3 research outputs found

    The Effect of Fermentation TIME and Inoculum Amount on Total Sugar, Total Acid, Total Flavonoid, Total Phenol, and Inhibition of Alpha-glucosidase Activity of Red Ginger Kombucha (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe)

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    Kombucha contains organic compounds that are beneficial to the body, namely B complex vitamins, organic acids, and other compounds. The manufacture of kombucha apart from tea is the red ginger platn (Zingiber officinaleroscoe). Red ginger kombucha fermentation was carried out for 0-14 days with the addition of 10% and 20% incoculum. The fermentation time and the amount of inoculum affected decreasing the total sugar content and pH value, as well as increasing the total acid content, total flavonoid, total phenol, and the ability to inhibit the activity of the alpha glucosidase enzyme. Total acid content, total flavonoid, total phenol, and inhibition of alpha glucosidase enzyme activity increased to 0.22 mg/ml, 19.62 ppm, and 56.70%. The decrease in total sugar and pH values reached 60.80 mg/ml and 3.42

    Pengayaan Asam Folat Pada Jus Pisang Fermentasi Menggunakan Kultur Bakteri Asam Laktat (Folic Acid Enrichment of Fermented Banana Juice with Lactic Acid Bacteria)

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    Asam folat (Vitamin B9) terlibat dalam berbagai metabolisme. Kekurangan folat bertanggung jawab atas beberapa masalah kesehatan. Fermentasi bahan pangan untuk menghasilkan minuman kaya asam folat menggunakan bakteri asam laktat (BAL) merupakan upaya untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan akibat defisiensi folat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fermentasi jus pisang menggunakan BAL terhadap kandungan asam folat jus pisang. Jus pisang difermentasi selama 48 jam pada suhu 37oC dengan kultur tunggal Lactobacillus plantarum dan kultur campuran BAL yaitu Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum dan Bifidobacterium breve. Perubahan karakteristik asam folat diamati setiap 8 jam selama 0-48 jam fermentasi. Selain itu, diamati pula Perubahan pH, total asam, protein terlarut dan gula pereduksi. Identifikasi monomer asam folat dilakukan pada kondisi fermentasi paling optimum dengan menggunakan LC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi dapat mempengaruhi kandungan asam folat, pH, total asam, gula pereduksi dan protein terlarut dari jus pisang. Selama fermentasi, pH sampel menurun diikuti dengan peningkatan total asam. Nilai gula pereduksi dan protein terlarut cenderung berfluktuasi. Kondisi optimum peningkatan kandungan asam folat diperoleh pada fermentasi menggunakan mix kultur LAB selama 32 jam dengan kandungan asam folat 34,07 mg/mL, pH 4,00, total asam 0,51%, gula pereduksi 119,17 mg/L dan protein terlarut 0,43 mg/mL. Identifikasi monomer asam folat pada kondisi optimum fermentasi didominasi senyawa dengan berat molekul 442,49 Dalton (Da)

    Effect of Type and Concentration of Encapsulating Agents on Physicochemical, Phytochemical, and Antioxidant Properties of Red Dragon Fruit Kombucha Powdered Beverage

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    Kombucha is a healthy beverage from the fermentation of sugared tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). There is a growing interest on kombucha due to the reported health benefits. The original kombucha is prepared using only sweetened black tea infusion. The development of kombucha, however, has been reported to incorporate other plant water extracts. A previous study showed that kombucha beverage using red dragon fruit (RDF) as an alternative substrate gave the highest antioxidant activity at 15 days of fermentation. RDF kombucha instant powder could be a new food product development due to its longer shelf life, convenience, and low distribution cost. This study aimed to determine the best and the concentration of encapsulating agent for RDF kombucha powdered beverage which could retain the antioxidant properties. RDF kombucha was spray dried using maltodextrin, gum arabic, and inulin as the encapsulating agents with various concentrations (5%, 10%, and 15%). Gum arabic was the best encapsulating agent since it gave the highest values of drying yield, pH, and total phenolic content retention, in comparison to the other two encapsulating agents. Within the observed concentrations, the incorporation of gum arabic resulted in RDF kombucha powder with a similar appearance, red colour, and antioxidant retention. Thus, the 5% addition of gum arabic is recommended for future preparations of RDF kombucha powdered beverage