12 research outputs found

    Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma Longa) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Dan Pseudomonas SP.

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    : Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a plant that is known to have medicinal properties, especially the rhizome. The active compound that contained in the rhizomes are able to work as an antibacterial. This study aimed to measure the inhibitory of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) extract against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas sp. This was an experimental laboratory study. The polar extract of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) was tested by well method with concentration of 40%, 20%, 10%, and 5%. The result showed that the polar extract of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) with a concentration of 40%, 20%, 10%, 5% can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus with the average of each is 15,0 mm, 14,5 mm, 13,5 mm and 11,0 mm while Pseudomonas sp with a mean diameter of each is 13,1 mm, 11,1 mm, 9,3 mm and 8,8 mm. Conclusion: The polar extract of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) has an inhibitory effect against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas sp

    Uji Resistensi Bakteri Escherichia Coli Yang Diisolasi Dari Plak Gigi Terhadap Merkuri Danantibiotik Siprofloksasin

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    : Mercury-resistant bacteria can be found in the oral cavity, especially in dental plaques which are exposed to mercury in amalgam. Albeit, not all mercury resistant bacteria must be resistant to antibiotics. This study aimed to determine the level of the resistance of Escherichia coli in mercury and to determine whether the mercury-resistant bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. This study used a descriptive exploratory method with samples of Escherichia coli bacteria, mercury, and antibiotics that were available in the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology University of Sam Ratulangi Manado. The bacterium E. coli were grown in four concentrations of mercury. The results showed that E. coli was resistant to mercury. However, in three repetitions of antibiotic it was found that E. coli was still sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Based on the results, it is advisable to do a similar study in groups using the same antibiotic but with different treatments

    Identifikasi Bakteri Resisten Merkuri Dalam Urine, Feses, Dan Karang Gigi Pada Individu Di Daerah Pesisir Pantai Desa Pulisan Kecamatan Likupang Timur Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    : Mercury is a metal that is very harmful for health human and the environment if not properly mercury polluted sea water can be exposed to humans especially those living in coastal areas with high consumption of marine products. Mercury pollution in the ocean triggered a mercury-resistant bacteria therefore researchers are interested in finding out if the bacteria are resistant to mercury in urine, feces, and tartar. Research design is fashion descriptive explorative. Samples taken in this study is urine, feces, and tartar on individuals who have settled more than 30 years in the rural coastal districts Pulisan, Likupang eastern district north Minahasa regency then tested in morphology, physiology and biochemistry at the FMIPA Sam Ratulangi University Sam Ratulangi biotechnology lab. Result of the study showed the presence of mercury-resistant bacteria in samples taken were found proved by mercury resistant bacteria 4 of 6 isolates that survive up to 40 ppm and 20 ppm in HgCl2 on Phenyl mercury is Bacillus sp, E.coli, Streptococcus sp, and Staphylococcus sp

    Uji Resistensi Bakteri Escherichia Coli Yang Diisolasi Dari Plak Gigi Terhadap Merkuri Dan Antibiotik Kloramfenikol

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    : Mercury is a liquid element at room temperature. Some main effects of mercury are dysfunctional of brain, kidneys and lungs, tremor, anxiety or nervous, insomnia, fetal growth restriction, and liver damage in pregnancy. Dental plaque is a soft material that attach on tooth\u27s surface, dental filling, or calculus. Antibiotic is a chemical substance that has the ability to inhibit the growth and kill microorganisms. Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that useful for treatment of a number of bacterial infections and anaerobic bacteria. The research using descriptive method. Subject of the research was mercury resistence Escherichia coliwhich isolated from dental plaque with dental filling and grew at broth Luria Bertani (LB) and solid LB. The result of observation on bacteria after incubated at 370C for 24 hours showed that at HgCl2, with available dilution, found bacteria at dental plaque with higher amounts of growth at 10ρρm concentration, intermediate amount of growth at 20ρρm concentration, and less amount of growth at 40ρρm concentration. As the result of observation on Escherichia coli after 24 hours of incubation, researcher found that the inhibition zone diameter of Eschericia coli for 30μg chloramphenicol was 20mm (>12mm) during first, second, and third treatment and included in sensitive category. Conclusion: As the result of this research, the inhibition zone diameter of Eschericia coli for 30μg chloramphenicol was 20mm (>12mm) during first, second, and third treatments and included in sensitive category

    Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Daun Lidah Mertua (Sansevieriae Trifasciata Folium) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia Coli Dan Streptococcus SP

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    : Mother in law\u27s tongue plant has some active compounds inter alia saponin, polyphenol, and flavonoid that have antibacterial effects. This study aimed to identify whether the antibacterial effects of mother in law\u27s tongue leaf (Sansevieria Trifasciata) towards the growth of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus sp. This was an experimental laboratory study. The concentrations of mother in law\u27s tongue leaf extract were tested with well methods, as follows: 5%, 10%, 20%, and 40%. The results showed that this extract at concentration of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 40% could inhibit the growth of E. coli with the average diameters of inhibition zones as follows: 7.8 mm, 13 mm, 14.5 mm, and 17.3 mm meanwhile of Streptococcus sp. with the average diameters of inhibition zones, as follows: 4.6 mm, 9.6 mm, 13 mm, and 15.3 mm. Conclusion: Ethanol extract of mother in law\u27s tongue leaves (Sansevieria Trifasciata) has antibacterial activities against the growth of E. coli and Streptococcus sp. The higher the concentration is, the broader the inhibition zone is

    Gambaran Pola Asupan Makanan Pada Remaja Di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    : Food pattern is an important criteria that affecting the nutrition and to fulfill the need of balanced nutrition. Adolescents are often indicated as vulnerable because of their massive growth and development as well as their highly needs of energy to do various of physical activities. The insufficiency of food pattern can easily affecting due to their imbalanced growth and development, and increase higher risk prior to many chronic diseases regarding their adultery life. The importance of balanced food pattern and nutrition intake in adolescence and there has been no amount of research applied for North Bolaang Mongondow province attract the writer to do this research. The main purpose of this research is to know the pattern of food and nutrition consumption in adolescent. This research is a descriptive study with the design of cross sectional. The results showed the majority of food consumed by adolescents are rice (90%), fishes (77,5%), tofu (47,5%), water spinach (57,5%), banana (32,5%), milk (47,5%), bread (47,5%), and cola-cola (30%) for >1/day frequent. The amount of energy consumption is severely insufficient (97,5%), carbohydrate consumption is 1/day with minimum amount of food and incomplete of consumption each of time

    Isolasi Bakteri Resisten Merkuri Pada Urin Pasien Dengan Tumpatan Amalgam Di Puskesmas Paniki Bawah

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    : Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals. Although it can be harmful for human health, the use of mercury in daily life virtually covers all aspects of human life, including its use as the material for dental amalgam fillings. The mercury in amalgam may enter the body, be absorbed by the digestive tract, and then be excreted through the urine. There are bacteria known to be resistant to mercury. This stduy was aimed to obtain and identify the mercury-resistant bacteria in the urine of patients with amalgam fillings. This was a descriptive-explorative study using urine samples of 2 patients who had used amalgam fillings for at least 6 months at Puskesmas (primary health care) Paniki Bawah. The samples underwent morphology, physiology, and biochemistry tests at the Microbiology Laboratory of Pharmacy FMIPA Sam Ratulangi University. The results showd that there were 3 genus of mercury resistant bacteria that survived in 10 ppm, 20 ppm, and 40 ppm concentrations of mercury, as follows: Bacillus, Klebsiella, and Staphylococcus. Conclusion: There are 3 genus of mercury resistant bacteria in the urine of patients with amalgam dental fillings