36 research outputs found

    Sebab Kematian Bayi dan Anak Balita Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1980

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    A Household Health Survey was conducted in 1980 and mortality data were collected through a retrospective interview. The deaths among infants and children in the 1-4 years age group were recorded, numbering respectively 253 and 160. Causes of death varied according to age group. Among neonatal deaths (age less than 1 month) 43,1 % were caused by tetanus. Diarrheal diseases and acute lower respiratory tracts infections were the major causes of death among infants and children 1-4 years age group

    Drug Utilization Study In Health Centers And Regency Hospitals

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    Daftar obat Standard telah disusun oleh suatu team dari Departemen Kesehatan, pada akhir tahun 1974, kemudian daftar tersebut dicantumkan dalam buku Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Instruksi Presiden Re­publik Indonesia No. 7 tahun 1975 sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan pengadaan obat jadi. Penelitian tentang pengadaan dan penggunaan obat di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit, telah diadakan pada tahun 1976 1977, di tiga Kabupaten, untuk mengetahui apakah obat yang tercantum dalam daftar obat Standard, sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan dalam pelayanan pengobatan. Dalam penelitian ini, didapati bahwa jenis-jenis obat dalam daftar obat Standard sudah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan therapie minimal di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit Kabupaten (tanpa spesialis). Jumlah dari masing-masing jenis obat perlu diperhitungkan kembali. Obat-obat dalam bentuk kemasan anak-anak perlu disediakan, karena sebagian besar penderita terdiri dari anak-anak yang memerlukan dosis khusus

    Mortality Among Infants and Preschool Children

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    Pencatatan dan pelaporan kematian telah dilakukan secara prospektif selama satu tahun, di Kabu­paten Sukabumi, pada tahun 1982 - 1983. Dalam kurun waktu tersebut tercatat angka kematian untuk semua golongan umur sebesar 10,7 %. , angka kematian Balita (0 - 4 tahun) sebesar 31,7 %. dan angka kematian bayi 75 per 1000 kelahiran hidup. Penyebab kematian utama pada anak umur 1-4 tahun adalah pneumonia 415,2; diare 272,8; tifus Perut 225,4; dan campak 83,0 per 100.000 anak. Kurang gizi merupakan pendamping dari penya­kit yang menyebabkan kematian. Pada bayi umur 1 - 11 bulan, penyebab kematian yang utama adalah pneumonia 1106,4; diare 510,6; campak 340,4; meningitis 340,4; batuk rejan 297,9 dan tetanus 212,8 per 100.000 bayi lahir hidup. Kurang gizi sering merupakan pendamping dari penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian. Kematian pada bayi umur kurang dari 1 bulan, umumnya disebabkan tetanus 1574,5; immatu-ritas 851,1; hypoxia atau asphyxia 425,5 per 100.000 bayi lahir hidup. Untuk menurunkan angka kematian bayi dan anak 1 - 4 tahun, cakupan immunisasi pada ibu hamil dan bayi serta anak 1 - 4 tahun perlu ditingkatkan; di samping mengadakan latihan tentang pera­watan tali pusat. Penyuluhan tentang hygiene dan sanitasi perlu ditingkatkan untuk mencegah timbulnya penyakit menular

    Pola Pengobatan Sendiri oleh Masyarakat (Survai Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1980)

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    Pattern on self-treatment was studied from Household Health Survey in 1980. The major disease symptoms identified by lay-men were cough 15.2%, fever 12.9% and running-nose 9.4%. Thirty-four percent of the people being ill, had self treatment as their first action taken. Modem medication were used by 84.6% of those having self-treatment, and antipyretic-analgesics were most frequently used (52,1 %). Traditional medicine was utilized by 20% cases having self-treatment. The subjective outcome of self-treatment, showed that 76.4% cases had improved or were cured. The final result of self-treat­ment did not show very much difference as compared to medical treatment

    Masalah Kesehatan pada Ibu Hamil dan Bersalin : Survai Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1986

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    A Household Health Survey was conducted in 7 provinces, in the period of August 1985 through May 1986. One of its objectives was to investigate the utilization of maternal health care services and the maternal health status. Data were collected retrospectively concerning mortality and the utilization of health services. The coverage of antenatal health care was 48.7% of current pregnant women, and .62.9% of delivering mothers. Among delivering mothers,"34.2% at least ever had 4 visits for antenatal care. Health centers were more frequently visited for antenatal care, covering 58.7% of all antenatal care visits. However, 84.7% delivering mothers preferred to give birth at home, among which 69.2% were assisted by traditional birth attendants. Completed tetanus immunization was provided to 50.3% of delivering mothers who had at least 3 antenatal care visits during their pregnancy periods. Anaemia was found in 73.7% of pregnant women, out of which 4.0% had severe anaemia. Maternal mortality associated with obstetric causes was 450 per 100,000 live births, which is high in comparison with other ASEAN countries. To overcome maternal health problems, the coverage and quality of antenatal care and delivery assistance should be improved, especially for early detection of high risk pregnancies, who would have to be referred to more qualified medical assistance for treatment as well as delivery. Distribution of maternal health care services should be made easily accessible and acceptable by the community

    Pola Penyakit Penyebab Kematian Bayi: Survai Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1986

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    Infant mortality data had been collected through a National Household Health Survey in 7 provin­ces, which was conducted in August 1985 through May 1986. Retrospectively, the sampled population were interviewed about the occurence of births and deaths in the last one year period. Diagnosis for causes of deaths were made by medical doctors, based on verbal "autopsy". In the survey, 7951 live births and 571 infant deaths were recorded, and the infant mortality rate was 71.8 per 1000 live births. Comparing to 1980 Health Survey, the infant mortality rate was 99.7 per 1000 live births. Immunizable diseases were the underlying cause of 1926.0 infant deaths per 100,000 live births, i.e. covering 28.0% infant deaths. Within this group, tetanus was the most prevalent, it killed 1383.5 infants per 100,000 live births, i.e. 19.4% infant deaths. Diarrheal diseases were the underlying cause of 1119.8 infant deaths per 100,000 live births, i.e. 15.5% infant deaths. While diarrhea associated infant deaths were found in 18.7% cases. Respiratory infections, as an underlying cause, killed 867.8 infants per 100,000 live births, i.e. 12.1% infant deaths. Respiratory infection associated deaths were found in 1798.5. infants per 100,000 live births. Perinatal disorders frequently occurred during the neonatal periode (less than 1 month), and it kil­led 1433.8 infants per 100 000 live births

    Estimasi Kematian Maternal dengan Metoda Saudara Kandung Perempuan di Jawa Barat (Sisterhood Method)

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    In 1990, the Sisterhood Method was applied in West Java, for an indirect estimate of maternal mortality. The estimated live time risk of maternal death was 0.0258 or the probability of maternal death was one out of 39 women by the end of their reproductive age, and the maternal mortality ratio was 4.9 per 1000 live births referring to a time location of 12.0 years ago (1977). Estimates derived from young respondents aged 15 - 24 years have to be corrected, since their sisters might not have got married, and estimates of the elder respondents aged 50 years and over are biased due to their poor recall of the passed events. Excluding the two groups of respondents, the live time risk of maternal death was estimated to be 0.0248 or the probability of maternal death was one out of 40 women by the end of their reproductive age, and the maternal mortality ratio was 4.7 per 1000 live births referring to a time location of 12.8 years ago (1977). The trend of maternal death, from 1972 through 1981, has not declined. The sisterhood method provides an approach suitable for estimating maternal mortality at a national and provincial level, complementing the findings of smaller scale in depth studies