp! Online
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